>When did you anons stop browsing Sup Forums?
I stopped last november,
>When did you anons stop browsing Sup Forums?
I stopped last november,
4 years ago.
8 years ago
I don't even know why I'm here desu.
Five or six years ago
I need to leave for good senpaitachi, this place is poison
Early 2010. It was nothing but hook up and rate my cock threads at that point.
Never did. I only browse Sup Forums.
3 years ago
I was never interested in Sup Forums. News and current events are more my cup of tea.
Went there once and I fucked straight off. Fucking trash board.
yeah, that and the ponies
I haven't been there for years, mostly because of the stable gay/trap and pony threads, fuck Sup Forums
2006. I was only a Sup Forumstard for 3 months, then I didn't come to Sup Forums for 4 years.
Never started, though I'm on /vg/, /ck/, and /aco/
I never browsed Sup Forums.
I stopped browsing Sup Forums over a decade ago newfaggot.
2011, when I developed an obsession with the Arab spring and Sup Forums was the only board that had threads on it.
Haven't been on Sup Forums since
I never browse any board than Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the most interesting board here.
I only stop browsing Sup Forums in order to sleep tbqhwy familia.
2010 or somewhere about.
since like 2008. why the fuck would you browse Sup Forums anytime in the last 5 years. it's been nothing but a shitty porn dump board for years now.
i think i might leave Sup Forums all together though at this point. i come here less and less because i feel like the overall posting quality and OC production is much lower. Sup Forums was definitely the most interesting board for a long time but now this place is contaminated by normie tourists just looking to get offended and shitposts.
Sup Forums is far superior to Sup Forums. But Sup Forums is even better yet.
4-5 years ago.. funny, feels like the years have been flying by but I would expect that time to be longer ago.
March, best thing since then.
I still browse it occasionally when I'm fapping since the threads there move faster.
I haven't browsed it for non-porn in years though.
It's just rekt and porn.
Years ago. The fact that you just recently stopped probably explains why this board is going to shit, you're bringing that cancer here.
The dubs are my favorite.
Sometime around April last year. I had only been on Sup Forums around 4 months at that point. I realized how cancer-tier Sup Forums is when I started browsing other boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
>inb4 newfag
Never browsed Sup Forums. Occasionally I'll go to Sup Forums or /vp/ but Sup Forums is home
2008ish. Probably 2009.
I honestly can't even remember the last time I visited Sup Forums
three months ago
Man I used to refresh Sup Forums like it was my job, I stopped so suddenly that I am amazed, i go back time to time when I want to jerk it to something weird, its a shithole and a great catchall for retards, I'm sure that there are underage kids who go there daily and just read every thread and meme about it in high school while everyone thinks they are sperg retards
Probably like 2011 or 2010, i think i went from Sup Forums to /x/ then Sup Forums since /x/ was already "dead" but now its even worse
Man /x/ memories are more dramatic than Sup Forums except for Sup Forumsros, who we will always be, together, and alone, I cry for my Sup Forumsros, who have gone thru so much with me
See you Sup Forumsros
You're gonna carry that weight.
>started going on Sup Forums in 2007
>moved to Sup Forums in 2013 or so and became jewpilled
It's sad, Sup Forums actually used to be good back in the day.
When the boxxyfags showed we all went to Sup Forums. Now you know why Sup Forums became Sup Forums.
Le Sup Forums meme phase
Disgusting, no wonder Sup Forums is such a shithole.
I never browsed Sup Forums. I started browsing Sup Forums through Sup Forums, but quickly realized it was shit and went to /vg/ for two generals, then Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
I also remember coming to old Sup Forums and thinking
Wow this is a commitment I can't make now, they are preaching something, and I cannot dedicate myself to these mental changes
I finally have, and I know that we can convert many and all to our cause.
DONT TALK ABOUT Sup Forums you fuckin noob!!!
Read the internet rules
in 2010
Yeah, we can tell. Go back and bring all your awoo bullshit with you.
I stopped browsing Sup Forums when I quit masterbating. I enjoyed some of the non-porn stuff but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.
Last month or so. Haven't been back since. Sup Forums has awoken something inside me. And only based Paolo is unafraid to show it on a grand scale.
>actually I am a newfag and only started going to Sup Forums 3 month ago
>only followed Sup Forums until last week when I started browsing Sup Forums
>looking for an opinon whether it is worth it to go through all the traps, porn, and shit
apparantly it's not
thanks Sup Forums
What the fuck does this have to do with politics/current events? I don't get why retards respond to obvious slide threads.
i started last year a little after trump announced his candidacy. epic times
Two years ago. Maybe 3. When it stopped being about the lulz and pretty much became a port board despite having a porn board.
Just shut the fuck up.
Nice question, GermanAnon.
I used to browse almost only Sup Forums.
When my gf found out she was pregnant (1 year ago) and I was about to become a father, I started feeling disgusted by this sad western world.
So I lurked Sup Forums out of curiosity, now 80% of my 4chink browsing is Sup Forums, the rest is /x/ for spoopy shit and /r9k/ for rare Pepes.
Sup Forums is too degenerated for me now.
>knocks up a girl you aren't married to
>complain about the disgustingness of the western world
Pick one
I'm going to get married. Take it easy, maplesyrup.
2 years ago.
about 2 years ago.
It's so cringy and has no structure at all. It's just a clusterfuck of porn and 12 year old newfags
I still go occasionally
its where i get alot of my good webms
Around 2007