NBC's Morning Joe: It's All Rigged

Well shit, you guys were fucking right all along

I'm sorry I doubted you

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How come my thread did not get any replies?
It's a good thread!

Aussies help me get replies how do you do it

You should post the direct link.

you mean to say this one dude's tweet convinced you?
doesn't make sense, user
what are we "right" about anyway?



It's not just one dude, he's a major news guy in America

Rigged from the start. Pic related - it was my pol epiphany. They better fucking revolt at the DNC, she is taking the entire party down with her.

Add "really makes you think" or _____ BTFO to your posts

Of course it's rigged

That's the show's account, this one is his personal account It's verified, it's not fake

Nah it's real

The account you linked is for the show in general. The one OP linked is Joe's personal account.

You mean Trump was right all along. You could have prevented this. But you turned away.

Thank you!

want to be my greek guide and go to some old ruins together? i wanna see the theatre at Epidaurus and Mycenae
where else should we go?

If you didn't know this all ready you're a fucking idiot.

Too bad MJ is still cucked.

I'm not good at ancient things I was never a good student I only liked math and shit

If you have a girlfriend you should go to Sounio at around 18:00 - 19:00 and watch the sunset it's really cool but it's about an hour's drive from Athens. The road is all by the sea so it's a nice route anyway

The DNC's image has completely flipped. It's fucking amazing. They are the gross party now.

you're lucky i like dogs.

I was the last summer. I spent most of my time in Saronida right next to anavisos. Bredy comfy

>it's real

The absolute mad man

Theres a bunch of good ancient sigthings in Athens but dont stay there longer than 2 days.

Road connections to other major cities are now brety gud(thanks Olympic Games) so you could just drive allong upwards past Delphi etc and stop along Nice looking cities.

Dont tourist it up in smaller towns though.

It's the point that is a major news head is saying this. I wonder if he could maybe even get fired over this

This election has the most ridiculous twists and turns, based Assange coming out of nowhere with these powerplays

The endgame looks easy for Trump unless the left have some trick up their sleeve, but it seems they blew their load too early. Shillary's mountain of scandal is just fueling skepticism towards her

The leaks, Clinton Cash & Hillarys America, hillary announcing fucking white male that panders in Spanish, pissed off berntards and the democrat convention this week. And we get to sit back and watch it all, this is glorious chaos. Have we thanked kek today?

fuck off Joe. you had your chance

Says Scarborough, the cuck who cares about nothing but his paycheck, fucks his married co-worker and takes his marching orders from Phil Griffin and Chuck Todd.

Right? Fuck this guy

All according to plan.

wow, the DNC must really hate Morning Joe™
Be sure to tune in to Morning Joe™ guys, over on MSNBC

That guy is probably losing his job soon... if not soon, the guy is gonna get a spanking

>The system is rigged
>see, there's this email the DNC wrote complaining about me calling the system is rigged, that proves that the system is rigged
It's like I'm reading Twitch chat.

Joe literally said that there's "TRUMPIAN CHAOS" YESTERDAY
I swear to god these democrats are getting dumber every day. The leak has been out for more than two days, but it's only when it's bad for him he decides to trash it

The DNC will be a mess. We are so blessed.

Liberals saw through money in politics, and the conservatives saw through the marxist agenda. And now the american people will meet in the middle, whether its through trump, or the next candidate. The american people are tired of career politicians who only serve themselves. Hillary is exactly like Claire underwood from house of cards.

Kek really is real isnt he user

Have a bump you depressing bastard

Praise him.

>I swear to god these democrats are getting dumber every day.
no he is a "conservative" whatever that means when you work for MSNBC

I liked your thread user

> Spend your life going up the ladder only to find it's rigged entirely too late.

What a wasted fucking life.

May you burn in hell for your blasphemy

And I hope he will talk about this on Monday

We tried to warn them months, possibly even a year or so ago.
Leftards dont listen to facts, facts are racist to them.

His seemed pretty upset from his tweet, I'm sure he will

I saw that too. I went sifting through his feed looking for a tweet in which he shilled hard for Hillary and I didn't even have to move the mousewheel.


Serious question, will the democrats ever recover from this?

