Why are threads about political tv shows deleted, when they break no rules?

Sup Forums - Television & Film

1. Content should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc.
2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.
3. Global Rule 13 applies—all images of actresses should be accompanied by relevant discussion.
4. Please make use of the spoiler image checkbox and spoiler tags. Purposeful spoiling of a series or movie is not allowed.
Global rule 13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

If I were to make a post about how Bill Maher is defaming people on his show. infowars.com/real-time-host-bill-maher-is-accused-of-crossing-the-line-with-tasteless-incest-joke-about-ivanka-trump/
That clearly complies with rule 2. And breaks no rules in the process. Also the only Bill Maher thread on the board at the time, so not spamming either.

If commenting on politically based shows is no longer acceptable on this board, the rules should be updated. Or threads that don't break any rules, should be left alone.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because the threads promote actual discussion. The meme parasites swaglord killed off the old users don't like that as they want quick 1 word meme replies and ebin images they can post on their twitter page

Seems about right...

You know you aren't going to post anything Sup Forums related once the thread starts it will be just a bunch of SJW boogeyman shit, just please fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Mods please keep on deleting all this degenerate unrelated bullshit thank you

It is right
I mean I agree this has nothing to do with Sup Forums since it's an article and not on the televised stuff, but it was the only thread up at the time that had actual discussion going and they moved it while leaving up various Sup Forums shit. Do you know? It's because meme parasites report bombed it which made it jump to the top of the mod queue

What you're saying is discussion of a major tv show seen by millions of people is off limits, because the conversation about that show doesn't suit you?

That's nice. Can we say hypocritical?

Leftists signed up as mods and jannies, and can't stand getting booty blasted every thread as well as IRL

They want to shut down threads that contradict their narrative because they have no argument, but they know they'll look like the censoring cunts they are if they admit that it's the political views that bother them. So they act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where they'll try to convince people that discussion of a politically charged films or television is not related to Sup Forums.

You already know this, and so does most of Sup Forums, but they seem to think they're fooling people so they keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons to come to Sup Forums still.

Holy fuck why don't you just go to Sup Forums?
You are clearly interested in commenting on politics, cultures, white male dicks etc so just go there and no one will delete your precious threads, all this shit is clearly not Sup Forums related.

The link has a video, of the actual televised stuff... just saying.

By this logic, why not post sports on Sup Forums?Pretty much all the big-name players are also actors becuase of their work in commercials or appearances on random tv shows.

>political tv show threads get deleted
>meanwhile actual trump threads straight out of Sup Forums go for 400 posts
the answer is because the janis do it for fucking free

Your shitty thread got deleted because you're an idiot.


Come back when you actually understand United States free speech laws. This isn't Europe where you can declare anything that you don't like hate "hate speech".

You can talk about sports video games on Sup Forums. Hell the all time general over there is /trb/

>That clearly complies with rule 2. And breaks no rules in the process.

Starting a Bill Maher thread violates the spirit of rules 1 and 2. Since you know it will devolve into a shitshow that belongs on >>>/pol

You're just looking for an excuse to shitpost about politics, stop asking dumb questions and acting like a passive aggressive little bitch and go back to redit.

Another example of reddit9k trash that started after we were invaded they won't report because for them it's how this board was when they started

There is one thread allowed at a time to discuss board rules and culture, you backseat moderator little bitch

So does Bill Maher, that's what his TELEVISION show talks about every Friday.

So what are we supposed to discuss about his TELEVISION show? The hairstyle of the guests? The set pieces? Lighting and sound?
His intro music? What?

>What you're saying is discussion of a major tv
Get the fuck out faggot.

Because those sports video game weirdos keep to themselves, they've got one thread each. They don't fuck up the entire board by spamming fifa/fm memes, the way people here do with trump stuff.

So you're not even a Sup Forums local but think you can tell us how to post on our board?

>What you're saying is discussion of a major tv show seen by millions of people is off limits, because the conversation about that show doesn't suit you?
I have no problem with people discussing a show or even some meme hollywood agendas, but threads like that immediately dwelve into graphs with muslim infestation and other Sup Forums related things, only the original post has anything related to the tv show.

It's the same as posting a thread with this pic explaining how people are "just discussing a tv show" while 99% of the posters didn't even see the tv show or are even commenting anything related about the show, it's just straight up politics from the first post.

Reddit gets butthurt when people dont parrot their leftwing politics back at them



So? Why not go fuck yourself and join /r/movies or something? Why are you even here?

2 posts in and they start...

>a Sup Forums local

Do you think everyone spends all their time on one board?

Just post on Sup Forums you retarded faggot.
MODS please delete this thread

so the liberal babbies just mass report threads they get owned in?
wow that's fucking sad lol.

See I can guarantee you he's never had a genuine film or tv thread as he's only here to get memes to take back to Sup Forums and twitter

but it's a tv show you jackass
>mom I posted it again

why are alt-righters so obsessed with rules?

