redpill me about niggers
Redpill me about niggers
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why is noone doing anything???
>Has lighter skin then her
>Jealousness kicks in
>Goes savage
because niggers
Now thats a chimp out
Why is it that when we see this is causes at least a small flicker of anger at the idiots attacking that woman, but the blacks on that train just smile and laugh?
because they dindu nuffin, you racist mafioso
Savages. Our ancestors did not call them that for nothing.
Why do you think we herded them like cattle?
>american """"""culture"""""""""
That was so satisfying.
the bitch that got btfo seems white and judging by her looks she probably is a BLM sympathiser. She got what she deserved desu
Why nobody is helping for stopping the fight?! Is it something usual in USA?
bitch relaxed around blacks she deserves it desu (to be honest)
really makes you wonder
I think there's some of types of black people that aggressive. It's like chechens that can be considered white, but at the same time we all know that they're barbarian savages waiting to be thrown behind the bars.
literally fucking stupid niggers is why
smashed that monkey lol
waifu material
Damn, you don't see woman get knockouts very often. Based latina
I love black people tbqh, every single one I've met has been really kind & friendly, even the ones with the dindu dialect.
Sure I see them doing nigger shit to eachother all the time, but if you show them respect they'll love you as their white brother.
Her insistence on not fighting back suggests she's a white woman with nigger hair?
She looks like a nigger though. Her face is kinda white looking. What's the context of this video?
>caring about white trash
>go to intervene and have to fight all of the black people
Yeah no
Spoken like a truly sheltered fuck.
Unfortunately this is insanely common if you live near niggers.
Well Italybro heres how it honestly breaks down: The vast majority of niggers are human garbage no matter how you slice it. There are some decent ones but it still doesn't justify keeping any around what-so-ever and more often than not their children turn out to be savages. So no matter how much you like that one decent darkie you met, throw him to the wolves and shut the gates, its not worth it.
When black people gather in numbers things gets worse. A few drive up crime, steal your shit and create misery, a whole city's worth creates a festering rotting tumor in your nation that will just grow and leach off of its host until it finally dies.
We police the world but we're very isolationist when it comes to domestic disputes like this. I live in New York. I've seen enough stuff go down in the MTA trains to know that no one but yourself will protect you in a fight (unless of course your in a din du or roach gang).
Sauce please.
They are a genetically inferior subspecies of humans that should be purged from this planet for the benefit of all mankind
the fuck
What a booties, man.
There likely weren't any white folks around. And if a white man tried to jump in and stop it, all the male niggers would jump his ass and he'd be surrounded on all sides by angry feral apes.
> 9/11 confirmed
They are so worthless that they have to riot and protest to matter
Why doesn't anyone stop to help in france or germany when packs of sandniggers and niggers attack lone white guys and girls?
the fucking dreads flying, holy shit haha.
What makes you say that?
Maybe I'm not an autistic fuck like you and my body language & dialect comforts them.
I'll red pill you on blacks.
99% are wonderful and great people.
1% are gang bangers or angry ghetto negroes.
I love videos like this, where the person gives them chance, after chance, after chance to back off, and then just unleashes the fury.
>What makes you say that?
The fact that you say such stupid shit.
Anyone who has to be near niggers for extended periods of time hates them.
Imagine a human now take away its:
ability to regulate animalistic instincts
higher thinking
self awareness
and you have a nigger
Well luckily I don't come from a loser family so my living area is high-income.
>one in 3 nigger males end in jail at some point
>in 2011-2013 in ~500,000 violent interracial crimes between whites and blacks, blacks were the criminals ~89% of the time
You're a lying cuck. Please kill yourself.
This guy looks more like a hired gun than just an average nignog.
>tough neighborhood, man
Extermination for vermin is not frowned upon.
I work in south la. And yeah the area is shit and i wouldnt want to walk there at night. But the majority of black people I meet are really kind and respectful. Unfortunately there are losers who fuck things up for them.
90% of the black community are savage pieces of shit.
Any time the 10% that want to excel beyond them crop up, that 90% drags them down and tells them they're "acting white".
They're the most self destructive minority group in the US; and the left fully supports it so long as they always get the black vote.
at first I thought this isn't going to end good for the light skinned girl with her hands behind her back, but in the end I was pleasantly surprised
She was a sjw feminazi by the looks of her.
What's it like being a SHELTERED FUCK?
