>Holocaust Denial Laws

What's your oppinion on these, Sup Forums? Are they necessary? Do they do more harm than good? Should they be removed?


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They are obviously retarded and only lead to suspicion.

truth fears no investigation

They are a proof that there is no such thing as (complete) free speech.

You see: IF there ever was anything that let me doubt the holocaust, it was exactly these laws and that the authorities arrested people for it in my country.

People got jail for it while sometimes kebabs walk out of court on probation for vehicular manslaughter!

If you have truth on your side, why do you need a law to silence your opposition, destroy their lives and careers?

>Hate speech isn't free speech

Fucking hell I hate the left

If you deny something that is almost certainly true, you're just a fool.

You should let fools speak, as it rarely convinces others while playing lipservice to the idea of open discussion. Likewise, to suppress a viewpoint often means that the viewpoint is believable or logical to some degree.

So, if the holocaust did happen, why bother making investigation or discussion of it illegal?



for that matter how many deaths do you have to believe in to switch from a denier to an acceptor?

I believe several hundred thousand Jews died in WW2. maybe as many as 500k
many of them intentionally killed
some gassed. some the victim of medical experiments and some just pure torture

IF you have truth on your side: why not welcome the chance of a denier to show all the evidence for the holocaust, present your best arguments and remind people of it again?

I am a great-grandchild of Sudetengermans and I would welcome any denial of our deportation and mass murder to remind people of it.

I don't see why you would need to jail people for it in a free society of free speach and free mind.

You should probably be removed.


The truth is the only enforcement any history or thing needs.

>these laws

You don't even know what you're talking about.

>some gassed. some the victim of medical experiments and some just pure torture

Never happened. Camps had hospitals and recreational activities.


Look at old maps of concentration camps. There are leftovers from the dairy shop and swimming pool at Treblinka, and the theater in Aushwitz got turned into office for the museum.

The rest of the world is having a giggle at your "we aren't Nazi's any more really, see all these fascist laws we have preventing freedom of speech that prove we aren't" laws. They're just kind of ironic on multiple levels. At best they make you look insecure and at worst they make you look secretly still Nazi.

reported to the BKA for even mentioning the idea of denying the holocaust

Unless you live in the land of the free

The mere existence of the laws show that it never happened. Even normies are suspicious, why on earth would a truth need laws to protect it?

Deny the Holodomor or Mao's Great Famine and see if you get arrested.

When you have results, ask yourself why.

Yeah, nice. Entering the thread and going right to the bottom of arguments.

eitherway hundreds of thousands of jews died

you can blame it entirely on the typhoid and ally embargoes if you want but I think those simply killed most not all

The truth does not fear investigation

Hows live in Germany cuck land? I hear your governments response to the terror attack is tighter gun law?

They're the most retarded things ever. I'm Armenian and as far as I know, France and a few other countries have made it illegal to deny the Armenian genocide, and it makes my blood fucking boil. As if there wasn't enough controversy over whether or not it actually happened, the last thing we fucking need is to stifle all discussion by force. Fucking disgusting lobbyists.

I'm not sure you realise what "hundreds of thousands" of people looks like.

If I say that only 5,999,999 Jews died, am I still a denier?

Holocaust denial laws should be banned.

Because if you went out in public and openly admitted you denied the holocaust, you would harm no-one but yourself and your chances in life.
Anyone who saw you do this would consider you a ranting lunatic. And if it was recorded somehow, you'd likely face losing ties to some family or friends because of it, plus your chances of getting hired for a job would become significantly less.

>tl:dr there is no need for holocaust laws, because if you deny it, you create your own punishment

I think you shouldn't be allowed to say the holocaust was real.

>tl:dr there is no need for holocaust laws, because if you deny it, you create your own punishment
That's the beauty of the panopticon.

Hahahah you're the guy from last night.
We had a good laugh about this but I was too drunk bring this to the next level.

See: this is exactly what I mean. Why won't you get arrested for the denial of the Armenian genocide. (You would need to arrrest the Turkish government for that...)

But when you actually make it illegal, you get the consequences you described. Just present the evidence, the facts and the arguments to the public until it is irrefutably clear.

