France removed all but ONE border guard in Dover causing 15 hour delay and miles long traffic jam.
Wow, France is like that bitchy girlfriend who just can't get over being dumped.
France removed all but ONE border guard in Dover causing 15 hour delay and miles long traffic jam.
Wow, France is like that bitchy girlfriend who just can't get over being dumped.
>Wow, France is like that bitchy girlfriend who just can't get over being dumped
I don't get your post
Explain your analogy?
only people who have had girlfriends will understand.
Just banter m8
bitchy EX girlfriend
Make more sense now?
>The city of France
Must have been a butthurt sandnigger who issued the order. They're as petty as spics over here.
Fucking cunt, enjoy your economy collapse when you actually leave the EU.
Daily reminder we hate our government and even more our president.
Yeah. Border control is brilliant isn't it? Do you know how long it took me to clear the border between Belgium and France?
Approximately 1.5 seconds.
Daily reminder that in France we hate everybody
>causing delays on the wrong side of the border.
all you're doing is stopping goods and services from getting IN to france.
You should have fucked with the other side to stop people from bringing goods in and not let people get home.
I am all with France. They should keep just 1 border guard working diligently, checking every single car.
Make France SAFE AGAIN.
self-loathing seems to be common amongst mainlanders, explains why you let in so many rapefugees
>t. ahmed ali jihad
enjoy your snackbar rape hans
>not being able to understand that
Will do my Turkish friend. Enjoy the collapse of your economy and you Euroreich when we leave too!
Liberals tend to be childish.
Did you expect anything different?
>frenchie on the news LIVID she can't get home to see her sick mother.
Enjoy dodging the snackbar shrapnel, Fritz.
Precisely. One cannot sperg out about "we need to take back control of our borders" etc. and then cry bitch tears when the Frogs do exactly that.
How's life my remain-cuck friend? :^)
Please cuck, they purposefully sent all the people who check cars home and left only one to cause the UK greif.
If anything they should have MORE border guards to make sure every car is double checked.
Where do you see it was done on purpose tho? At no point it is even implied in the article
Why the fuck would it collapse? What does the EU offer that is so special that the Anglo sphere and other countries can't provide? South America is untapped trading partner, imagine if they actually got their shit together. Woo lads, literal treasure of trade.
>being autistic
you'd think playground tier revenge would not be a part of decisions made on a national level.
Then again, this is France we're talking about
Between Croatia and Slovenia took me about 5 minutes
Then again I am White European and not a lowlife piece of shit
Hating Hollande and our cuck government is self-loathing.
Fucking kill yourself.
>all you're doing is stopping goods and services from getting IN to france.
This is why I never take anything on Sup Forums seriously, this is the kind of people that voted for brexit that think they have everything figured out but haven't the slightest idea on how economics work.
My life is great, thanks. How is yours?
>they purposefully sent all the people who check cars home and left only one to cause the UK greif.
>If anything they should have MORE border guards to make sure every car is double checked.
This does not matter at all. Surely you must understand that a sovereign country such as France has the right to determine how they perform borders controls. This was intact one of the main points of the EU referendum.
Why are you now being salty about the fact that French are doing exactly that?
spotted the sperg virgin
It's doing them a favour and assuming they're not utterly retarded, which is the only explanation once you rule out malice
and we have the RIGHT to do the same on their side, only we don't because we're not petulant children and understand it will cause completely unnecessary chaos for the French.
This was virtue signalling on the national level, and a complete dick move to 'stick it to those racists brits'
>his is why I never take anything on Sup Forums seriously
Oh, cmon. That's bit harsh. Plenty of good stuff can be found on Sup Forums, I do however agree that people who have trouble differentiating between the directions of IN and OUT probably do not improve the quality of this place or of life in general.
Enjoy getting raped you fucking girl.
>because we Brits are not petulant children ...
Lol. You do realise that there might be a huge difference between how you see this nation and how others see it?
How can you defend such petty childish behaviour? Does Britain do the same at their end of the border? Of course not, becuase it would be stupid and risk damaging relations.
The lengths you Remainiacs will go to is hilarious. "Look guys, OMG Brexit so silly, just look at this traffic jam totally caused by Brexit! It's definitely not got anything to do with France acting like a five year old to its neighbouring ally or anything!"
