How can anyone defend capitalism?

How can anyone defend capitalism?

Only capitalists can defend it.

because all the countries that invented electricity, discovered flight, and went to the moon are capitalist

Innocence is a social construct.

>how can anyone shill on an imageboard?

for money i.e. capitalism

Capitalism is degeneracy manifested into a socioeconomic system

Nobody ever says this. You're strawmanning.

Capitalists don't claim capitalism is perfect, because a capitalist system thriving doesn't need to be perfect because it is built upon realism. The perfect is the enemy of the good, and this highlights the problem with socialism.

This is the reason why the world is full of capitalist countries and not a single country that remains socialist for an extended period of time: the concept of socialism *requires* perfection and equality at its very base, or it slowly rots and fails. Capitalism doesn't. Capitalism is built upon inequality, and striving and creating within that framework.

Capitalism isn't perfect, but we never asked it to be. Capitalism is good.

By showing you my vast wealth.

>killing innocents

Because it works, and the alternative is one of the biggest trash heap ideologies ever shat out onto the public.

>capitilism is a system of government

the funny thing is technically you can include anything done for money as something caused by capitilism, but socialist retards think everything has to be done by governments, so miss the most easy thing possible to criticize

>the concept of socialism requires perfection

No it doesn't. Also the reason most socialist countries have failed is because they have to compete in a world filled with other capitalist countries. The only way for socialism to succeed is for a global revolution to take place.

So never? Socialism can't compete with capitalism in producing a better standards of living. Ergo it is a useless ideology.

>No it doesn't.

Yes, it does. When socialist countries stop having perfection, they very quickly become corrupt and their leaders become self serving an tyrannical. The concept requires everyone to be equal, but since that's idealistic nonsense that humans are not designed to adhere to, it never lasts. The idea inevitably collapses.

>Also the reason most socialist countries have failed is because they have to compete in a world filled with other capitalist countries.

In other words, it's an inferior system that is crushed by a superior one that produces superior countries. I know the point you were trying to make, but it's idiotic. Socialist communities ALWAYS exist within the framework of a capitalistic society, and the bigger the community it is, the quicker it is destined to fail.

>The only way for socialism to succeed is for a global revolution to take place.

See? You just shot yourself in the foot. More perfection. Everyone must adhere to the system to a T, or it won't work guys. If capitalism exists, it all falls apart! If we're not all equal, it's gone! etc etc. It's funny because you denied it, and then in your very next sentence contradicted yourself and proved me right.

Explain to me why it is trash?

Socialism has nothing to do with the government.

>so never
Hard to say at this point, I think we will be living in a more communist society in the future as more and more jobs are eliminated by automation.

tl;dr you don't know what socialism is.

Capitalism = some wealthy some not

Communism = no one wealthy

>tl;dr you don't know what socialism is.

I type out a reasoned response to you, and this weak shit is the best you can come up with? Pathetic.

I don't think so we already have a mechanism in place to redistribute wealth, but I don't think automation will actually take as many jobs as alot of people say. At least not without creating more.


Because socialism/communism/marxism/whatever you prefer to call it is depedent on the idea that either the state or the voting populace at large can determine market values, rather than the practical application of determining market values via the people actively participating with it.

Capitalism is really just another form of democracy, in which people vote with their wallets.

People just keep flocking to Marxist ideology because they either have no concept of how economic works, or they just want to be able to get more at the expense of others.
As I said... a trash heap.

Actually, I think it's more that in Capitalist nations, some are wealthy and others aren't, whereas in communist nations, wealth is polarized between starving masses, the privileged few, and the uber-luxurious top percentage.
People will find ways to get on top, no matter what system of economics you try to impose. Capitalism just makes this system revolve around merits, rather than nepotism and party favoritism.

And for anyone who cares, all that socialism is, is the workers control the means of production, not a single wealthy entity. It has nothing to do with the government controlling everything and enforcing equality.

>actually added up all the deaths from your image
>absolutely negligible
>actually added up all the deaths from the original communist version of your image

lol, you don't even know what socialism is, so how could you possibly criticize it.

>Socialism has nothing to do with the government.
except the dis-allowance of private ownership over the m.o.p. will require coercive force, not defensive force

But workers aren't masters of economics.
Some will lead, some will follow. If we applied socialism in the military, there would be no generals or sergeants, only a mass of privates voting on what to do next.
Which is destined to fail. A general is so because of his merits.

