Hiding your power level around your bluepilled peers

>hiding your power level around your bluepilled peers

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I moved to San Fran for the tech money. I have to hide it from everyone for hundreds of miles.

Does anyone here just not give a fuck and totally speak their mind? Hiding my power level is getting very tiring.

link to the video for that gif pls


bro I'm what you refer to as bluepilled so basically I'm not a racist. / homophobe / minority hater. And I don't hide, and some call me fag but whatever, they will lose someday, history has shown.


This, unless Im at work

Go back getting fucked with your girlfriends strappon you dweeb

Easy if you only stay at home

1. You aren't going to break their conditioning all at once. They need to be eased into it. So you can't be too frank.

2. I for one like having a good job and making lots of money (which maybe one day I can use politically). Can't do that if I become a social pariah.

hiding your power level is not that bad unless you're constantly around sheeple. besides, it's not worth it in the long run. they don't care and will probably start talking shit about you.

If you're "easing" into it you aren't BREAKING their conditioning, at best you're subverting their condtioning. Breaking implies an extreme use of force. You got to ahatter their whole fucking reality.

But that's besides the point. This isn't about "them". I'm just tired of hiding who I am and what I stand for.


I pretend to be a fence sitting moderate around normies. I literally act like the most boring person ever most of the time.

Seeds of Doubt will sprout and strangle the life from their delusions. Never directly attack their worldview, they will never reach your desired conclusions.

Im Polish, i dont need to hide it among other Poles. Cant wait when I will be back at home. I will be like fish in the water.

Stop being a faggot


>what about you user, what do you think ?

i refuse to hide my powerlevel after taking this test

>living in a minority-majority area

My life is this and even they look at me strange because I don't act like a full blown liberal.

Jokes on you I don't have any blue pulled friends

lol stupid poland hating minorites has nothing to do with being red-pilled

Hiding my power level around my red pilled friend.

Motherfucker doesn't know how to hide his power levels, Shit's embarrassing in public.

I do.

I also now have no friends.

Fuck it.

oh christ


I don't hide it. I'd rather have people hate me for who I am than like me for who I'm not. I honestly don't care what people think any more. I'm getting old I'm 40 fuck them if they don't like it. What are they going to do get me fired, I work in the oil and gas industry probably the most conservative industry in the country. I love going on a rant and having my co-workers join in

Usually when cornered, it's a matter of coming up with whatever charitable philosophical interpretation I can assign to their dumbfuck opinion and then stating it.

wtf I love Hitler now

This thread is pretty pathetic, literally find like minded people in your life, or deal with it and stop whining. This is why you all come here, because you have no one to relate to in life, or are too scared to even attempt to do so. The fact that you hide your views should be an indication that you've got some social issues.

the fucking easiest to swallow red pill i have ever seen

I let it slip today, arguing with my uncle. He said I should hold onto my words when Trump is elected and the US will be in ruin while Canada follows. He thinks our economy is on the rebound, with no jobs being created. Well, with the exception of service jobs. Working on the food line in your nearest soup kitchen for $15/hour is the best thing to happen to us kids.

My family is redpilled. At first, I thought they were just talking about conspiracy theories.

>buying reading material
>newsweek cover is "the last Nazi hunters"
>literally muh six gorillion
>laugh out loud because it's pure kike propaganda due to the fact that they're all fucking dead
>clerk asks me why I'm laughing
>reply with "how about that Brexit in the news?"
>clerk goes onto talk about Boris Johnson speech

Blue pills are easy. They only hear what they want to hear and if will notice you only if you sperg out. All you have to do is be vague and everyone assumes that you agree with them.

Only when they're being borderline degenerate is when I politely describe the pros of the other viewpoint and explain to them that people who agree with this stance aren't automatically bad, they just have different values. Otherwise I don't bother because people are super thin-skinned when it comes to politics and being anything right of a communist is social suicide in your early 20s unfortunately.

trump supporters are slowly becoming the majority. The time is almost at hand.

>if you don't spout blue-pilled Jew propaganda you have a social issues take some pills goy!

It's suggest turning off your TV and you'd be amazed at how your perspective changes.

t. Correct The Record shill.

I got 67%, gotta admit most of them were guesses.

Yea mostly

>All you have to do is be vague and everyone assumes that you agree with them.

Can not greentext this hard enough. It's like reverse ad lib. They will fill in the blanks for you. They always respond well to affirmations and they never push you for details.

I don't. I wore this shirt to work Friday cause it was casual Friday and got fired. Didn't like that job anyway.

I'm known by most as the village racist and most call me Wilders or Geert. Haven't said too much about the Jews though, only muslims and non-Europeans.

>Cant wait when I will be back at home
Neither can the rest of the UK

not sure if autist or legend

where do (did) you work

>I don't feel the need to need to hide my non-taboo and popular opinions
Well no shit, idiot. Most people think the way you do. You're not in danger of social suicide by being completely transparent with your beliefs.

i do. i'm very open about my power level (and racist) around friends.

they have a bit of an "oh, you!" attitude about it, so it's fine. just makes a funny dynamic for the group.

one of my friends has actually became more racist than me after i introduced him to the redpill.

>haha I'm sure even if any BREXITEERS were sitting at this table they wouldn't admit to it
>calmly sit there for the rest of the night thinking of counterpoints to everything they say, unwilling to change the mood of the event

This has happened far too many times.

>You're not in danger of social suicide by being completely transparent with your beliefs

People are very accepting of a lot of things as long as you're not shouting things at them or constantly telling them they're stupid and wrong. If you can calmly and clearly explain why you think a certain way and provide a rational explanation then you're generally in no danger at all.

I don't do it because I want to speak my mind, I do it to scare away mentally retarded people. I don't want them in my life.

Can't cage the rage

I only reveal it when I'm drunk.

77% 85 if I had been paying better attention to when and where.

But what if Hillary wins?

That was really good. Clearly pro-Hitler, but it's subtle enough in the beginning to redpill a few people.

I don't around family and friends, out in public I contain it though. Don't become a cuck or anything, just keep my mouth shut.

I do because I literally only have two friends and they're both self hating minorities who're unemployed. What the fuck am I doing with my life.

Over here if you even remotely act red pilled then you're edgy. Even on the smallest shit. So I just tell them all how it is and have them scream and cry. Nothing better than seeing a chick with some fat specs and loads of lipstick with a collection of chokers in her bag get fucking killed. Most guys are just as bad as well though. utter cucks. Sometimes I wish that I could rape and get away with it too!

I'm pretty outgoing about my dislike of Jews but then again I live in Mormon capital of the world
