Like the title says.
ITT: Trilogies with no weak entries
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I'm really curious what "Extreme Unrated" refers to.
I like how the characters evolve after each movie.
Any chance of us getting a fourth one?
+Beta House
No. The only good one post-trilogy is Band Camp. That one is almost original movies-tier.
yeah, this was fun
maybe because I'm a brit and greek life has always been fascinating to me
Austin Powers probably does get worse as it goes on, and becomes more of the Dr. Evil show
but I recently rewatched it and they're still all good fun
Third one ended with bith girls pregnant. They'd probably ruin it with kids if they did a fourth.
Happy for it end where it did.
*both girls
>probably does get worse as it goes on
I'd say 2>1, but 3 was definitely the weakest of them
>Toy Story
>Evil Dead
>Star Wars (4,5,6)
>escape from guantanamo bay
>Star Wars
ROTJ ruined that streak with Ewoks.
let's see if he makes a 4th
>cockmeat sandwich scene
>Kumar flashbacks
>George Bush
Nah, it was awesome.
That's a big trilogy
For Jews.
Yea it's pretty subpar, nowhere as good as the first. I've never seen the third one, but based on the ratings it's even worst than 2.
the whole thing just seemed like they were calling the bush administration retards every chance they got
which it was but I don't want to watch 2 hours of democrats jerking each other off
Harold and kumar christmas sucks ass though
The other 2 are stonerkino
They made Bush sympathetic though. He even helped Kumar get the girl.
>i hope you're hungry for this cockmeat sandwich
Captain America trilogy
comfy kino tier
literally the greatest capeshit ever made
great tier
Despite its genre it's funny how few of the jokes actually involve drug use.
I didn't mind TDKR to be honest.
I thought 3 was much better than 2. I wish they'd made the originally intended version of 2 even if it was a bit samey as Euro Trip. What we got didn't feel organic.
Good trilogy.
The last one is an attempt to smear Christianity at every opportunity. Doesn't help that it also has the annoying as fuck guy from college humor in it
Wafflebot and the nph scene saved the fucking movie but the rest was pretty weak
I am kidding by the way
>"Go to whitecastle"
What did the American only version of this title mean?
White Castle is the name of the fast food place they were going
did they change it overseas?
What was the original plan for 2?
2 overdid it with the product placement jokes. Most of the weren't funny and there were so many that it stopped being a parody and they just did it to cash in.
It lets normal fags know it's "edgy".
The Christmas one was super shitty
>It's a "bam cries like a little girl" scene
Pure prankino.
>That Beyonce
>Those dancers in Hard Knock Life
I swear this was the movie that kickstarted my Jungle Fever
Night of the Living Dead
I think it was Harold and Kumar get the munchies in europe
mentally, you adult embarrassment
Pro-tip: this isn't a trilogy
The irony of this post is hilarious. Posts like this is what keeps me coming back to this board.
Guantanamo Bay was awful though.
Please share with us a movie that you consider funny. Funny in a comedic way. A movie that caused you to make audible laughing noises while viewing it. One of those.
White Castle and Christmas.
Maybe it's my nostalgia glasses, saw GB in the theaters and lost my shit. But i was right around the perfect age to where it was all funny.
Toy Story
they are all good movies, and you could argue each one is just a bit better than the previous
third one is kinda weak. they all decrease just a bit in quality. first one is best one
2 & 3 never live up to #1
im not sure this counts
thats not a trilogy dude
How has this not been posted yet?
Cam here to post this. I'm hoping for a fourth one, too. I'm pretty hopefully since Linklater and Hawke have both said they're open to it. W probably won't know for about 5 years, though.
alyson hannigan is such a qt pi
every time i watch 3 it just makes me want to watch 1 and 2. it is pretty bad.
>not 2
2 is only good for the future stuff in the beginning, after that you might as well turn it off. The whole "Biff has a casino and Marty's mom is a big tit bimbo" part is stale as hell.
This. 3 is really good, 2 is the weak one.
Is that the movie that's shot in pseudo real time?
Before Sunset (the second one) is. It takes place during a single conversation and is set in real time. The other two aren't, but they do take place over the course of a single day/night.
And what makes the trilogy all the more interesting is that it happened in the same weekend for Marty. He spent about a week in 1955 in the 1st film, a couple of days in Part 2, and a couple in Part 3 so his time-travel adventures were a 2 week experience. Imagine going to school on Monday after facing your young dad's bullies, your future son's bullies, and nearly getting into a gunfight with Biff's outlaw ancestor. You'd have a totally different outlook towards life.
>3 was definitely the weakest of them
True, but I did think it had some good moments.
Pic related
Also, both Sergio Leone trilogies.
>world's end
>not weak
Not a Trilogy when there's American Reunion.
christmas one is shitty outside of a few gags
half the movie doesn't even focus on our title characters
Ninu Dimu is kinda weak desu.
I forgot how incredibly awesome those movies were to my middle school brain. I must have watched Austin Powers 2 on repeat ten dozen times between 7th and 9th grade. I loved that movie.
Fat bastard was the best character though
They're all great and should be watched in one sitting you nerds
Worlds end was a chore to finish. My word what was the point of that at all? At the very least I'll give it that the ending was somewhat neat and original, but there was just very few funny moments and peggs character was insufferably annoying.
Part one is perfection.
2 is a fun ride and a really interesting concept.
3 is...comfy but not great. I still enjoy it. I wish it didn't rehash so many things. But it's nice to see the Marty and doc relationship explored.
Not sure how that's a trilogy.
>Fun, stoned adventures with your best bro
>get your respective roasties preggers
>series ends
What did they mean by this?
I've only seen the first one. I think I heard that the follow-ups don't compare.
I'll go with Kizloffsky's masterwerken.
Literally every single one was weak.
I don't like Beyond Thunderdome as much as the first two
It's Kieslowski
>that scene where the guy from the Hangover is talking to their parents and doesn't understand them despite the parents speaking perfect English
I was being phonetic for my own amusement.
I disrespectfully disagree.
Schindler's List
#3 had a really strong first act, but then fell apart fast.
Good answer
Which is the best?
Not really phonetic though. Its kyeslovsky
The only answer.
I remember people HATED Toy Story 2 when it came out.
>Catwoman turned around so her ass is facing the camera
I hate feminists as much as the next permavirgin but that's pretty fucking stupid.
Are you gay?
lost river would fit better in this "trilogy" than neon demon, Gosling cucks Refn anyway
It means the studio went behind the director's back and dumped in a bunch of deleted scenes.
Okay, I stand corrected.