>saying "lol" on Sup Forums
Nigga leave.

>implying Leopold II is not the best

Private property is theft, so yes it would be justified for the people to confiscate it and distribute it equally.

>Anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 2016
>not being a distributist

Stay sheep faggots

>Private property is theft

>violent protestors
Frick, Shah, and Pinochet are easy to defend. Leopold was a cunt, but slavery isn't a free market.

But Capitalism HAS been tried you fucking retard. And it WORKS!



>And for anyone who cares, all that socialism is, is the workers control the means of production, not a single wealthy entity. It has nothing to do with the government controlling everything and enforcing equality.

Except it does, shit for brains, because you're acting like a group of people can exist that have no form of government that just run this giant economy machine without any oversight, and that's not how it fucking works.

There will be people in charge. There will be quality control. There will be inequality. There will be people with more important jobs. There will be people that invent these systems, bits of technology, and machinery. There will be a government in place to enforce the law and keep everything running.

Every time I hear this dumb shit description of socialism, it just irks me because it's so god damn short sighted and naive. Like it's possible to just have one big factory that people just show up to and it will all work out if all of us just control the cash flow and not a boss. Fucking dumb.

Don't reply, hide and move on.

With their private property and control of the means of production?

Because it works

>Also the reason most socialist countries have failed is because they have to compete in a world filled with other capitalist countries.
So you admit Socialism is inferior?

>leopold 2
sage this shit thread

Welp i gotta head go make dinner, I shale leave you all with a simple image illustrating each system as simple as possible.

lol tl;dr


Subtract the deaths for leop old since that wasnt even an attempt at free market capitalism but was in fact colonialism.

Socialism is a materialist falsehood which has it that all labor must contribute to a secular community on Earth. In distributism, every man owns his own labor.

A system designed to destroy itself in due time. Attempted several times in the past. Consumerism psychology helped it strive as it has been doing for the past 100 years. Ultimately though, the rich and poor are growing further from each other. I wonder how it will turn out in modern times with the inevitable endgame of revolution.

A renaissance in intellectual understanding of ones own desires as human beings is needed to shadow out the extremely attractive material rewarding system that dominates the capitalist society. It can be compared to grinding an RPG game and getting items.

>hey Steve ill trade you some of this sugar I have for some of that wheat your have
>no you fucking capitalist shitlord Im reporting you to the secret police so that you die in a gulag for offering to trade goods
Communism is an ideology of fucking retards

Someone please post the argument these dumb commies use against private property. I can't rationalize how someone could believe private property is theft.

Communist memes are weak. Just look at yours




How can anyone defend communism and the related shit?
The capitalism gives a slight measure of hope that you, perhaps, one day will be able to rise above the majority.
The socialism and communism enforces the idea of equality, which is frankly, couldn't be more false. And so on.
As it had already been said, the original leftist ideologies are all largely based on idealism rather than practical applications, and everyone knows all too well that dream castles don't last.
So unless we all miraculously evolve into a more ant- or beelike race, there won't be any communism ever. And thank the Emperor that it won't.

What prevents collective ownership of the means of production within a free-market economy? Nothing

If I'm remembering correctly, there are a few companies where the workers all have equal share in the company.

bro you don't understand, in the future we're all going to be living in mansions with robots that work and make food for us
[rips bong while searching for a Che t-shirt on Amazon]

Laughed at the Leopold one.

Ideas are ideal, people are flawed. You can thought everyting out, but it doesn't worth shit if people simply doesn't follow. Which is why good boss is a guy who can hire the right people.

>invented electricity

Nigger you're fucking retarded. Nobody "invented" electricity. Electricity has been around since the dawn of the universe.

I'm sure you meant to say "harnessed" electricity but what you said is so obviously fucking retarded I can't let it go

>What prevents collective ownership of the means of production within a free-market economy? Nothing

>lol tl:dr
>posts a picture with 5x the text
Hope you enjoy the non-breadline dinner from Woolworths™

Really now? And who's going to man and maintain the robots? Who's going to program them? And those guys will have all the power in their hands.
People are people. It's the idea that is flawed, because it's based on some stupid and unrealistic assumptions and expectations.

Either harnessed or discoverd. You can't invent something that already exists.

