>campaigns for equality
>keeps money in a Panama account to avoid paying tax
Campaigns for equality
trap threads go here
> newspapers tell us she is attractive
> looks like an aphex twin creation
What did (((they))) mean by this?
Slag! Sad!
Didn't she get hired because of nepotism?
Do you think she likes being assfucked and manhandled?
No, Emma's family had no connections to the entertainment industry.
I thought nepotism meant being a jew on Sup Forums
They had connections with someone who had connections.
Like everybody else in the world?
Wasn't there an informal study done one time where a random person would call the most powerful, famous, or influential person they knew and within 7 iterations, the president would get a call?
It's not like it's hard to know somebody who knows somebody
What does equal treatment for women have to do with dodging British taxes?
>"The UK tax payer needs to accept more refugee's who spend decades on welfare at least, and even three generations later, their grandchildren still won't be integrating"
Does she really think Muslims will buy tickets to her films or something? What does she have to gain?
Everyone can keep money in a Panama account, they don't care if you're white, black, jew or muslim.
Sup Forums is one big trap thread
When Islam takes over she will just move.
her handler's approval
Not to the US
y-yeah everyone has connections
I unironically want to be her footslave
You know that virtually no woman wants a submissive guy, right?
Yeah. I know it'll never happen, Emma has even said in interviews that she prefers alpha guys. It's just a fantasy.
you unironically are a footpleb
>using equality to bully someone into paying the tax jew
>wants to take the ""refugees"" from Calais
>doesn't pay taxes
Kevin Bacon wasn't president
>constantly complains to the public that her own industry is disgusting
Yes Emma we all know that your bosses work for Satan, I don't know what you want from me, I already despise Hollywood. Is she trying to unionize audiences against a den of vipers that she herself is a part of?
Isn't that how child actors get started in almost all cases?
Shocking that another virtue signalling liberal is actually a piece of shit.
Whilst probably living in a segregated upper class white neighborhood, don't forget
Is this serious? That's absolute bullshit if true. Would loose all respect, not that she cares with her billions, but I hope all turn on her. Even waifu-fags.
Yes, They all do in the sack. Nothing bad in that, choking bitches into orgasms is good for everybody.
Well, i guess assfucking is a question of taste, but manhandling is just fucking hot.
>campaigns for equality
>doesn't demand equality in modelling (which she's done) where women get paid 20 times what men get paid
This is just one of the millions of ways leftism is full of shit
Jesus, what a thread. If I didn't already know you were angry straight incels I'd swear you you were bitchy camp queens.
You'd get one hell of a scratching, biting fagfight with these two. Subject always to the proviso they're not the same person.
>Is this serious?
It will be, user. It will be.
Typical leftist cannot counter-point.
This is why no one likes you people and Trump won. All you do is sling shit and expect people to surrender alll thought to your way of thinking "just because."
>keeps money in a Panama account to avoid paying tax
Sounds like the smart thing to do. How does that go against equality? Are men not allowed to send their money there?
Whoah, wait, hold on. If they're refugees, how the fuck did they spend decades on welfare?
She's not interest in proper equality.
Go back to rebbit.
that cunt looks like you can smell the stds wafting from her fermented holes
>proper equality is the government being able to steal from you
sounds like communism to me
She already has a home in New York, just like a lot of other wealthy Europeans. When things go bad in Europe, they'll just leave to New York or California (California may be swarming with immigrants, but they aren't yelling allah huakbar).
>proper equality is people paying their taxes so their money goes to fund migrants and other welfare services for feminist issues while I dont contribute to taxes but continue to berate society to pay for my wishes
sounds like a fucking cunt to me and i sincerely hope her child has downs syndrome forever pegging her to misery
If you're very wealthy, publicly support political parties that want higher tax rates, encourage more public funding (which requires more taxes) for refugees/immigrants, talk about the problems with income inequality, then avoid paying taxes yourself, while spending most of your time in a foreign country (which doesn't have the refugees you're supporting), then you're a fucking hypocrite.
hermione dindu nuffin tho she is /ourgal/