>EU diplomats
People can think what they like about Britain. Doesn't justify causing chaos and turmoil to ordinary people because the French government dont get their way.
>caring about the opinions of a (soon-to-be) nation we just left.
Kek, shouldn't you be preparing your Canadian emigration papers cuck?
This is my favourite thing about Remainers. Whenever they sperg out and say "zomgsh moving to canada/australia/switzerland" they don't seem to realise that none of these countries are in their beloved EU which they only started caring about when it makes their travel plans to Magaluf a bit tricky :(
>France removed all but ONE border guard in Dover
Well, they have a terror situation. My guess is the guards are just needed elsewhere at the moment. They will return once the summer holidays are over.
This is all Brexit's fault. It has nothing to do with terror attacks.
Yes Hans, I'm sure reducing border-security will help thwart the terror-problem. :^)
If you put the border guard from Calais to Marseilles, it will. After all how many terror attacks have been commited by Brits in France so far?
>legislated cuckoldry
Are any Brits adtually upset by this? The entire West is in the most turbulent politcal times since world war two.
these fucking idiots worried about their vacation in France they just need....did they miss Nice, Turk coup attempt, chaos....people stupid enough to waste shekels on this sort of thing mist really not understsnd the entire Western order (gratefully) is dangling by a string, and any change is possible right now.
If you have evtra shekels, should ne worried about blankets and candles, not a vacation. the trendy hipster types still don't "get it.".
Sounds to me you're admitting that Britain is the safest place in Europe and worth of protection if it can be maintained with a single guard.
you should have treated australia and new zealand better. france and germany are not your real friends. it's sad that even until now so many brits don't realize this, even go as far as saying they are not british but european
>A border only goes one way
How about stopping the frog-problem going into Britain?
>Are any Brits adtually upset by this?
I wouldn't have even known about this if it wasn't for this thread.
You never know when England might launch another Chevauchee, Hans.
>Buttmad kraut.
That's a British problem, i.e. it needs British border guards.
Honestly I think it has to do with Hollande announcing that he ordered tens of thousands of police and army men to guard the French in their holiday resorts in the wake of the Nice massacre.
not Brexit's "fault," it's relatiation for a decsion to reclaim sovernignty and to try to cow Brits to come crawling bsck to the EJew.
UK will have hard financial times ahead too. Will be interesting to see if Brits will fight or roll over.
If you do roll over, you are done, Europe is done, and the US is done.
>That's a British problem, i.e. it needs British border guards.
Kek fails you because you can only think in simple terms.
I'll say this, being a very defensible island but not having great weather, we view the rest of europe as our playground - somewhere to piss off to in the summer to get a tan.
For the majority of UK citizens this is their only interaction with the mainland and it's people. Most of them probably aren't thinking about having Hanz Muhammad running them down in a lorry and are more interested in enjoying themselves after months of work.
Serves people right for going to france.
Am i the only one thinking about the horrible day that border guard had?
Imagine dealing with thousands of angry british during an entire day you alone.
i'm betting most are going to spain, remember - the chunnel only connects to france.
He's right though.
>Are any Brits adtually upset by this?
The ones stuck there probably are. But then they chose to travel on the busiest day of the year with apparently no forward planning so it's more their fault than the French.
no, I get that during normal times it would be a fun thing, sure.
but british politcs and the entire world order are on verge of collapse. Whether they like it or not, Breixt is happening and will save the UK and Europe in long term if you can hold. out ...if Brexit ends up failing, we're all doomed to be globalist nwo serfs on the global plantation.
British holidaymakers with caravans are a far cry from regular chavs, they look like this.
I will say this, hilariously they're the ones most likely to have voted for Brexit so they will certainly see it as revenge.
France isn't so bad if you speak French. Lots of sights, cathedrals, historic cities, nice beaches, actually good weather in the South.
But you have to speak French, because even when they say they speak English ... well, it's not an English non-Frenchmen can understand.
>not the champion of pettiness themsevles
We are nice enough to keep the shitskins here, we could totally say "fuck it" and let them cross the channel by tunnel or by boat and end the torment of the 70 000 calaisien.
