Does this man's wife know his power level?
Does this man's wife know his power level?
He got his wife in trouble because she promoted "Defooing" or whatever the fuck he called it. I'm glad he's started to get away from some of that cult like shit.
desu that shit is retarded, literally:
>you don't agree leave me alone REEEEEEEEEEE
he should stop that and continue his redpilling
Does it ever feel like a cult to you guys? The way he articulates his facts are very misleading sometimes on his "objective" power point videos. I get really pissed off when half of the presentation is him reading people's quotes out of context and using that as an argument.
Or when he saddens his voice and adds in stutters and little gasps when reading a transcript to make it sound sadder or more terrifying
Provide evidence for your assertion.
I mean, it more or less was. You can say whatever you want about him now, but his past wasn't so great.
I follow him, I tend to agree with his points, but I think he's more of a liability than an asset.
Also, I never feel like his emotions are genuine. I think he has some psychological issues, legitimately. I know it's not an argument, but just listen to a video where he "gets emotional."
It's B-rate movie stuff, if it's even good enough for that.
I'm also getting kind of annoyed how much he is hiding behind the anarchist meme, while arguing for strong borders and rallying behind Trump.
molymeme is a weird guy. he seems like a pretty reasonable dude when you watch his current videos, but when you look at his older stuff, it's all hardcore ancap shit
also zealous shilling for 'nonviolent parenting' as well as the whole "defooing" retardation - that shit's weird and fucked up man.
also i dont think he redpills anybody at all, except maybe for some of his original old viewer base. but pretty much everybody watching him today was already redpilled before that - its mainly a bunch of Sup Forumstards masturbating to him telling them how right they are.
not saying he is wrong - he generally does a pretty good job at using evidence and reason as base for his arguments. probably the best guy on youtube if you're looking for that. just dont go full führerkult on him, some of his old stuff is too sketchy to 100% trust the man.
Yet he has the balls to say his opinion with his face attached while we hide like little bitches behind user.
Like him or hate him he has more balls then any of us.
>implying this isn't what all political speakers/entertainers do
Molymeme is fine, acting is basically his job.
He's objectively improving as time goes on.
>hasn't told anybody to ditch their family recently >slowly dropping le edgytarian meme
>starting to stand up for white people
yeah that is true.
only difference is that me and for example germans would go to jail for saying things he does in public.
but still great point. more people should speak out in pubilc.
Uh, alright, but he believes (or at least used to) in a flawless utopia filled with ANCAPs. He's alright, but he's flawed, the best thing that can be said is it seems he's learned a lot.
I know, but the Anarchist thing is basically just so nobody can make an argument back to him. But if you go through it step by step the anarchist thing is not gonna work.
I think he has an issue with authority that stems from his mom spanking his bum.
>molymeme is a weird guy
>it's all hardcore ancap shit
>zealous shilling
>that shit's weird and fucked up man
>too sketchy
Number of arguments: 0
>Cult like
>Leaving abusive relationships
Sure is nu/pol/ today.
>molymeme starts his show in a rather dry and academic tone
>no one pay attention at all
>molymeme attempts to inject emotion into his statements and focuses on "hot" political issues
>gets called a cult leader
You fucking idiots are missing the entire point of the show. It's to talk about politics and how current events tie into it. You don't have to believe every fucking thing he says. And if you want to refute him go ahead and do so.
Bitch, Moly used to have videos about completely cutting people out of your life if they didn't believe in the ANCAP utopia he believed was possible. THAT is why he was called a cult leader, not because of his fake emotions.
It's a noble ideal to long for along with the the leftist anarcho communal society but they're just philosophies, not practical societies.
I just assume he knows the difference so I can respect him intellectually.
He honestly would be a good cult leader. Sometimes I am unsure if this is a cult.
Then call him a faggot and move on.
he basically said "if you were beaten as a child then your parents are evil and you should cut all contact with them forever"
the "cult leader" accusation is older than his right-wing persona. it dates back to the days when he was 100% libertarian ancap.
I wonder if he still is full ancap but is just playing the right wing thing to get more donations.
You can assume, or you could go watch his old videos on it and know.
To be fair, I don't know if he still believes these things, especially after his realization on race. If he does, I think he's come to the conclusion that it's more profitable to repress those beliefs.
I get the defooing thing but how is peaceful parenting fucked up? You can remove molymeme from the equation altogether and hitting your kids will still objectively cause nothing but negative side effects.
I can't seem to find any arguments in this thread.
What the fuck is defooing is that some type of enema?
