what do you think of this bad country?
What do you think of this bad country?
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Didnt force my ancestors to build a railway on quarter rations. Pretty good impressions so far
I thought that was your flag
Not so bad to live senpai
It is bad since it does not belong to glorious Nippon
Will i got go to korean prison if i hook up with a girl from green street?
South korea? More like South gayrea lmao
i think japan's a better country senpai
south korea is better than china tho
Best two oriental countries: Japan, and S.Korea. I used to think S. Korea was for Shit Korea- but my brother moved there to teach English and later went back with the Army. I have 7 or so great friends from SK- the best of which ---- Yu and I went to the Gallapagos once, funny bastards- really.
Most feminist country in all of East and Southeast Asia.
please annex us ご主人樣
Don't like the taste
>Insanely good work ethic
>From my impression, wise people
>Very strict, for better or for worse
>Very humble and mannered
I have little education on the history of Korea or their culture. It's one of the things I've been looking to do in the coming months. I get a generally positive impression from their modern day entertainment values. Pop culture is similar to Japan. Also greatly endorses competitive games.
japan jr
A lot better than your shitty country
I like South Korea better than you bro :|
Quick someone post the Korean blowing out the Jap who talked about the educational system in Korea
South korea is gay.
Got u f@m
At least it doesn't smell like shit.
Unlike Ningbo, Xiamen, or Shanghai.
It is not as good as Best Korea
Too much west wannabe
I still have a hearty chuckle everytime I see this
pic related
I like your proxy
I remember that thread lol
Rightful Japanese clay.
That's not Japanese school tho.
Majority of Japanese children don't even study hard.
>1 and 1 bomb is end of war
Fucking savage.
Thanks buddy
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Higher potential than Nippon, but lacking in creativity. Waste of human potential.
>8am study Japanese for half hour
>8:30 am learn how to suck American dick for one and a half hours.
>Japan suck american dick
>Implying south korea doesnt suck more american dick than japan.
You cant defend yourselves you pathetic plastic surgery abominations. You let America stick its dick inside you to defend against kim jong un (Aka millitary bases).
I lived in Japan for 8 years before I came here. They definitely suck more dick.
They don't really have a choice though I guess considering America basically castrated them.
Inferior shit Korea. North Korea best Korea.
dude you just made me and my waifu burst out laughing. We both have always thought this but never have we seen it memed.
>Hong Hong
>much hatred toward on Japan
Please Stop bumping this shitty thread
smells bad and their people are illiterate. Why didn't you 731 them instead of us?
How do you know for only 8 years?
I bet 100% you can't speak any Japanese language.
its good
but a lot of black people and european scum
so not good i guess too
Halfway between Chinamen and Japanese
So they're kinda like a less extreme version of Abos. A missing link between barbarians and civilized people.
Modern mainland China is even worse, Hong Kong. You get a pass but fuck the mainland Chinese.
eat shit Kim Jong Un
The niggers of asia but in a good way.
South Korea has like the lowest crime rate in the world.
Pretty sure that actually is Japan. Of course when I saw that statistic it also said that Germany was 2nd lowest so maybe it's changed
And I don't really give a fuck, they're still halfbreeds of Chinamen and Japanese, and can sometimes act as shitty as the former.
At least they're part Japanese after WWII.
1 9 8 4
Prime example of what a bit of western imperialism can do to a backwards shithole.
Don't listen to the critics. Keep up the good work, Nippon!
mainland are worse than most but not moslems or mexicans. I would rank them about the same as canadians. Arrogant and ignorant, but ultimately docile
Oh yeah, I meant compared to Koreans.
The difference between Chinese and Canadians is Canadians pleasure dogs sexually while Chinese torment them in the most inhuman ways possible.
I imagined Japan with a childish voice and an asian accent
This is 10/10
at least homosexuality is so looked down upon there. they're not even religious, they don't need religions to ban homosexuality and tattoo studios. unlike you.
S o u r c e
fuck you gook
shit country of slaves
Good at trolling the japs