I'm Kira.
I'm Kira
And I'm.... Etsuo?
more Netflix garbage
Last Nigger on Earth starring Tom Hanks
Why isn't it "Killer" if it's set in usa?
Hes probably a weeb
Looks like a younger version of RENT GUY from SPIDERMAN
I guess there is some reason for it
My hunch is this plays out like a Final Destination movie with a heavy emphasis on the whacky way they can kill people
It's like another Ghost in the Shell in my mouth. Fucking oishii.
Death Note is transgender and pedophile propaganda to further-degrade Western values.
why not killah
ghostface killah
Actors aside, am I the only one that likes this photo? The lighting looks nice.
Having set-pieces would probably be pretty terrible, but I think it would be decent having a few creative deaths. The movie isn't anime, so it would be hard to make people having heart attacks exciting, or not get tedious after a while.
> obnoxious neon everywhere for cheap stylization
> lighting
Alright, should've said "cheap stylization" rather than "lighting. I still stand behind it.
That's Elya Baskin you fucking philistine.
You said the same thing for Riverdale
i'll be dissapointed if there isn't at least a reference to this and Keikaku
Takes places in Seattle
I live in Washington
I'll watch it, and I'll like it
And I'm Javert
How old is this guy? Seems long in the tooth for someone who's supposed to be in high school. Or maybe they changed that.
Heh, i've seen this said by other shows or movies and they are shit.
Do not forget my name
It will be creative, probably good, or decent, but they'll change a lot. You can't adapt an anime into a good american movie without changing a lot.
I read this in pic related's voice