I know the media is in bed with the Democrats, but I feel like word is going to get out anyway, the momentum seems to be on Trump's side and the DNC seems to be falling apart amidst all of this scandal.

>Wikileaks released this right before the convention, totally embarrassing them and pissing off Berniebros
>This is only PART 1
>Assange said in January that he has dirt that will INDICT Hillary rt.com/usa/346534-wikileaks-clinton-assange-fbi/

Is it possible that Wikileaks is holding onto the real killshot so they can release it right before Hillary is nominated?

A better question

Will Chuck todd get fire?

This is some serious ethic violation.
Can msnbc just sit its ass on this?

It'll be right after the nomination, or maybe even as soon as its announced. Media gets slid and reputation drops even more

If he does have something like that, I'd bet he's not going to leak it til after she gets the nom.

>GOP is hijacked
>dems are in disarray
What a time to be alive

>A Billionaire Reality TV Star ran for President and defeated the Republican establishment
>Hillary Clinton was caught being extremely careless with government secrets but no charges were thrown
>UK left the EU
>It turned out that fucking GamerGate of all things was just foreshadowing to the shitstorm that that the Democrats face now
>Milo Yiannopolus went from being a literal who to one of the biggest voices in conservatism

If you had told me a year ago that this is what 2016 would bring I would have called you a damn liar.

I shall know no other God but KEK. Hail the dark lord of chaos. PRAISE KEK, DUBS BE IN HIS NAME.

>Liberals had the "come on, its 2015" line.
>Now we have "Come on, its 2016"

They'll make him an offer he can't refuse.

>It turned out that fucking GamerGate of all things was just foreshadowing to the shitstorm that that the Democrats face now
How so, it seemed pretty minor compared to the SJW storm of the entire last 8 years?

Gamergate exposed that corruption went all the way as high as major newspapers like Huffington Post, even down to tv news like CNN. It compromised the whole thing.

I'm so happy. Ron Paul made a tiny little chink in the armor of the system after two tries.. and then he gives up and two other anti-establishment candidates each destroy a party. Just wait, Bernie's people are gonna wreck shit whether he tells them to or not.. and Trump will be the last one standing

What a glorious time to be alive

There's a big push to get Bernie to pull out his endorsement of Hillary and instead go towards the Green Party.
Can we perpetuate this?
Can we bring about Trumps victory by fracturing the democratic party?
I'm almost hyperventilating I'm so excited

It lit a fire under a lot of asses in a lot of places simply because it showed people they just don't have to take this shit laying down and they have nothing to lose by speaking their minds and holding their ground.

>tfw porky pig is leader of the free world

It is the first serious strike back against the SJW storm for the younger generation.

The older ones are already fighting the cultural war and they were losing badly before this. GG has manage to convince a lot of people the cultural war is real and the old guards also picked up a trick or 2 from GG.

Looking back, I would say GG was almost the harbinger of Trump's "movement."

did it? I thought it was just one corrupt gaming mag, and every left media source defended them because the person who bribed them to promote their game was a girl.

>By fracturing the Democratic party.
You dont need to do shit to it, just look at it.
>Woman running for president has a long standing history of being a crook and is under investigation.
>Obama forces Bernie to endorse Hillary against his own fucking wishes.
>Bernie's supporters are now seeing that their god who hates the establishment just endorsed the establishment.
>Wikileaks proving the DNC rigged it, just like they tried in 2008 with DWS "remember, she fucked everybody including Bernie over then too, and shes the one who started the Birther thing about Obama, not fucking Trump"

Oh god no, they had Anita on CNN and CNN and other tv news and sites all ran similar adds about sexism games etc. It was a massive spring board for the "a rape happens every 22 seconds guys come on, its 2015" shit.

Now look at Huffington Po and such, people see it for what it is, a bunch of liberal garbage just like the others, more are turning to other news feeds, and Wikileaks is leading the way in damning evidence of corruption.

But if we stay complacent, Shillary still might get what she wants in the end.