Meh. Our freedom of speech is only from the gov't. Private actors are generally free to suppress your speech however they want (ie. firing you, making you a social outcast, etc.).

So sure, the gov't can't put us in prison, but our fellow citizens can take everything else away from us until we are left homeless, begging on the streets.

absolutely necessary to never forget the plight of the six million

Holocaust denial should be legal so I know who to tag as retarded in Reddit Enhancement Suite.

>not available in your country
why am I not surprised?

get vpn

>Law against freedom of speech and ideas
Why not make a law banning any question of governmental authority too?

around 20 million Russians died in WW2

do you deny that figure too?

and I never said 900k Jews were gassed
I wouldn't even know where to start to guess
maybe a few thousand here maybe a few thousand there

I think Heiko Eichman-Maas and Anetta Kahane are working on just that. :^) They do like Turkey after all.

If you want to start talking about gassing, then I guess I'd have to ask how come the gas chambers don't hold up to scrutiny?

>wooden door with big window, opens inwards
>chimney built after the war
>no residue, while the delousing chambers did
>impossible to cremate them in time

>Heiko Eichman-Maas

Aye, I was also in a JIDF thread about holocaust denial. It was pretty funny, too, tbqh.

These threads always explode. And I wonder, if it is because of the amount of shills, or because a lot of Sup Forumsacks are really interested in this.

let's say we strike gassing off the list

what do you say about....
>some the victim of medical experiments and some just pure torture

Sure, probably. Are there records?

>only "historical" event that is illegal to deny

Gee I wonder why.

Yeah, see how well you can breath in a room with a door that has a glass window and opens inwards when you light the room on fire.

The over-the-top door is to protect the outside people from leaking gas, not to make sure the gas is lethal.

>muh holohoax
>meanwhile soviet pows were starved to death in labor camps
>Leningrad was starving for two years
>muh 6 bazillions
You know when shit's fucked when people in power shill for jews that didn't exist. Fucking joke laws that everyone takes serious for some reason.

Yeah, but the resemblance and the similarity of character, man...

I think there is nothing wrong with those laws.

Why would I want to deny something that obviously happened?

I know you have these laws aswell, but do you also go to jail for denying the holocaust in Russia?

he might be a clone

because german autists are trying to say dey dindu nuffin. that's unacceptable.


It sets a bad precedent, criminalising thoughts is Muslim-tier.

>when you light the room on fire

Was this in the latest official revision?

What you dumb fucks, as usual per ignorance of the topic you utter bull about, don't realize is, it's fine questioning and discussing the Holocaust here.

>It was real in my mind

Why waste the resources to do that anyways?

Imagine all the gas or whatever they needed to use to burn just one person.

just found a pretty long speech on the topic
tfw never even heard about this case

i don't have a doubt that the holocoust did happen and i don't get why it's necessary to have such retarded laws

jew here
as long as its kept civil and not used to incite violence, I'm all for holocaust deniers trying to prove their points in an academic setting
its like in science: if you want to say an intergalactic reptilian race is responsible for life on earth, you're free to try to get your writings published and recognized
just make sure you've got enough proof to back up your claims


this has nothing to do with jews

Publicly denying it can get you a fine of 300 rubles or your 2 years worth of salary, OR forced labor for up to 3 years, or jail for the time.
So it's fine or jail/forced labor.

i don't doubt the 6 milion thing but it drives me mad how no one gives a shit about the other 6 milion non jewish people who died in german camps (commies, disabled, homos etc..). Nazis did a lot more than joos want to make us believe

>linking to AZK
Hat man dir ins Hirn geschissen oder biste zu oft vom Wickeltisch gefallen?

I think they make sense in the countries that perpetrated the Holocaust in the first case, so at least Germany and Austria.

So I'm basically okay with the current arrangement.

There's not a sole focus on Jews here in regards to the Holocaust or persecution. Roma are another big part, as well as gays and commies.

>300 rubles or your 2 years worth of salary

Are things that bad in Russia? I spend more than that on alcohol per day.

No use, we're gonna plot and scheme to undermine modern zionism. Using free accessabel channels to slowly but surely chip away at the lie and 'red pill' the youth. Dialectics of lead will take care of the rest.