Ebin reaction pictures are not arguments.

It's diametrically opposed by the current status quo. Mega-crops and the gang don't want people to do this and actively petition against it.

Literally nothing. There are no laws against it, because it is a "free"-market.

If you want Tyrone and Ahmed to have equal control over the company as everyone else, by all means start a business and see how long democracy will get you within the business world.

Leopold II did nothing wrong.

True that, ideal is impossible to achieve, it's just an abstract concept. We're not suffering because things are bad, we're suffering because our imagination can depict utopias but we can't actually build them, because we are flawed, even the best of humankind.


Ever since the day I killed The Boss with my own hands, I... was already dead.

>any year

>all the autistic 14 year old socialists in this thread
Name one country where socialism actually worked well.

>communist arguments in a nutshell

The USSR and China.

>B-but the USSR fell
Like every Empire and the standard of living for the common man increased on the Soviets.

>B-but China is capitalist
It's socialist.

under the soviets*

If only we had a casualty list to show how many people end up killed defending capitalism when compared to defending communism.

So you're a cuck progressist

Good one m8.

>and the standard of living for the common man increased on the Soviets

Well they could hardly have gotten worse

Haha still falling for socialist China
They had to incorporate capitalist ideas to feed the people

>How can anyone defend capitalism?
Asks the user from his computer using the internet. All thanks to good 'ld communism

Damn I knew this nigga looked familiar

Got the peasants out of the farms an into the factories. Meanwhile the Capitalist west completely eclipsed it in everything until it failed because it's shit. Also famines because communism is shit at meeting basic consumer demands.
Look at the HDI of China compared to Taiwan and Hong Kong then get back to me.

>The USSR and China
One collapsed and the other implemented capitalist market reforms after Mao's socialist policies fucked the country up big time.

>there are people alive today who actually defend these regimes

I simply defend it as lesser of the evils. Inform me when you find something better.

To be fair Serbia hasn't been a capitalist state until relatively recently, and definitely wasn't at the time when electricity was invented... Although, you can't really say that someone invented 'electricity'... it has been there since forever, people only found out ways to make use of it.


Chilean army - Inocents

>retarded leftist trying to make a civil war

2.000 leftists means nothing


It might not be perfect OP, but it's better than Communism and the degeneracy that spawns from it.

Communism will never work unless we replace the human element of the economy with an AI. Even then I wouldn't want to share my resources with a bunch of dindu's and poo's.

Communism is leftist degeneracy and people trying to practice it should be hanged.

There are some companies who do it this way, and some old fashioned co-ops. Anyone who ignores this post is a moron at best, and at worst wants to put people at gunpoint to do this.

Fuck off commie

>believe in existance of free market, capitalism, price fixing, etc.

Come on, it just don't work. Major """capitalists""" always few steps ahead of others with corrupt goverments, shady schemes and other shit.

Modern (((capitalists))) or ((national capitalists)) are even more dellusional, than commies. But I don't blame burgers for that capitalist propaganda in USA - it's not their country after all.
Amirite good goyms?

t. Country that hated capitalism and collapsed under socialism

Capitalism isn't a form of government or political system. It's an economic system. There are of course pushes to make it seem as one but that's revisionism and a disingenuous argument.

This picture is made even funnier by how the creator put fucking Venezuela as a sign of successful socialism of the 21st century, meanwhile it's literally collapsing under its own weight from socialist policies and nearing possible revolution against its socialist government.

That's the joke. I assume it's an ironic shitpost.


I'd like to hope so but I've met a lot of deluded leftist retards on here so I assume they made that version out of extreme butthurt towards the original anti-commie version (once again socialists just stealing from others, no big surprise there).


kek lmao smhtbhbbq senpai

>We are flawed
>gommunism doesnt work
Bullshit. You're flawed becasue that's what you think you are. Behavioral and social paterns, mainstream media propaganda etc. entrench those ideas in your mind. The ideas of communism is on a way more different level whereas capitalism while functioning like a workclock is in fact a flawed ideology: there are always those who prosper at the expense of those suffering (the majority)

It's objectively the best system
Proof? Pick a history book.

yeah... whats
Stallin + Mao + PolPot...
just several thousand times any Capitalist kill-count.

>edgy teens are just so cute.
but they grow up once they have two brain cells to rub together

Same with Chile back in the 70's