Sup Forums is satire and very rarely right

seems like soros and clinton also got BLM to troll sanders events too. I mean, BLM is an obvious troll group

Well, kind sir, what would you suggest we do? Most media is ignoring the DNC thing, and god knows all are in bed with her.

sleep tight, puppers

Okay all this stuff is happening right, but I mean. Can we say that this all won't just sink through the memory hole? Remember when Edward Snowden was all over the news, most people don't even know who he is STILL.

yeah, i guess i just wouldn't call it corruption. More a problem with PC culture.

I don't think the vast majority of these people believe they are doing something wrong, they are just too enveloped in PC culture to allow themselves to question anything about things like gamergate. They all know damn well if they said anything like "well, what that girl did *was* technically bribery...." they'd lose their job, be blacklisted and become socially ostracized from all their friends.

A big part of GamerGate was GameJournoPros, a private Google Group that was leaked which showed how all the gaming journalists conspired against anyone who opposed their views and snuffed out coverage of people they didn't like. Gamergators saw this as corruption.

How we have WIkileaks leaking a shitload of DNC email, how they plotted against Bernie, and now we have proof that SuperPACs actually pay people to shill for Hillary on the internet.

I was listening to Fox News right now and the DNC representative was just calling the most damning leaks nothing more than loony paranoia. SJWs attacked GamerGate in the same way.

>muh free speech vidya
Fucking autists, man.

>girl made a game
>game was reviewed by people she slept with
>ex-bf spills the beans
>GG do some investigating
>GG find out people from nearly every video game publication are part of a big club of insiders who plan and execute stories based on leftist ideology
>GG also find many devs have links to these people
>GG also finds links to government organizations like DARPA through organizations like DiGRA

turns out the corruption is deep and seeded throughout our entire society, not just a video game industry. We need to tear it out by the roots.

Holy shit I hope they cover this leak specifically on air.

Gamergate is fucking small potatoes compared to corruption in the most powerful political party in the world. But as I wrote before Gamergate feels like foreshadowing to the future.

We've reached an age where anyone with the freetime to scan through emails can be a sleuth.

>Well shit, you guys were fucking right all along

I wonder if joe gunna change his tone on trump

>Gamergate is foreshadowing the future
You've got to be kidding me. Someone obviously isn't based too far in reality.

I know you have a Steam account open right now. Close it.

But the media doesnt pretend not to be biased. It's so ridiculously blatant.

Nice. Now go watch ClintonCash and learn how they sell all that power.

The bribery is obviously corruption. The leftist ideology thing is just obvious. Every leftist publication does the same, which is why we call them leftist publications. That much isn't corruption, it's just shitty bias.

I doubt any normie media organisation gives two shits about gamer gate. It was just some stupid controversy amongst a bunch of gamers. Anyone who didn't know the main media organisations weren't intensely corrupt and biased already needs their heads examined. To think that some corruption case in a literally no name gaming publication blew the roof off corruption in society is something you could only think if you never left your basement in the last 20 years.

You must be pretty dense if you still can't grasp his point.

It's only blatant to people who know of their treachery and refuse to be subverted, user. Did Yuri teach you nothing?

Adorable little pup :)

Add in an element about Americans not knowing what you know because they can't read and get them all defensive

I was pretending to be retarded, but it didn't work.

Good job nigga.

> Hillary hasn't been preordained to be next POTUS.

Keep voting, delusional faggots.

Oy vey unudda shoah

>"""journalist"""" is talking about our candidate badly, we'll call his fucking producer and put a stop to it

Good, now accept the GET lord kek as the happening bringer and repent your previous follies.

>entire party down with her.
>bad thing

Good riddance i say, the sooner the Democrats are gone the better and if the Republican party doesn't work for the people then they should meet the same fate.


>t. Hillary Clinton intern

Gamergate was just a battle in a long war.

Media and SJW's played their hand too hard on GG and people got woke on their tactics and realized that the left is all bark and no bite.

If they can't slide or censor you they have no power.

You say that but the younger generations didn't know, same as why they put all their chips in with Bernie and got Bernt.

All this stuff coming out and being exposed to the younger generation is actually stealing them back from being zombies of the left and giving them a chance.

For what it is worth, GamerGate did introduce me to blatant media corruption and their hatred for their own audience. Also identity politics, which trumps all actual actions and cucks who defend everything to be "inclusive."

All they had to do was let me play my games in peace, man.