
It's been 36 years Sup Forums. How is it that there has not been a King Arthur movie yet that has been able to top John Boorman's Excalibur Sup Forums?


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That movie was a real boor, man.

For a shitskin like yourself, sure, I guess.

It's a brilliant movie. like a dream. you know any attempt today would be full of force diversity and faggotry. We should just enjoy what we got.

Did you seriously not get that joke

>Hollywood exists almost 100 years
>still no Byzantinekino

Why though?

>Charlie Hunnam

>Come father. Let us embrace.

At first it would have been really expensive to film
Now it would make muslims looks bad

>No historical kino showing the sufferings of white people at the hands of the Ottoman empire

It pains me something like this will never get made but at least I could always look for non-Hollywood historical films if I want some good ones.

gold armor is fucking cool

Muslims weren't even a big deal until the end of the empire when they became too weakened to repel them anymore. They got btfo with relative ease until then.

I like the Merlin miniseries better


1:47:56 has the same scene the OP posted, but I think it's done much better. It's the moment when Merlin knows Arthur will be a good king, and the audience knows it too.

sam neill was a good merlin.

Excalibur is the best. It's also more true to The Once and Future King than any other adaptation.

Your assumptions are correct:

thats why the other fag who suggested that deleted his post.

boorman is trash with some ok cinematography. I can see why snyder likes him

Hello newfaggot. You can't delete your posts. You have to go back.


Snyder is that you?

The West has a strong hate boner against the ERE because they can't deal with the fact that a bunch of Greeks kept Rome alive in the east up until the Middle Ages.

What does Sup Forums think about the more historically accurate Arthur movie?


isn't there a movie about the Armenian genocide coming out that caused massive Turkish butthurt

It wasn't very good.

It's still not very historically accurate, and it pretended it is.
If you don't kiss Turk abdomen in your movie that involves them they're going to be butthurt so who the fuck cares about what they think?


It's one of the most masterfully done films of all time in terms of tone. There's a very deliberate progression from hammy acting and cheesy stereotypical fantasy costumes and set design in the beginning to a more realistic down to earth tone towards the end. I think that's lost on a lot of people, and it was a really bold move by Boorman, but given how people still talk about it maybe it was ultimately successful.

I don't think it 'pretended' shit, it was about the roots of the myth not the myth itself. King Arthur isn't a factual character.

This. I keep forgetting this was a mini-series, in my mind its just one 3 hour movie.

>wanting rehashes of rehashes

No thanks.


Holy Shit. Look who it is!


Absolute garbage.

>How is it that there has not been a King Arthur movie yet that has been able to top John Boorman's Excalibur
Because there hardly have been any Arthurian Legend movies at all. Fag.

Sadly, pic related has poisoned every King Arthur movie for me, yes, including Excalibur. Can't even watch it without spouting lines, or giggling at how it went down in pic related.

What an absolutely incredible scene man. Arthur has the perfect blend of courage and innocence, and you can tell Uryens wants to kill him so bad, but when he gets Excalibur he's so visibly swamped by human emotion and compassion and love that he swears fealty instead. There will never be another like it. Anyone else that likes bursts of compassion and shocks like this should watch Spartacus with Kirk Douglas. I definite thought of the scene with draba in the arena after watching.