It was his word for cutting people out of your life if they disagreed with you.
>have fucked up parents who abuse you
>either shut them off of your life or gtfo to a relative's home or something
he is in transition.
He used to be ancap. He used to believe in the free movement of people.
He is shifting towards national socialism. I don't know if he will ever go 100% nat-soc but judging by his recent videos he isn't anarchist anymore and is hardly libertarian. His shift on racial realism, immigration and culture is very interesting.
He has essentially went from
>DO YOU SUPPORT ME GETTING SHOT???????????????????????????????
He's still ancap, now he's just smart to make videos that actually get views.
This is wrong. I beat my wife's son everyday and his GPA just keeps rising, alongside his IQ. I am genuinely proud of that boy
Advocating for strong borders and anarchism at the same time is dumb.
>what's private property and self-ownership
>implying leaving family is redpilled
Wew lad, sometimes you got to force the redpill
slapping a kid when it misbehaves is fucking harmless, and one of the most effective ways to instill respect for authority.
im not talking about abusers who brutalize their kids. but as a means of punishment and enforcing rules, a little beating is pretty much the best you can do.
I'd like him to go on some show and debate someone on anarchism. He seems like he is too much of a pussy to tho.
He lets anyone call him in to debate and post it afterwards on YouTube.
I agree with this, my dad didn't even have to slap me, one time I mouthed off behind his back, and he just turned around and said, say it to my face next time. Worked wonders, I won't talk behind anybody's back, I'll either say to their face, or won't say it at all.
Society did just fine for hundreds of years with fathers smacking their kids when they were being little shits.
It;s raising kids that never learn their behavior has consequences that is producing nothing but negative side effects.
Just look at the modern left and the "muh safe spaces" children in colleges these days.
Isn't he like anti holocaust and a Jew capitalist?
There is literally nothing wrong with national socialism
Fake quote.
How is a single mother supposed to have known for certain that her husband would break up with her? Molypoo acts like there is some crystal ball that tells you whether or not your relationship is guaranteed to last for the next twenty years.
>the most effective ways to instill respect for authority
And that's the problem. Teaching that categories such as "parent" or "teacher" or "leader" has some intrinsic authority, which doesn't need to be earned by the individual, is insane.
You should call in and ask him why all the girls love assholes. Why won't any girls take a nice guy, such as yourself.
Gestapo Stef strikes again.
the thumbnails for his videos looks like they belong on fox news
he is a racist fear mongering bigot
Why do you people think he isn't still ancap?
If you have read anything about ancap, it is clear that society wont change overnight. We need policy and government that will protect our current freedoms and inhibit the ever expanding power of the state.
>he fell for the leftist anti-authorian meme
what are you even doing on pol?
look, respect for authority is absolutely vital to function in western society. in fact, it is in EVERY society. we-are-all-equal hippie bullshit is a feelgood meme.
>We need policy and government that will protect our current freedoms and inhibit the ever expanding power of the state.
>we need government to protect us from the ever expanding powers of government
I don't think you understand.
Let's say a new politician comes in and they remove existing regulation of an industry, breaking up monopolies that only existed by government protection which allows for competition and less state control. That is an example of "policy change" that is in the right direction.
Looks like you're the one who hasn't read about ancap, m8. Gradualism is cancer. Like, the U.S. is the only place where you'll see a libertarian party, and a libertarian that supports open borders at that. Retarded.
I am not well read on it, but am starting to learn more.
You don't have to support a partly like the libertarians. But its existence gets people thinking about their approach to making society better.
He's getting dumber and more Nazi. His latest "truth about" was nothing but assumptions with a heavy bias.
There are better ways to make people know about libertarianism.
The American Libertarian Party is pants on head retarded. Watch the latest convention to see what's it like.
Ok so how do we get society to change to ancap?
I know Patri Friedman was doing some experiments by setting up small societies. Do you start small and prove they work and then have some governments switch over because they see the benefits?
Radically: Homesteading, get the fuck out of the grid, innawoods stuff, etc.
Slowly: start off by educating people to evade taxes and get paid in cryptocurrency.
I don't know if you have an English agorism manual, but try translating this with Google Translator
>Ok so how do we get society to change to ancap?
you dont. ancap is just as impossible in reality as "true communism" is.
>I know Patri Friedman was doing some experiments by setting up small societies. Do you start small and prove they work and then have some governments switch over because they see the benefits?
first: no government in the world would ever "switch over" because that means that they would put themselves out of a job and give up all their power.
second: can you show me these 'small societies' ? are they like a libertarian kibbutz or something? would be interesting to see how that works out.
