In hindsight, how should've she handled the FBI situation?
In hindsight, how should've she handled the FBI situation?
if she wanted to live? go to jail, say nothing
If she were really loyal to Chrissy, she would take her jailtime to the chin. But in reality she really should have just got the fuck out of the country and never come back.
lawyered up at the first drugs charge. they didn't have shit on her but knew she was dumb and naive enough to go along with it.
Snitched. Crissy was a dangerous criminal you know, and organised crime is a serious problem.
She should have offered to blow the fat guy with the lisp, then her and Vito have a dick sucking competition.
Chris should've educated her on what to do in situations like these desu.
yeah I got the impression he never did. whereas Tony probably had Carm schooled on what to do in every situation, where the money was hidden, who to call, etc.
She should have just done her time.
>they didn't have shit on her
She did coke in front of an FBI agent.Probably wouldn't have been a huge sentence but it wasn't nothing.
do you really think they'd actually pursue that, and jeopardize their larger RICO against Tony?
Literally nothing
Yeah, Carm would lawyer up the second the FBI showed up. It's kinda surprising, I was pretty sure these things are mobster wive 101.
>Tony probably had Carm schooled
Probably didn't really have to school her much. She had mobbed up people in her family too.
so did Ade, in fairness. She was Richie's niece.
I'd handle her FBI
or cousin, rather
I'm not a lawyer or anything, but pretty sure it's not how that works. She'd have to be charged with possession (at present time, not back then), they'd have to prove it was coke and that she did it, etc.
I think a lot about the Tony/Carm and Chris/Adriana parallels. I think the former were just a smarter version of the latter.
Lezzing out with that hot FBI agent.
If she balked at cooperating? What would they do? Say ok, you're free to go? No. They probably would've turned her over to the local PD.
She should have discussed it with her partner, Chris.
Fair play, she was caught off guard by the FBI and panicked, and was unsure of what to do. But if she really did love Chris, she would have opened up and been honest with him, and with the strength of the family behind her she'd have maybe done 1, 2 years MAX and been a golden child.
The FBI killed her and the FBI is directly responsible for many innocent peoples deaths.
and the drug charge probably wouldn't have stuck there either. I think she heard "jail time", freaked the fuck out, and did whatever she could to stay out of a cell, even though it got her in much deeper shit in the long run. I think they knew this is what she'd do.
Chris and Adriana had a lot more fucked up relationship. Tony never raised his hands against Carm.
Also, I think Adriana wouldn't accept Chris fucking other women like Carmella did.
The FBI would've made sure she was fine if she wired up after telling Chris that she'd been flipped. She said she didn't want to.
No chance.
Adrianna was just a pawn and if she'd have said no/came clean to Chris, then she'd basically be free.
Yeah I think there are generational differences at work too, their father/son relationship is interesting too. Tony's Dad was mostly absent, so he was raised by Dickie, and after Dickie died Tony acted as a father to Chris.
She was scared that Chris would tell Tony, and Tony then out of paranoia would whack her.
why did you post this leopard skinned crumple face?
Did you not see Tony kill that guy who flipped?
She would never have been fine. She would have spent her entire life looking over her shoulder.
On the other hand she could have been honest and trusted those who loved her.
Tony was just about honesty dude. Sil was always 100% honest with Tony and Tony trusted him completely. Tony would not have killed Adrianna if she had come to him immediately after the FBI. She was shook. Dug her own grave. She saw all this shit happen but still thought it was a fucking game.
Like I said, she was caught off guard.
But after that she should have put her faith in the people who cared for her. Not the FBI.
I think we are arguing the same point.
The mob life is a life of looking over your shoulder in general. That wouldn't have changed whoever Adriana confided in. Her trusting and undying love of Chris is what got her killed in the end.
She trusted Chris would choose life with her over life in the mob. She trusted Tony was telling the truth over the phone. She was way too trusting, in everyone and everything. That's her defining character trait, remember how she bought that bullshit from Matush that he'd reformed and was using drug money to put himself through college, or whatever that was?
I know couples like this IRL, the major difference is kids.
A woman with 2 kids who has a husband who provides for her , has her children taken care of, lives in a nice house, and drives a car, and works for fun or not at all will put up with her husband fucking around. A woman without that, which was Adriana, wants her man to be faithful. She doesn't have all those needs and wants all his attention and affection directed toward her.
>not even once
Bingo. The evidence on here is very thin. They didn't recover any of the drugs.
Shit thread
This would probably be the most responsible one to do. (in terms of loyalty at least)
Also like someone else said. Chrissy shouldve told her what to do in these situations. Carmella seemed to of had some sortve preparation when it came to them having to hide their shit.
Another option. Tell Chrissy right away. And try to discuss it with him and Tony privately. They couldve worked something out where they keep her out of hearing any business, or just feed bullshit information to the feds, its not like she knew anything anyway. or at the very least promise her protection in prison for the drug charges. All in all they could've definitely worked something out
if your talking about big pussy, he also been feeding the feds a lot of info. But he was in more of a tough situation if i remember correctly. I think it was heroin charges but still i guess he couldve gone to jail and did his time, but idk im pretty sure his situation was more complicated then hers.
point being was he gone too far, just like her and had to get killed. He already knew too much and it would be harder to just let him go if he came clean right away so he kind of had to betray them
or you could just marry a nondegenerate
She should've been loyle to her capo