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>marvel nu-males BTFO: Edition

Hyped for aquakino bros?

Other urls found in this thread:


>aquaman is more beastly than half the JL and Avengers

What a time bros

dcucks sure love posting pictures of men's bodies.

This is embarrassing

>sea man

KYS capeshitter

Hi fat cunts

>Associating yourself with childish comic book shit
You Sup Forumsedditors and Twitter fags are pathetic

How gay are you to actually have to keep posting DC actors working out and how big their muscles are...

I wish I made a screenshot of when this DC Fag stated "What's so wrong with admiring big muscle men bodies."

You really are gay mate

>drinks guiness from a can

he is literally the most nu-male ever

i can smell their testosterone through my screen

he can wear a hello kitty backpack and he'd still be less 4 million times less nu-male than you

>being a fan of DC

There's nothing wrong appreciating masculinity, user.

Is that his stunt double?

I'm a DChad and I believe in fitness. To be a weakling like you is sickening. It's worse than sickening. It's unpatriotic.


>not appreciating the male physique

>There's nothing wrong appreciating masculinity

is this how it feels like to be gay? Being fully appreciative of the male form a la Adonis?

God cavil has such shit genes compared to the rest of them. Even hgh gut cyborg I can work with but cavils exertions..yikes


Funny how dcbros could be talking about how much do they like big cocks in their asses and sitll be less gay than this:

Ben has already given up, did he see an early cut or something?

>cavil looking full JUST

he has cancer or something?

>>cavil looking full el JUSTO JAJA
>literally the most handsome person involved in any capeshit

He's tired from going straight off set of that military movie to the award show then straight back to filming. Only rest he got was on the plane. Also

>Since I came off the ol knee injury I've been steadily increasing my training work load. I know it's irritating when people say this but it genuinely does feel so good to be back in it. I'm not destroying myself every day. Just working towards improvement by pushing hard enough to elicit change. Nothing funny to post here, it's deadly serious because I've got to make sure that I'm bigger than Green Lantern....Wait whaaat?
What did he mean by this?

>6 head manlet "superman" who is dwarfed by the rest of the league

DCucks, when will they learn? Also most handsome man of the yr winner is the Capeshit god of thunder, sorry

>that leglet thor

The guy is going through a divorce.

What did Zack mean by this?

>legs of a 4 yr old boy

Nice try. They are literally the same in the leg department. Hemmi literally beats him everywhere else.

>Meanwhile, at Marvel

lol and trump still won, that's just hillarious.

Also how come american libtards are for gun control? How that makes any sense at all?
this is like, some christian level type of stupidity.
>people should have more right, liberties and freedom
>except for guns those you shouldn't have


Why is Johnny so homophobic ?


feel bad for Dave, he would have been right at home with the DChad's could have made a good Black Adam or Shazam along side Dwayne Johnson

these guys loved TFA and Gotg 2. they are really in no position to judge.


that would be great, he could pull of being menacing and Bane is a smart character but doesn't have to sound incredibly smart and have huge monologues

Although people would probably bitch that he isn't mexican even though Tom Hardy got away with it.

Fuck yes, I am.

So when you think we're going to start getting some backstory on Atlantis - Wonder Woman?

Henry's one of the most based men alive. Did you see his Superhero Day shout-out? Pure class.


Possible hints in Wonder Woman, but Justice League for sure is going to have an entire battle sequence in Atlantis so expect some lore drops.

Its actually The Dwayne


If Poseidon is the reason behind the Atlanteans, I'm legit going to lose my shit. I've been waiting a long time for someone to not puss out on making the "mythological" gods a reality in cape movies, and we're finally getting it.


thank you BASED Wan


>the fathers of Batman and Aquaman both share the same name.

Why is there still no candid pic of Affleck working out?


