What happened to their world?
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Irrelevant to the story
Comet or asteroid. Pretty sure it was silicosis that killed his dad.
Global warming
solar flares
donald trump
The taste of cinnamon toast crunch.
Black ppl
Pretty sure it was lung cancer seen as we see him smoking several times you mong.
Not sure. The book never says it either. Just that the wife sees a flash outside the window of their house that she had to turn away from.
a bright flash and a series of low concussions retard
mass immigration
Yellowstone went boom
What did Aragorn mean by this?
>tfw your wife would rather die than hang out with you and your son scavenging the road
I read the book and got the impression that all the plants died somehow. For some reason I also remember they had a farm but it stopped producing. Maybe Im just making this up but I swear i thought this was in the book
>that cannibal scene
Shut the fuck up NIGGER.
>b-but dad hes just hungry. Boo hoo hoo
Shut the fuck up son, this guy could have killed us
*kid cries*
>b-but daddy...
God damnit
Could that scene have been filmed today? Back then you could clearly hold black people to the same standard as everyone else I'm assuming since that scene was indeed in there.
Because of the random burning shit and generally nuclear winterness minus the radiation. Seems to be comet impact to me!? Lack of sunlight causing mass extinction event/acidity of soil etc etc
its implied bombed by the Chinese
No fucking way dude. 2009 was a completely different time. Before the libtard police took over and started policing their thoughts like they're currently doing under Comrade Trump.
Chinks dropped a nuke in Yellowstone.
>wanting to be the model post-apocalyptic family in a edgy as fuck post-apocalyptic world
Nah bruh.
wasn't it pretty obviously nuclear holocaust?
One that turned everyone into cannibal rednecks, yes.
I actually do think it was a supervolcano eruption. In the book it said there were a bunch of bodies frozen in time from the event. Reminds me of the remains of Pompeii.
man, we've seen what happens to you guys during extreme weather, it's not hard to imagine a mad max scenario in the case of nuclear war
Never smoked in the book, but I imagine that's why they introduced it in the movie - so they wouldn't have to explain what killed him.
I could go for that.
pstd from killing orcs
>no radioactive fallout
This. It's actually what Earth will look like if Trump gets a second term. Good thing that's not going to happen.
Please don't respond to this. It's not even b8, it's a joke.
the book was super ambiguous but people acting all weird and nothing growing and the sky all ashen and grey sorta sounds like nuclear winter to me
Dopey user makes a shitpost. Apologizes for it in spoilers. Sad!
Dormfp got the nuclear codes
Ok guys, let's settle this once for all
Did Guy Pierce and his gf harvest the kids for eating them later on or they are actually good guys saving kids?
Would it be better if I didn't apologize? I probably would have gotten more (You)s like that.
they ate the kid they "saved" at the end.
My dad cried with this film.
ITT: dumb fucks who didn't read the fucking book and wonder why they don't understand jackshit
Was Tony really shot at the diner?
Who really cares, it's irrelevant
>he reads books
What a fucking loser.
nuclear winter is caused simply by ash, soot and smoke being ejected into the atmosphere and blocking out the sun, the same scenario occurs in a volcanic or impact winter.
i feel like a war would be more likely to cause a collapse of society than a natural disaster. idk. it's kind of pointless to argue it
>tfw all these chlorophyll plebs starve to death while you live like the king on your mushroom farm
So, The Road literally showed what happend to poor humans who had to stay on earth after all the rich people were going to another planet that humans colonized like they show in Interstallar?
yeah but you're a retarded faggot
how would you know though? You can't see anything by reading a book.
That could also be a massive volcano erruption. It's one out of two. Pick what you want.
Yellowstone blew up
Seriously, though. What the fuck was wrong with his wife?
she was just a cunt
just a typical american woman
How fucking young are you kid? This isn't some far-flung age ago, that was less than a decade. And you exaggerate SJW shit. Compare this to Eddie Murphy's Delirium special. Now THAT is something that you couldn't do today. He rags on gays and is serious in his attitude concerning them. Nowadays everybody says fag but rarely refer to gays, in that special he goes all out.
>trump supporter
>fishes for (you)s
Fucking gen z faggots.
Nothing. She lost hope and didn't want to continue living in a shitty world. Doesn't make her a cunt, just a pussy bitch.
You would be surprised at the sheer amount of people that would kill themselves because their couldn't have their morning lattes, day time soaps, and shit posting on the internet.