Oh shit, I meant 300k. My bad.

Oh and disabled, too.

didnt you hear? the reason there are no remains ever found is because once the gas killed them they ignited it and immediately destroyed the remains so another group could immediately enter in order to keep the dead jew/hr rate up

If I tell you to kill yourself directly, and you ended up doing so successfully, I'll end up in jail or prison.

Totally a land of the free.

>same 2 or 3 pictures of "it was real in my mind"
you've got charlatans in every community, using them as the face of actual survivors is silly

Fuck off, pathetic racist.

They're a proof the so called holocaust is just a political narrative that can't be questioned.

>I don't see why you would need to jail people for it in a free society of free speach and free mind.
Because your so-called-free society of free speech,and free mind are a lie.Having laws that limit what a person can say because of someone's precious feelings getting hurt or speaking about the holocaust in a very different way that displeases the government story that gets you arrested,is in no way a free society with open minds,and free speech.
"Hate Speech" is a very broad term,and could mean anything anyone deems "harmful" to society or people.Hate Speech laws in other countries tell Americans that your government has something to fear from it's people if the government feels the need to pass laws that slaps duct tape over the person's mouth.
No one should have to live in a country/society where they fear if they say the wrong thing or make the wrong body gestures,they could be arrested then thrown in jail with a huge fine.

In Treblinka, the bodies were burned down to bones, mixed with sand and spread over an arena of 20.000 square meters.

The gassings were actually a cost serving measure. Feeding the victims would have been more expensive, and the food was needed for the military in Russia instead.

Yeah, if we can ignore the millions of non-Jews who were killed, then we can forget the Jews too.

Well what is your opinion anyway? Are you a dumb racist and Antisemitic piece of shit glorifying mass murderers, or not?

You've killed my dream of flying to Russia and living like a Tsar for the rest of my life on my emergency cash/gold reserve.

>In Treblinka, the bodies were burned down to bones, mixed with sand and spread over an arena of 20.000 square meters.
Boy, that's a lot of work and grinders. Have the grinders been found? How long did it take per skeleton?

Why would you need a law that forbids to deny something that happened ? Really makes me think.

>tribalist establishment climber detected

what's the problem?

What are you talking about? It was poison gas, not fuel.

(And only some of the camps used gas, and only some of the Jews were killed in camps.)

What grinders? They just buried bones and charred ashes. (In Treblinka. The camps were different.)

More Russians than Jews were killed after all.

>these never cite their sources
doesn't really help the cause t.bh

Read up. It was fuel.

They ""supposedly"" killed a million people in Treblinka from exhaust engine of a truck.

Du verweist auf nen Haufen Irrer. Bist wahrscheinlich selber einer.



Also. You should take solace in the fact that the holocaust wasn't actually a sole judea ploy but rather the soviet unie sticking it too the Germans extremely hard. Although i bet your peers would do nothing rather than take full responsibility for the lie.

How is truth racist? Or rather how is zionism not?

The holohoax doesn't have any documents about the procedure of the extermination.

It's all based on 'eyewitnesses' who tell dumb outrageous stories. These are the type of people always featured in the books



People like this who were to the camps are burried


In Italy at least they almost only teach us about the jews part, as if they were the sole victims of war crimes. Again of course they're a big part of it but i think you should try to get the whole picture

sorry? kannte die nicht

You google'ng 'Herman and Roma Rosenblat' and 'Joseph Hirt' should help though.

At best your comment shows you dont know what nazi is.

unnecessary, let the retards revel themself.

in german law every criminal law has its own cause so to say, something it wants to defend, for instance the robbery law defends the free disposal of property and your health but what could the holocaust denial law defend, the feelies of gods chosen people? no way you can bring that in practical concordance with the fundamental right of free speech, holocaust denial laws are modernist shit, they are anti dogmatic and you cannot justify them without muh feels

Its a combo of both. It's really easy to figure out it didnt happen tho. Just do you your readings folk.. start with raul hillberg.

Imagine if the US government tried to enact a law making 9/11 conspiracy theories illegal. Everyone would believe that there was a conspiracy worth covering up.

Why are normies so blind to such simple tricks when the perpetrators are (((you know who)))