>Partnered with Tencent Pictures for China distribution (Kong: Skull Island, Warcraft)

>People think WonderKino will flop

He avoids social media it seems

Its great when he does post though

>China loves Warcraft they'll love Wonder Woman the same way

Are you joking

>implying china wont love the fuck out of mystical super lady with sword and lasso fighting demigod/s

they'll eat it up, just like Japan loved the shit out of SS regardless of its quality.

its also much better than not opening in china at all.

people who think it will flop must be joking at this point.

Christ, it just keeps looking better and better.

Imagine being so obsessed with your shity childrens movie that you spent all of your free time on the internet defending them, trading pictures of your favorite musclebound men and admiring them with your equally pathetic peers, and autistically screetching at people who prefer slightly less shitty children's movies because they're made by a different company. That's pretty fucking sad.


Never said it would flop but no way will it do Warcraft money is what I'm saying, Warcraft put food on the table for those gold farming rascals, not sure if the WW1 setting helps either.

That said I'm more looking forward to the sequel, especially if we get Circe and Cheetah

Why are Marvel fags so insecure?

I don't.
He gets to work with attractive women, while it's mostly just a sausagefest at the backseat run Deborah Snyderverse.

Go fuck urself u retarded marvlet numale faggot!

U literally don't no shit about what makes capekino!! Go back to ur shittey marvlel threads lmao ur so fuckin pathetic!!

Yeah I didn't mean it would do Warcraft money, just that its in good hands over in China

Who are these niggers?


>doesn't even have a proper action scene in Guardians vol 2
>just says quips

what a waste of a perfectly good chad.

that looks pretty fun though

>Meanwhile, at Marvel
Charlie Cox is an honorary DChad especially since their movies don't want him. Batista on the other hand will probably kill himself when he realizes all his lines in Infinity War are scat and puke jokes. It's too late for him.

Now post Superman vs Doomsday fight for comparison.


Directed by Kevin Smith

There are worse things.

For example, there's you.

Psh, nice try kiddos.

Come back when DC has someone as aesthetic as Cap

holy shit how will I ever recover after being insulted by a dude spending his sunday posting pictures of shirtless sweaty men

Hope Dafoe and Dolph have a decent amount of screen time

Charlie Cox and the rest of the Netflix crew will be in the Infinity War movies.
Can't say the same about them poor actors that got stuck in the television DCverse, as superior to their film counterparts as they usually are.

Even if they did, they will never have someone as good as Hemsworth.

He really peaked with the first movie, he hasn't been as attractive since.

Goddam, that looks like shit.

Why do dcfags try to turn this board gay?

Marvel has Stallone and Kurt Russell.
The DCucks can lift all they want, they'll never be close.

I know. Your position in the grand scheme of themes renders you nearly immune to insult. You're the guy trolling for (you)s in a thread on a topic you despise.

I nearly threw my back out trying to punch down that far.


Do we know what role Dolph has yet? I'm still trying to get over the poetry of having a guy named "Dolph" in an Aquaman movie. What's his middle name?

Please tell me it starts with an "N."

>grand scheme of themes
what did you mean by this

You sound like half of the obese faggots who visit /fit/ to fap at the pics.

King Nereus of Xebel

Old Tony Stark movie when

Roberts ready whenever the studio is.

Are all Marvelfags afraid of masculinity?

>what did you mean by this

What a surprise. I'm smarter than you, too. Too many quips dull the wit, it seems.

>Dc fans in a nutshell.

Marvel just doesn't appreciate male aesthetics like us DChads

Oh, you!

Anyway, I assume marvelfags are mostly afraid of chads because muh toxic masculinity.


enjoy your has-beens and no-names DCucks while we get all the huge celebrities

>when you want to pretend your Sup Forums posts have a Shakespearean level of wit because of the superhero movies you prefer but really you're a cancerous phoneposter whose autocorrect exposed them


Marlets have been programmed by feminists and SJWs to hate all men and anything masculine while DChads admire the male body

Based Wolfman and Perez.