I thought Sup Forums liked National Socialism. We had a self avowed Socialist declaring combat on the entrenched Jewish establishment who wouldn't kowtow to Israel and called for revolution. And he even supported gun rights.
Instead Sup Forums supported a billionaire buffoon who sold his daughter to the Jews, who prostrated himself and shamelessly pandered to AIPAC, who embraces faggotry and trannys and now shames other people for not 'following the rules' and falling in line. And he has a history of gun control.
Haven't we made a terrible mistake?
Austin Garcia
>And he even supported gun rights. lol
Connor Morris
>We had a self avowed Socialist declaring combat on the entrenched Jewish establishment
He did nothing even distantly of the sort. He did call for open borders (despite prior to this run admitting they are a Koch brothers proposal) and he did endorse HRC (despite her being the most crony capitalist elitist in history).
Your entire line of thought is retarded.
Ryan Cooper
National Socialism is only slightly different on paper to Commie socialism but in practice they have different outcomes; National Socialism is, by definition focused on providing for your own country whereas gay commie socialism inevitably becomes unsustainable due to cultural Marxism. A strong sense Tradition and Nationalism are essential for socialism to be a success.
Ethan Hernandez
Sanders' socialism and NatSoc are different. Sanders socialism would destroy a nation, economically, and identity wise. Hey this is America, but if your fresh from Iraq you have absolute equall say in everything. As opposed to, if youre American, only American will you have a say in politics and be taken care of by the state.
James Fisher
wrong socialism you moron, communism is also socialism you realize. think horseshoe theory for socialism, theres 2 extreme ends with essentially the same way of reaching the ends, but different methods call for different results. Bernies socialism isn't authoritarianistic, its more trotskyesque in a sense.
>Nazis where socialist's It's only called national socialism because socialism was popular at Germany at the time of he depression
Bentley Anderson
The Nazis privatized a broad swath of the economy when they came into power, though. They still had the social programs, but they were highly capitalist in comparison to the Weimar Republic.
Just saiyan
Oliver Johnson
>superior ideology >but it was never tried! >killed more than nazis ever did
Bentley Bell
>white people don't know what it's like to be poor
Yeah fuck this race baiting jew
William Peterson
Sup Forums is right authoritarian.
Nolan Robinson
>Haven't we made a terrible mistake? >"we" >shill
Thomas Peterson
Trump said the Republican party will be a workers party under him.
Elijah Clark
Most posters here only seem to like the nationalism part. Practically, it's also much more difficult to run a socialist country with the relatively heterozygous populations that make up most of the first world these days. True nazism will probably never happen again.
Jackson Brown
Bernie belives in marxism whilst Hitlers socialism had nothing to do with marxism because he acknowledges its impossible to achieve.
Jack Clark
Trump is a nationalist, which is also part of being national socialist. USA is already highly socialist, and we are very lacking in the nationalist department. Bernie is also a kike.
Jonathan White
Sup Forums is Right-Leaning Libertarian Isolationist Nativist Reactionary
Lucas Ross
Jordan Wood
Sebastian Garcia
holy crap, crack a book. just because they had 'socialist' in their name that means everything they did defined socialism? lemme guess, you think the current problem in venezuela is also because socialism.