poor little whores getting so excited for 10k$ donations, we must stop the chargebacks, donation trolling is MISOGYNY!!!!!!
poor little whores getting so excited for 10k$ donations, we must stop the chargebacks, donation trolling is MISOGYNY!!!!!!
Australian shitposting at its finest.
China pls
Fuck off vietnam
uhh.. paypal DENIED the chargeback. the ausfailian is on the hook for 50k
Paypal may not do shit but his credit card company will reverse that in a heartbeat.
All in all I feel this is a propaganda story being ran by beta males to secure large donations for twitch camwhores.
That's Poland.
I think cam whores are stupid but I think someone spending $50k over paypal even temporarily to troll is even more stupid.
Just imagine all the more creative ways he could have fake spent $50k but he did this,
>trying to deny a chargeback
kek, the Truth in Lending Act says hi. whores BTFO
Wait a moment, how is this bad? Normie sends a fuckload of money, normie gets rekt. What's so bad about this?
>paypal fucks over a user and blatantly goes against their own rules and tos
>"proving that there is justice in the world"
fraudulent chargebacks are more degenerate than any camwhore around.
>implying US laws are valid in Australia
Typical burger.
Credit card was stolen, money will be given back
laugh all you want, but australia will arrest & deport citizens for violating US DMCA laws.
>paypal fucks over a user and blatantly goes against their own rules and tos
their own rules/tos are what specified that you cant make chargebacks like this.
he should have just said that the credit card was stolen
He could easily just go to his bank and refund it that way, paypal can't do shit.
>iNexus_Ninja made a $250 donation, only to follow that up with several more, totaling $11,500. iNexus_Ninja then went on to shower other streamers, like NoSleepTV, Sodapoppin and Dizzykitten with donations totaling nearly $50,000.
So there was several small donations (ruling out mistake) done with the intend to fuck with another person.
I hope she gets the money
Not a normie, an autist who wanted a twitch channel so decided to troll multiple popular channels with big donations to get people to view his channel. Big piece of shit.
letting your kid use your credit card- and giving them the pin, is not theft.
Claiming after the fact that it is theft is credit card fraud.
Not knowing the extent of use is bad parenting, not theft.
>letting your kid use your credit card-
it dosent say anywhere that he was allowed to use the credit card from the parents.
then he'd have to say his account was stolen, and there was a large internet history disproving this. It wasn't an isolated incident but happened
If someone buys and uses an expensive bottle of champagne at a night club through credit card theft, the credit card company cannot try to get the money from the bar.
No refunds, it wasn't an isolated incident, the parents could try suing the kid but ultimately they gave him access to the credit card.
You need the pin number to use it at an atm machine, seting up a paypal just requires the card number and whatever details the bank wants for its internet transactions, but if he knows his parents well then he can probably cover whatever details they want.
well yeah he'd obviously had to adjust his tactics and use a proxy or something of the sort.
hes a retard, but then again, so are people who show off their tits for money, so i personally dont care either way
Paypal has its operation costs and dont want to deal with kiddos like you.
oh so are you telling me
1) that at 18 this is the first month he has ever had access to their card for online purchases?
2) that the owners negligently never checked their credit card statements?
which one is it?
betas need to do something better other than donation troll
they 100% deserve it
I misspoke when I said pin, I meant the second level of security password that banks initiate when a cc transaction goes through. If his parents gave him this information and free access to a paypal account it is not credit card theft.
He was sending the donations through a twitch account, no amount of proxying is going to fly that his account is being used to send big donations over periods of days without his knowledge.
Wrong board dumbass
His parents will have to charge him with a felony if they want to say it was stolen which will cost them more than 50K in the long run
you don't just make chargebacks for 10k$ because you didn't feel like spending money
you need to have a valid reason other than 'i was just trolling people lmao now give me my money'
hey guys
I have a serious question about this
here it is
who fucking cares about video games you numale perma-virgin faggot?
>hoping that whores get money
>used his parents credit card
Oh god my fucking sides.
Thanks PP for blowing this dumb kid the fuck out.
My sides went to space. Praise kek.
Does it apply to donations? Kikestarter comes to mind.
everything is paypal's fault. there is no way they stated "you can't charge-back based on troll donations" in large print.
hiding those details in small print is totally different. nobody have the time to read their 100 page legal terms. the Australian kid can sue paypal for hiding information.
Underage detected
As will US if your citizen breaks our copyright laws.
whoever the card is with will reverse the paypal charge
they all fucking hate paypal
>¥0.50 has been deposited into your account
twitch whores dont play videogames
Fuck you, Brits
yet another quality post from canada
Daily reminder that the 5/10 in OP's pic makes over $1,000,000 (USD) in donations per year on
You neckbeard virgins are hilarious.
o-oh ok
wait, I thought they banned women from dressing like that now?
It's according to their rules.
Should have read the fine print.
>there is no way they stated "you can't charge-back based on troll donations"
It says:
>"you can't charge-back based on ANY donations"
It being a troll is irrelevant.
explain pls
What's it with women and always having filthy rooms like that?
>adjust his tactics AND use a proxy
Learn to read, Muhammad.
Internet was a mistake
Even my ID is puking on it
Using credit cards for frivolous shit is degenerate in the first place.
Banned doesn't mean they do shit about it, why would they kill their first source of popularity?
Kek he used his parents credit card.