>this whole thread
>can you show me these 'small societies' ?
Patri Friedman
Status of them:
>On 31 July 2011, Friedman stepped down from the position as Executive Director of Seasteading Institute, but remained chairman of the board.[17] Later, he co-founded the Future Cities Development Corporation, a project to establish a self-governing charter city within the borders of Honduras.[18][19]
In 2012 it was announced the initiative would be halted due to the changing political climate of Honduras.[20]
Even in ancap things people would still set up local governments to build roads and stuff like that. You could call it something else but it's still electing people and pooling together resources for stuff.
I'm entirely convinced that anarchism and pure libertarianism is against human nature. We are tribal at heart. We like to elect people to make decisions for the tribe and lead us in whatever direction we want to go. I think the lone wolves got eaten or fucked up so the anarchists were eliminated from the gene pool.
Duh, it will lead to anarcho-tribalism and safe white communities. Fucking commie fags always failing at arguments against capitalism.
well thats disappointing
>I'm entirely convinced that anarchism and pure libertarianism is against human nature. We are tribal at heart.
this is true
>We like to elect people to make decisions for the tribe and lead us in whatever direction we want to go.
this not so much.
but the cold harsh truth is this - societies under a strong leader have strength and determination. that leader usually doesnt come to power because hes liked so much or because hes elected, but because he's powerful enough to seize power.
a statelss society of individuals will get absolutely destroyed as soon as a conventional society (with hierarchy and a leader) decides to start a war.
any ancap pipedream stops functioning as soon as foreign nations are taken into consideration.
I just am more drawn to practical ideologies. Labeling yourself anything is dumb. It makes you get wound up over absolutes and purity over the ideology rather than other important issues at hand.
To all the faggots criticizing Stefan for every tiny flaw trying to make yourselves sound smart, ask yourselves, what have you done to bring people over to our side? Thats what I thought, compared to him, you've done absolutely nothing. All you do is sit behind your keyboard pointing out trivialities in his ideas and worrying about hiding your "power level" in public. If you didn't know already, this is why the left is winning, because the right is so fractured and focused on attacking each other instead finding common ground and going after the enemy, at least the left is somewhat United in their ideals. Stefan has done more to redpill new people than everyone on pol combined, so how about instead of being a keyboard warrior you actually go outside and try to make a difference instead bitching about tiny shit. Fucking pathetic
Defooing just means cutting all ties with your family.
Molymeme gets accused of being a "cult leader" who encourages everyone to defoo, but he's only encouraged it IF your parents are abusive as his (allegedly) were.
Hey Stef.
You're a gullible cuck, user.
>Does it ever feel like a cult to you guys?
It only feels that way to idiots who are easily convinced.
>Literally sparing the rod
Quite the simplistic view! If you don't know how to steer and manipulate a being you help bring into this world with bribes, rewards, praise, and compliments, than you're a fucking idiot. Immature retards hit others.
>If you don't know how to steer and manipulate a being you help bring into this world with bribes, rewards, praise, and compliments, than you're a fucking idiot. Immature retards hit others.
i guess the entire human population was just fucking idiots and immature retards before the 20th century? lmao get real man
> Immature retards hit others.
Children ARE immature, that's the point. You can't treat them like adults.
Discipline teaches children boundaries whereas bribes, rewards, praise, and compliments turn into "participation awards" and you end up with exactly the kind of entitled generation that's ruining western civilization as we speak. You can't raise a child where the line for bad behaviour is drawn at "you don't get to go back to Disneyworld".
I'm all for raising children with a free mindset as opposed to some obedient drone, and I'm not for wantonly beating your children, but children can be immature irrational little shitbags, and sometimes reasoning and bartering with them just won't work.
What the fuck is his problem with environmentalism though? There's literally nothing wrong in wanting to keep the planet alive.
>What the fuck is his problem with environmentalism though?
are you talking about actual local enviornmental protection efforts or 'climate change' policies?
>mfw people use the cult meme
I never get why people are so down on this advice of ''cut people who abuse you out of your life''. Most people lack the will and tools to change themselves in significant ways, in 9/10 times there is literally no upside to staying in an abusive relationship.
You only get one shot at this life, why bother with people who only sap your energy?
BTW: plenty of people give the same advice, including many people in the self-help type stuff. You can't rely on changing other people, you can only try to change yourself, which usually means getting out of unsavory situations.