Because I want to talk about Television & Film (mainly film) and banepost.
Reddit is a massive circlejerk cancerfest so I can't move there.

You don't want to talk about TELEVISION. You want to talk about POLITICS. And you don't want to talk or debate, you just want an echo chamber that will feed all your opinions back to you as facts in meme form.

So go to Sup Forums, you pussy.

>not true to the film cause
I'm not surprised at all anymore. What brought you here? Bane cancer, capeshit, star wars 7 or that you're allowed to have sfw Sup Forums culture here like the rest of your anti Sup Forums Sup Forumsed crowd ruining the board?

I just like talking about movies and tv

Sounds like a cop out to me. Have a major tv show that discusses politics, and in my opinion spreads hate, civil unrest and treason.

Can't talk about it... can't challenge it. You want to talk about the real definition of fascism?

So you moved to a board full of redditors?

>but it's a tv show you jackass

I am pretty sure atleast 90% of the posters here don't watch that at all and most posts you would get would be from people who haven't seen it.
It just goes straight to SJW SJW SJW SJW and you know it.

Do you think Bill Maher would suck a cock behind closed doors for $1 Million? I'm thinking yes.

We have a president that spreads hate and civil unrest. Some shitty HBO drama no one even watched isn't gonna start the revolution, you dumb nigger.

>but it's a tv show you jackass
So are football matches and we don't talk about them here.

Cry more.

Because it's not Television & Film related you dumbfuck.

It's the equivalent of posting some random cooking tv show here and people talking exclusively about recipes, pots and pans, cooking techniques etc.

Because they're all impotent.

If that's the case, he should be challenged as well. However if that is the case, why would someone need defamation or slander to do it?

They wouldn't.

Hey buddy, how about you go back to your hugbox. I've been talking here about le samourai, the third man, 8 1/2 and what have you when you weren't even in middle school yet. I saw Bellatap count the days until Bella Thorne turned 18 for years and then I saw him vanish again. I saw the births of memes you assholes don't even know they existed and created one or two even myself. I witnessed the birth of the Bane meme when Sup Forums was nothing but for you threads. I was there when the mods stickied the Game of Thrones theme right when the second season started. I was here for LOST threads and posted good night sweet prince in more celebrity death threads than there are years in your age. Shut, the fuck, up. You don't know nothing.

If you start banning threads just because they are political this will lead to a slippery slope of censorship that will turn this place into a wasteland. If you ban politics, you should ban waifu posting. If you ban waifu posting you should ban capeshit. If you ban capeshit you should ban talk about podcasts, and so on. Eventually there will be nothing to talk about but some pretentious drivel about Lars von Trier films. Fuck you this is Sup Forums not /r/cuck.

All the time. Most shitposting liberals are mobile posters too so they just sit there hitting airplane mode over and over to report the thread

We've always talked Maher and Daily Show on Sup Forums, ALWAYS, you triggered little newfag, literally a liberal crybaby from plebbit! Sad!

> If you ban politics, you should ban waifu posting. If you ban waifu posting you should ban capeshit. If you ban capeshit you should ban talk about podcasts, and so on.

Yes all of this degenerate should be banned completely from Sup Forums

>It's the equivalent of posting some random cooking tv show here and people talking exclusively about recipes, pots and pans, cooking techniques etc.
That happens all the fucking time yet it's babysat

The whole site is awash with Sup Forums tier content it seems. Every board has some thread titled something like "what are some (content related to the board) where I can [Sup Forums related event]
And it never stops.

Because of faggy liberal low t mods

If people were interested enough to keep a thread going like that (cooking show) and they were discussing the recipes that were on that show, it wouldn't be breaking any rules either.

Underrated and exactly right

Waifuposting has been banned since 2013 which is why this board is like this now though

Lmao no one talked about any of this politics shit before Trump became a candidate here, you're the filthy newfag here my dear amigo friend

what's a football match
go be weird and european somewhere else

How about you making a thread about shit you like and stop complaining? Feel free to enlighten us with your tasteful observations about the seventh seal and what have you. I might even bump.

Food threads that get spammed with jack memes are regularly deleted here you fucking tourist crossposters, go back from wherever you came from

Maybe it's because so many tv shows are based on Sup Forums tier content?

Think. It's not that hard.

Lol k, Bin Al Fleck was a meme before Trump and that's just fairly recently

>fucking tourist crossposters,
Why are you using language used against you? You're not even an authentic Sup Forums poster

>please keep all this degenerate shit on this board, who wants to talk about actual films wtf

You're pathetic

>Everything is related to politics

Wow, the pol babbies on here are absolutely delusional. Nobody gives a shit about threads about political tv shows, there have been discussions here for a long time on colbert report, daily show, bill maher, and shows like those where the topic of the show itself is politics. the problem is that you agenda pushing single minded fags start to fill up every fucking thread with politic shit, make political threads about non political subjects, and derail every conversation, and after some time, you guys managed to derail this entire fucking board

Waifuposting only got big because it triggered people. If anything the board really couldn't handle it moot should've created /celeb/ and be done with it.