Someone is getting their ass kicked right now
Nobody has a line of credit $50000 and above. He probably used a debit card.
I don't follow this shit but I would guess that's a separate instagram for her "fans" to follow
It must be nice to be a woman these days. Especially if you can make ends meet just by showing off on camera for thirsty betas while playing a fairly popular game.
>his credit card company
His parents credit card company. And no, they will not.
Paypal chargeback was initially intended so that you don't get scammed when purchasing stuff online.
Not all Twitch whores are bad
the best stream on Twitch is a girl
Pic related
Go back to /r9k/ you fucking loser, the little shit got what he deserved.
oh canada you can post shit but you can never shitpost
Hey fuck u buddy
I could stare at her tits for hours.
All kinds of mad and butt hurt here. 5/10 would not bang.
Seriously, what is with that cintas first aid kit?
What kind of rich moron wastes10k bucks on their paypal account doing nothing just to fuck with a camwhore ?
She's the definition of a twitch whore and should be permabanned with the other whores. She's an obvious troll playing a roll, but she's the cancer of Twitch.
Any time of day in any popular game you can see hordes of these fucking degenerates. All with thousands in donations. Most of the time not even playing the game.
his tactic was to troll to get subs for his twitch channel. going anonymous just to fuck with random twitchers wasn't his goal...
y-yeah we need quality control on our website where we throw money at losers playing videos games on a livestream! I mean come on guys!
girls, showing their boobs? on the internet? unacceptable!!1
If you donate with the intention of just charging it back you deserve to lose the money.
>Guns at hand
You can try.
Look at the leaf getting "triggered" by someone talking shit about his personal escort.
It's an obvious scam and a disgusting behaviour.
I do. You just need to have plenty of shit the banks think they can take from you. My family owns a shit ton of rental properties. I don't even think I have a limit.
AMHAI is some rich Arab who donates alot
Is that a bloke that had boobs glued on?
That crotch area looks a tad sus!
You either haven't watched her stream or you have shit taste in comedy
She is one of the few actually funny women
People streaming themselves half undressed online for donations in the current year? Thought that was 2006
I actually had to look up what Twitch was just now.
in choina they eat dogs
they eat everything, noticed that there are really really few sparrows now? They used to be everywhere right?
Well guess what....
choina man started catching them enmasse for food... fucking sparrows.. there is no food on those. They wander, so almost no sparrows left here because of retarded choina man eating them..
>ffs choina, people don't even get pissed if you kill of the sparrows
>you need to find a prutty animal
that's how it works when you want to piss off the libtards
indeeed, livejasminI have no clue what this is either, you're not the only one...
I had to go look into this shit. In 20 seconds I found this one.
3,800 people are watching this bitch eat fruit. and they are giving her money. What the fuck? I occasionally play some Magic Duels with a couple of viewers.
Thing is if they spend any of the money and then charged back they are liable for the money spent
Kek sometimes (maybe, 2-3x a week) I'll make my gf stream Hearthstone. We"re usually donated eh, $900 a week doing it. Not bad for roughly 8 hours of "work."
In reality, I'm playing and she's scrolling through tumblr and checking the chat. Twitch streamers honestly deserve contempt, but the people paying them deserve even more
I have a gf too. Please tell me more. She's not a 9/10 or anything. Do these ppl even care as long as it is wearing something low cut?
You know, the streamers actually loose money when you take your donation back due to processing fees. That sort of thing is just bullshit.
>Twitch streamers honestly deserve contempt
Why? Just because you're a scamming piece of shit doesn't mean they all are
Many of the most popular Twitch whores are more or less softcore porn or some form of teasing fetish. They always get up to do stuff, to show off their ass, sit with shirts that barely covers their tits.
They use their bodies to get money. Literally cam girls. Because they sure as fuck aren't playing any games. The "losers playing video games" are making an effort to be entertaining. The cam whores are showing their tits while sitting idle in a game which they are shitty at. There's nothing wrong with tits and cleavage, but using it as your ONLY reason to get viewers is disgusting.
I have watched her stream, and not agreeing with your sense of humor isn't having "shit taste in comedy" you autistic gook. She's playing a role of a retarded bimbo pretty well, I'm impressed that she can keep up the act. But who wouldn't play a role and show some tits to get thousands in donations. The behavior is still disgusting and has no place on Twitch.
>She is one of the few actually funny women
She's actually annoying as fuck and easily triggered
>The behavior is still disgusting and has no place on Twitch.
Literally all she does is wear shirts that women wear all the time. You'd know that if you ever went outside.
I'd understand your butthurt if she did sexual stuff for donations or something like that but she doesn't
>easily triggered
Are you serious?
Gf is flat just cute, I've found that if you focus on "getability," if that makes sense, you get more attention. It needs to project a "quirky girl next door vibe," guys in the chat go "aw" and want to help/talk to her about the game and so on. And because of the twitch atmosphere, people just kick in money like it's nothing.
Now hold on there buddy, I'm doing the EXACT same thing everyone else is doing: cute girl to look at and talk to while you idly watch someone play a game, if you honestly think I'm "scamming" then it's time to admit that everyone doing the same shtick is scamming. Which is literally every popular/successful streamer. Which means what? You wanna shut down twitch?
If I'm being disingenuous, then sorry, but everyone is
You're being dishonest though. Not every streamer is dishonest like you.
Fuck off reverse poland