I am not defending what French did at all. In fact I find it inexcusable regardless if it was done on purpose or not.
The point I was making is that one cannot sperg out about "sovereignty" and "taking back control" and then cry like a bitch when somebody else does exactly that.
This is exactly what I detest the most about the British character.
The idea that we have a God given right to threat others the way we see fit because we are physically and mentally detached from others and we know better.
My neighbour who is a pilot in RAF yesterday said over a beer when we were discussing Chinese purchase of 1000 Y-20's that he sincerely hopes that people will eventually wake up and realise that UK is a small country and that it's power is rapidly fading. Because if they do not somebody else will do it for us and it won't be nice.
>me on the far right
Why not both?
Do it, watch what happens.
This is the only way your cuck nation can lash out because it know where it stands in the pecking order.
>This is exactly what I detest the most about the British character.
We're still in the EU till next year, feel free to fuck off and leave. (you wont, would lose your social moniez)
It's not France being angry. They are just incompetent and don't know how to organize border control, being 50 % West African and all.
Why are all cars black? look weird
This is not Brexits fault you clowns. Why would it be? We haven't changed anything yet, we are still in the EU right now you fucking plebs.
If this was to do with Brexit, why did it not happen after the vote? Why did it instead happen after a terrorist attack where France has now increased security?
Hmmm it really makes you think
You have friends? You?
our most popular car colors are white black and grey, anything else is faggy.
Because trade hurdles with your biggest economic partner are never good for your economy.
The EU will get it all back. Freedom of settlement for people and freedom to trade goods.
UK will get cUKed hard
You don't understand how international relations work. Fuck off already you unbearable cuck.
The EU treats you as a foreign entity from now, better get used to it. You are not a friend of the EU, you are an outcast, a thing that should not be, a complete MESS, you are not human
That "God given right to threaten others" sounds strangely like EU politicians who thought they could bully the UK and then got pissy when they voted out.
Isn't it funny?
Exactly this.
>hmm lets try to travel through the bottleneck during the busiest weekend of the year when all the schools have just broken up and after France has just had another terrorist attack in which we all know will cause heightened security checks
>wah why are we stuck in a traffic jam?
your friend is a fucking retard.
>implying anyone could invade the UK in 2016
A complete retard.
We all know what would happen, Sadiq will welcome them and you will go cry on the dailymail because there is nothing you can do about it.
Now shut the fuck up and stop playing the tough guy when your country allows Niqab, let his children be raped by thousands by paki gagns and elect a muslim mayor that applies modesty principles on your ads.
Guess how long it took for this man to clear that border? :DDD
it's retarded because France knows the uk border is no fucking threat, what are we going to do attack P&O Ferrys because they stopped serving crumpets after 11am?
Ban all travel between Uk and France when?
In fact Ban all contact between us and the frogs, when?
>base an entire campaign about being able to control borders
>364489 replies absolutely assravaged that the French control their part of our shared border in a way we don't like
Move the border back to our actual territory and let all those "refugees" set up camp on British soil if the French are so shit and childish.
AHAH wow you sound so fucking bitter. Remind me again which country is currently having issues with constant terrorist attacks? :^)
Brexit people believe UK is the greatest country on Earth and don't want to be part of Europe.
So why they try to get into Europe?
Can't Blackpool not be used as substitute for holidays.
Well given that a load of islamic nutters come out of our country as well as theirs, and that the tunnel would be a easy target for some dickheads with a car bomb, their actions seem entirely sensible.
>be french
>get run over
haha literal meme country
You seem to forget that the crossing can only be done via a timetable. You can't just rock up and instantly cross, you can only do so when the boat is ready to leave.
And as mentioned, it is the summer holidays. The channel is also an entry point to the European continent.
France is stretched, staff wise due to even more security.
All of this shit piles up to create this. It is not the fault of Brexit, it was just a fuck up waiting to happen and it finally has.
Exactly. The UK border is no threat, so they pulled people out and sent them somewhere there is a threat.
>implying Ahmed from Londonistan won't get mad if he was travelling P&O to go see his cousin Abdul in Paris and they stopped serving samosas after 11am
>(((EU diplomats)))
Kill yourself, my rootless cosmopolitan friend