Try visiting the poor side of town if you want to see what the majority of black people are up to you asshat.
Fucking hell.
Do I live in the onion world parody?
>south la
That explains it. We already killed or pushed out most of the feral niggers. You're welcome.
t . Hispanic
Gypsy on Nigger violence? Well fuck it really was Christmas.
And in white areas?
It is true sometimes in Paris. I went there once and someone wanted to robb me but another guy went to help me. However in the rest of France you tend to help more the others if they are agressed.
waifu material wouldn't have been in that situation you spreadsheet
>warrior gene
So do most white psychopaths, but blacks cannot control their violent instincts they are basically mindless flesh robots hellbent on causing chaos and destruction.
>Asian woman's hands are white
>face is yellow
>Black dude names Rucks Russell
>IT don't make no seanse
>Mexican immediately
Oh my god is this a parody
they want to be slaves again, that must be it
theres a tweet of the nigger girl in that webm blackout drunk with throw up all over her.
Too bad its full of feral mestizos instead.
It's like they arnt even trying anymore
>Romanian gypsies.
Get it right user :|
>>Assassinating someone while they're holding their daughter
Nope, it's a nignog.
>having an impromptu caged fist fight with an ape
yeah, no thanks
I'm Hispanic not black.
>so do most white psychopaths
Yes, but the african niggers have it like it's nothing, as in general population.
But seeing your flag, makes much more sense you dumb nigger
In white areas it depends on where you area really. In a lot of rural white communities people will help each other out. In all white suburbs in big cities people tend not to do shit.
>What can we call this as to not offend the subhumans?
>Nigger gene? Uncivilized gene? Chimpout Gene?
>Warrior Gene!
the flag
>Assassinating someone while they're holding their daughter
I am pretty sure hit men don't really have any level of empathy. They wouldn't be hit men otherwise.
they are dirty
i hate them
Are you dumb? Psychopaths are a small group in white populations thats my point a tiny segment of the population has the same genes as negros yet they have far more self control than the negros.
Jamal, you should be finishing reading class then google this.
You know, I was kind and courteous and didn't associate that obviously gypo scum with the rest of Romania and you correct me? The fuck is wrong with you son.
Wow, nigger on Sup Forums.
How does that happen?
kill urself monkey
what a Drunken Master
1:100 is a bad ratio, but that is more accurate than the mathematically illiterate people replying to you can comprehend.
Holy shit. That's amazing. I wish i had some context.
Lesser of two evils, amigo.
There are two types of black people.
Normal and niggers.
The normal black people find some issue with cops but nothing over the top. They are fun to be around and are typically pretty cool folks. They love dragon ball z and tend to hail from the carribean.
Niggers live by a code where they insist on not bring embarrassed. Nobody should out smart them. This is actually why they don't like magic tricks - they feel outwitted. They typically respond to situations by putting on a front as the only thing they find any value in is their persona.
Essentially black people take half of objectivism and stop there.
Ivan wanted to continue, but his family wouldn't let him.
unlike you, I like women, and women that can take care of themselves.
Go smoke a joint and bone pedro faggot.
>white hitmen wouldn't kill in front of children
what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Like everything has to be black and white, no pun intended. black people bad. white people good... yes my brain can work with that.
here's the thing about niggers.
They are a lot like Mudslimes, and queers. they're a proxy enemy that doesn't realize how good they have it. They're fairly easy to coexist with, up until the media convinces them that COEXISTENCE IS FUTILE, DESTROY WHITEY.
pretend you missed out on the past 10 years. how could any black person POSSIBLY believe they are worse off than a native African? they couldn't. not a doubt in my mind that any black African would change places with a black American, in a heartbeat. like could probably go to any starving African tribe, massacre half the people, and then allow the survivors to come live in the USA, under the pretense they dont kill anyone or commit crimes. $1000 says not a single one of those people would have a single issue.
dumb niggers getting killed by police is the solution to the race problem. I'm not saying the police couldn't be a little more sympathetic...but the core principal of ANY society is this: you act up, you get dealt with. whether that be through deportation, imprisonment, or being killed. kill enough degenerates and the ones leftover are likely to be decent people. as time goes on, the rest of society will begin to recognize this. eventually, there will be no more racial barriers.
all these movements trying to excuse poor behavior only serve to harm hardworking American minorities.
So how many wars have been won by nigger-consist armies?
This is actually a solid theory as to what happened