why do women like gore so much?
Why do women like gore so much?
Women are evil.
probably reminds them of their period lol
I cannot imagine how weird it must be to have some creature grow inside of you that when it comes out nearly splits you in two.
Why is childbirth so inefficient anyway? Is it as much of a hassle for animals?
French women directors in general are weird.
Lucile Hadzihalilovic makes weird films with naked children, Celine Sciamma films about underage girls kissing each other (and she is a lesbian) and now there is this women obsessed with her young actress.
Hadzihalilovic is married to Gaspar Noe.
They've probably written screenplays together that they'd get arrested for if published.
That makes Innocence even creepier.
Julia, pls.
How many threads have you made?
Animals pop that shit out mid stride and don't give a fuck. I've seen a giraffe just drop a baby out its vag 2 meter drop and the thing just squirms for a bit before getting on its feet and running off. Animals are insane, we're a bunch of giant pussies in comparison when babies.
What would lead a man to choose Julia over Garance?
Childhood is idolizing Garance.
Adulthood is realizing Julia makes more sense.
wtf I love France now
Because most animals are born at a much later stage of development than humans.
Humans have to be born very early in development so that the skull with our gigantic brains can fit through the birth canal. Even being born that early, the head is still huge in relation to the size of the body.
Being born so early in development and being so dependent on the parent is what forces humans to cooperate in pairs, families, villages and (eventually) civilizations.
Age. Only kids and idiots want a teenager.
Welp you called that right. I'm 24.
If it's any consolation, a 19 year old is more likely to be into a 24 year old than a 33 year old would be.
It's hot.
Are women better horror directors?
Good taste.
>there is this women obsessed with her young actress.
They're dating.
I hate that fucking movie
What movie?
they secretly want to get rape murdered by men