Hillary BTFO by her own running mate

Hillary BTFO by her own running mate


It's like Hillary is purposely shooting herself in the foot

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How do i save this shit before its deleted!

>out of context

give the full clip

context doesn't matter in this case though but nice try.

How much more context do you fucking need, Correct The Record shill?

wew fuckin lad

I can't make webms :(

oh yeah? that's interesting

Sounds like a real problem alright

It was clearly on Meet the Press so the video is already out there floating around, pretty hard to delete a video that's been floating around in the ether on an extremely popular TV show.

Somebody needs to tweet this to Trump's campaign, I don't have a Twitter account

we all know he is a semi cuck.

not the same as calling for your running mate to be thrown in prison.

kek'd shill

>saying ban all Muslims = putting national security at risk

I mirrored it

You can save on either site, just right click and save.

Thank you for Correcting the Record(TM). $0.26 has been deposited into your account.

someone confirm this link

Kane wanted the TPP
rummer has it that he loves NAFTA so much that he outsourced his business.Making metal bike racks. Shills

Funny, because the TPP doesn't land anyone in prison, while giving out classified information should according to Hillary's VP. There is no mental gymnastics you can throw, because someone can change a position on a policy matter, but Hillary's breach of national security is NOT a policy matter.

Correct that fucking record, faggot


Back to your safe spaces!

Don't be a pussy, this guy seems legit

>Posting non arguments
Try again when your balls drop, friend

>shilling this hard

And what exactly am I shilling, Muhammad?

Why is this even a big deal. Pence said that the Muslim ban was unconstitutional and disagrees with a ton of stuff with trump.

tpp seemingly

He wasn't, the other guy is a correct the record shill

Not at all, I'm saying that someone can change their mind on a policy issue, meaning I believe that Trump (who holds more power) is able to convince Pence otherwise or override his beliefs. I am anti TPP, and so is Trump, but not Hillary

As for the Hillary issue, that is a criminal matter. Changing your mind on an issue such as that, without any new evidence proving her innocence coming out, is next to impossible. His statement was different than Pence's as well, since Pence did not condemn Trump in his pro-TPP tweet, while Kaine said
"She can get away with things even I can't" and that's presumably unfair, especially on that issue.

You're firing the wrong shots at the wrong guy

Disagreement on policy is a little different than your running mate suggesting that there should be (legal) consequences for an action that you did

I misread it. my bad

Thanks real China, you're the greatest ally

>muh emails


>15% contained classified information
kek, yeah, big deal am I right?

Actually yeah, that's a HUGE deal!

>muh downplaying the significance of mishandling state secrets so that every country in the world with any cyber spying program can freely and easily snoop in on them at any time and potentially use this as blackmail/leverage against you as President in the future

Nice try, Correct the Record(TM).

>Funny, because the TPP doesn't land anyone in prison

You don't automatically go to jail the moment you are suspected to have broken a law you stupid cunt.

Get better shills, Hillary

Too much Somali cum in your eyes Sven?

oh look it's canada, y-yay

What I'm saying is the TPP, although a terrible deal, is not a crime

Sending classified information out in unsecured emails? For any normal person, it is a crime

Comey literally said in his statement that just because Hillary is getting off the hook doesn't mean that somebody else who did the same thing wouldn't face consequences

How on Earth can you interpret this as anything other than her getting preferential treatment due to who she is?

The pure unadulterated audacity of you shills never ceases to amaze me

>he thinks government servers are more secure than private servers

>he thinks that this corrects the record
Provide me proof, because you just made an allegation that's a little too far fetched to believe

I think so.
I dont see any private kids having more security than the NSA

>An unsecure email server with an "@clintonemail.com" email address has the same security or more than a state department email

Go to bed Canada

>state department email

whoa that sounds so scary and technical

Literally, not an argument

Are you having trouble there?

Go home, you'll never steal Australia's title

now thats just some weak ass shilling bro

Real China, stop burning his forests

kek what a horrible attempt

no one types like this! you fucking kike

BASED. I am now a kaine voter.

>Kaine playing 9D Underwater Badmitton and gonna house of cards the presidency after she gets indicted

>It's like Hillary is purposely shooting herself in the foot

Okay Sup Forums how many times have we said that in this election? 10 times? 20 times? The point is that there is something going on here. No one is this dumb. I am seriously getting paranoid because this stupid behavior just doesn't make any sense.

>9D Underwater Badmitton

There are two possibilities in my mind.

1. Her advisors either suck, are over-confident, or hate her.

2. She is reckless and didn't vet the guy properly due to her over-confidence and desire to win Virginia.

I don't think she is smart enough to do the outrageous shit that Trump does and then spin it to her advantage, we have her own running mate suggesting that there should be legal consequences for what she did, no idea how you can spin that positively for yourself even with 4D 3 dimensional basketball olympics

You in taichung?

I'm actually in mainland China, ironically enough, just using a proxy so I can post here

I'm not Chinese though

in b4 Hillary intentionally throws the election because shes TRUMPS pal
the exact opposite of what liberals thought!

Maybe she doesn't care what she does because she knows they'll rig it for her anyway. The stupid goyim might as well be casting their votes into a paper shredder.

It's something I've thought about too. I'm not sure what kind of checks and balances against vote rigging there are, if any. Does anybody know if there are any?

What are you doing in China, white man?

What are you doing in Canada, yellow man?

All I can think of is they wouldn't do it because corruption on that scale would be impossible to cover up.


[spoiler]I'm actually not yellow.[/spoiler]

Hillary didn't give classified info to anybody.

This is why you tutor English for a living.

They wouldn't have to do it on a massive scale, if they did do it. Only in the places that mattered, and only a small boost to the real numbers.

My concern is who controls the machines.

Hillary left classified information out in the open so that any hacker or government could see it. She didn't have to give it to anyone.

This is why you shill for $0.10 a post on a South African Basket-Weaving image board

Why Hillary Clinton wins: First official Madam President of the United States of America.

Also, everything is rigged.

>hillary flipflopping

Yeah that's not new. Watch youtube.com/watch?v=kp2akjuUULI

>"Clinton private server: 113 emails contained information which was classified at the time it was sent, though only a small number contained markings indicating they were classified, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret." Nearly 2,100 emails on the server were retroactively marked as classified by the State Department."

>Security Breaches: "Clinton's server was configured to allow users to connect openly from the Internet and control it remotely using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services."


It makes moderate peaceful muslims angry and then they'll blow shit up.

Yes, we better let anyone come into our countries, if we don't let them in they will hate us and kill us. Better to just do what they tell us!

Welcome to the left.

>0.02 USD has been deposited into your account