>You can't ban things you don't like!
>but ban talk about actual films because I don't like them

That sweet Sup Forums logic.

Liar, we've never talked about Maher, it's a fairly new thing and the daily show, all threads along the years have been about how John Stewart is jewish, nothing more, but what can I expect from a dishonest parasitic right winger, nothing but lies.
Sup Forums is not your safe space, fuck off back to were you came because it's clear as water that you're new here.

This poster is a cuck

Liberals dont like it when people disagree with their retarded views.

Nowadays, yes it basically is. Every jackass director is trying to gain praise and win awards by injecting pseudo social issue awareness crap into films where it doesn't change anything.

>How about you making a thread about shit you like and stop complaining?

Because my thread will get immediately to page 5 because of redditors and Sup Forums leeches spamming about capeshit, celebshot and straight white male dicks.

So only the shows you like and watch matter?

That's nice.


Ok faggot, there have always been Real Time threads. Maybe your first trip here last year was when he was on break, but talking about RT on Saturday morning has always been a thing

And I'm not going anywhere sweetie

Because 99% of the time it's a bait/troll thread that was only created to piss off liberals.

You missed the point. He can talk about films as much as he wants, my complain isn't related to that. I complain about him complaining without doing anything practical against that. Do you know how many assholes did come and go over the years talking about "hurr durr let's talk about real cinema"? A lot.

Meanwhile there were legitimate efforts by some guys who made dedicated threads every day just to discuss good movies. Guess what happened? Nobody posted in those but a few people. Where were the complainers then? Nowhere to be found.

If you want a better board culture work for it and create some discussion rather than trying to censor everything.

End your life.

so maybe just don't take the bait and it goes away in 5 minutes? nah, that'd be too simple.


I'm pretty sure not one poster in this thread watched a single second of that shit tv show, why even discuss and give it attention

Because the rest of us are sick of watching you useless assholes (on both sides) spin your fucking wheels and getting nowhere. Trumpettes and SJWS are all annoying and worthless, equally.

>Nobody posted in those but a few people.

Because you Sup Forums leeches bump the shit out of your threads and naturally that film thread goes down the catalog without even being seen.

>triggered the cuck

Says the alt-right pussy in the thread filled with crying alt-right pussies.

its astounding that you managed to convince yourself that is what im saying. also, i see you guys saying this at least 10 times a thread when this shit is discussed, and its literally never what the person you say it to is trying to say. you guys running off a script? or are your reading comprehension and reasoning skills just that pitiful

More complaining. Then bump your own fucking threads in and act of defiance. Truth be told you like to talk mad shit but when push comes to shove you don't have much to say. Come one talk about movie stuff I'll join you.

>If I can someone a pussy, by transient property, I'm a big bad tuff guy

Always since last year, when you came here to jerk off to leaked pictures of celebrities, and what did you discuss in those threads honey, tell me, what kind of insightful posts did you make?

Because 99% of them aren't actual discussion, they're just thinly veiled Sup Forums threads

you lost the election, it's time to accept it.

I've been here since before Lost verticals, friendo, when Abatap and that gook pedo ran this place

I just don’t understand why do you have to make threads like that on Sup Forums?

If you posted in on Sup Forums you will surely get a shitload of replies with no fear of your thread being deleted.

>b-but it's a tv show
You clearly want to discuss politics, pretty sure no one watches that tv show here.
If there was a /film/ board that specifically talks about films I would gladly move there, I don’t see why don't you just move then to Sup Forums

Sup Forums is mainly people from latin/south america who come to get fap bait of obese american actresses, of course they don't like being reminded that they suck.

Why don't you ignore them you little whiney rag, they've been here forever and we aren't going anywhere. Seriously, no joke, Reddit is a website you can use. No sarcasm, just go there and be happy if right click and hiding threads is too much for your candy ass.

There are plenty of film boards at R E D D I T and I'm not even joking about that. If you want rosy talk about smelly farts that place will suit you much better. All of Sup Forums is most of the times just excuses to talk about stuff. Fuck, talking about the drivers jacket isn't about movies. Neither is some metaphysical discussion about the possibility of Rust shooting at god.

Then you're a fucking disgrace to this board, you're worse than Abatap, kaiji and all those tripfags that used to pollute this board.

They really shouldn't be deleted in my opinion. But plenty of threads that I don't think should be deleted that get deleted.

Oh yeah, those spics love Trump. Get a clue, you blubbery cunt. This is our hosts and our site and nothing you type will ever change that. Enjoy 8 years!