Is Russia and Turkey friends now?

Is Russia and Turkey friends now?

Turkey is based

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im waiting for Putin to stomp that fucking roach already.

yes. there will be a happening tonight as well

Russia warned Turkey of the coup.
Obviously they're friends now. USA is shitting it's pants right now.

Turkey is probably helping Russia with the pipeline now

check news at 8 pm

What's happening at Turkey tonight?

We dont have friends.
We dont need them.

Ottos and Muscs allying, ffs.

why US betrays turkey?

I've lost so much respect for Putin over this bullshit move; he should have had a fleet of jets flying 10km within Turkish airspace daring them to shoot another plane down after that incident.

According to Sup Forums, turkey is being nice to Russia and USA got buttmad because that ruins the Qatar-Turkey Oil Pipeline Proposition in favor of the Russian backed Oil Pipeline

us has its own agenda and so does erdog. They clashed and us wanted the coup.

RT is constantly shilling against Turkey, but the russian domestic news outlets are not. Ruskies are just doing what they do best; stirring up trouble, or attempting to magnify existing trouble.

Russian friendship is pretty much never genuine... They are much like the Americans in that sense.

Hey turkey i like you could you save poland from the muslim flood over europe?
we already paid the price for vienna

I think Erdogan realized the stupidity of his confrontations with Syria and Russia only empowered the Kurdish separatists who are already supported by Israel and America, a independen Kurdistan is Erdogan no1 problem, with would a 2nd Israel in the Middle-East.



> check news at 8 pm

What time zone you niggers?

There was a post predicting that they will close Incirlik Air Base and give it to Russian use. That was bullshit tbqh.


total nonsense

It's 1 pm EST
Prolly about the joint Kemalist-Islamist rally at the Taksim Square


thanks for explain it to me :) I love you guys

The US probably communicate with the Kurds for the Incirlik Air Base.

You mean basted, right? I prefer my turkey basted and with some seasonings, to be honest.


Normalization. A beautyful word which means previous turkish policy crashed to pieces and now we will define their new one.

Eastern Anatolia will belong to the Armenians again very soon. Screencap this.

Btich please. Putin despises Erdogan just like most russians do. You can´t show weakness to him. The moment Erdagon crawled back to Putin to beg for forgiveness, Putin had his balls. He will use Erdogan to build tie Pipeline and that´s it. Erdogan is nothing more but a cuck for Putin.

Russia, Elliott Rodger the nation

Koksal Baba approves!

According to RT:

Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu in the interview with channel NTV stated that "Russia has given us the most support during the coup"

So this might be an indirect confirmation about that Persian news story that Russia warned MIT about the coup.



My sides.