why is there increase in plus size models these recent years?
Why is there increase in plus size models these recent years?
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Cuz we're trying to save masculinity. The women we see on TV and in magazines need to be big-titty, fat-thigh, wide-hip BREEDERS.
I think it's good... curves rule
>feminism really does help men in the end
Really made me thought.
because I hate skinny women. I don't want to feel like I'm fucking a 7 year old boy
>even tho edgy Sup Forums tards love that shit
Taming a chick too fat to buck is cheating, and we all know it.
that's hardly plus sized. that's a skinny woman with a fat ass.
high test
I don't know, but I like it - curvy women above stick figure heroin boy-shapes... no contest - feminine curves trump everything
Looks perfectly normal healthy woman to me, you must be a low test beta OP
Because it's being pushed
>this thread again
curves != flab
Demographics mostly. Older women tend to have more fat, older men tend to like that. Add in feminism where young women think that young men men should want them in spite of being horrendously tempered land whales. Plus a society who's diet is loaded with high carb processed food .
Because women in America today weigh as much as men did in the 1960s.
Because fat subhumans lack the willpower to change themselves yet still demand to be considered beautiful.
Because it's normal for a capitalist society to cater to every potential consumer group and let's face it, the demographic with the poorest impulse control are the fatties. Also selling to fatties cuts down on the second hand market, because nobody wants to wear clothing that some hambeast chafed through at the thighs or arms.
Take your pick.
Also, that's not a plus sized model, that woman has a waist and wide hips. Pic related on the other hand is an actual plus sized model.
Fucking subhumans.
Conservatives and SJW pushing for fat-positivism due to muh freedom and muh stop shaming my body line of thinking.
It's white genocide.
Ok so the skeleton aesthetics are gone, can we now focus on removing make up?
Im tired of doll-smooth skin.
I just want women to look natural.
(same in porn please, tired of crazy lighting and 2 inches deep make up).
Because high test men like me want to see real woman and not women with bodies like 15 year old high school swimmers.
nobodys left out. no shaming people. i dont know how you could even get turned on fucking a fat chick. i see people that fuck fat women as like a coward. nobodys really attracted to that. curves yes thats great but a fat blob? cut the shit youre just targeting someone who won't get laid easily
This guy knew whats up.
>Older women tend to have more fat, older men tend to like that.
everyone is getting fat
Testosterone has been increasing in men.
>can't greentext
>into fat hags
checks out
This guy knows whats up
Holy shit her waist is bigger than mine
>a skinny woman
Maybe in Burgerland.
Just go outside and look at your women, Goldstein. When I visited Israel for my firm last year I remember thinking how fucking awful the skin of jewish women is. It's probably because they're too cheap to get sunscreen but literally, yes, literally all your women look like they're 15 years older.
I mean, to each his own, but that doesn't seem too appealing.
Because people have finally realized BBW's are attractive and they're here to stay
To pave the way for +++++size models of tomorrow.
They will hurt your eyes and your soul and render you impotent.
t.future cuck
bbwchan is leaking again...
ok bong lol
not fat - I don't want fat chicks... I'm tired of skeletal, androgynous bodies... give me Frank Frazetta style chicks any day of the week, bro
when they realize it's arousing they'll want their skeletal women back
If you don't want to fuck that you might as well kill yourself RIGHT NOW because nothing can redeem your manhood
Men in America also weigh a lot more than they used to :^)
Ok guys I will explain it to you.
>Models have to be skinny because
>sample clothing pieces are done in
>xs/s size and even if everybody
>think that op is fine and healthy and
>w.e. women like this will not change
>fashion world
Because westerners as a whole are becoming fatter and fatter as time goes on.
inb4 hue hue it's just the USA that is getting fat.
What porn stars have this body type?
>>a skinny woman
>Maybe in Burgerland.
Nope. Only to the dumpster divers among us.
It’s the inverse of sour grapes; instead of falsely claiming the sourness of a ripe grape out of reach high on the vine, one insists on the sweetness of a rotting fruit within comfortable reach on the ground.
1) traditional models were far too skinny, they were designed to appeal to other women. men have always preferred a healthy but not fat figure. Most plus sized models aren't fat, they just look more like porn stars with tits and ass because that is what sells.
2) people are fatter so our standards change with what we are exposed to
3) it panders to the sjw crowd. Who are all fat fucks anyway and it makes them feel represented.
Finally a real woman. Cute dimples on her butt too!
Well im sure you are exaggerating but it does make perfect sense. A lot of sun here and many people with a naturally pale complexion who tan.
I wonder if there is a similar phenomena in Australia, I know their skin cancer rates are very high.
Look op
This bitch in the op looks very fuckable but we are forgetting that this girl is photoshopped. Fat women don't have portions like this one
98% of women look better with clothes than nude
I don't know but I'll stick with skinny to athletic women. They are better at riding cock. I fucked a fat bitch once and when she got on top I thought I was going to die. That and any kinkyn sexual acrobatics are out of the question
>men like curves
Ashkenazim JOOZ are European converts; you goyim do not belong in the desert and deep down, you probably know that.
curves, not blobs.
It's ok. We all know you have a small dick.
Yeah I noticed that with Aussies too, but it's apparently mostly the men that want to have that rugged, leathery look.
Praise Kim!
Taytay a bitch!
Right amount of thiccness.
With those hips she won't have problems giving birth to strong, healthy kids.
You don't have to balls to fuck women that have self esteem. Thats why you convinced yourself that fat cunts are attractive
Search "PAWG"
Op is low test
Moment of silence for the betas
>it's ok to be fat
>sell more burgers
Actually...I do. I like women of all shapes and sizes. I just find it strange that people cut their selection short. Have fun with your boring sex life
>real women
>slim women don't exist
Where are from user? Florida?
That bitch is fat.
Time to go in and fap after I finish this cigarette and take a shit
>after 5:30 in the morning
My sleep schedule is so fucked
Because half of America consists of planetary whale fortresses and there's a market for it.
Meh, if culture these days didnt swirl around the most debased shit then people with pale complexions wouldn't want to fucking tan and be proud of their pale skin.
Culture is the problem.
>planetary whale fortresses
who is this
i love curvy and i need more curvy
The only problem with pawgs and other big nooty girls is now most have implants, it's not even real anymore.
Mfw you go to bed with a qt pawg and wake up in the morning and her implant flipped over and she has to flip it back
more than half
does she do dp?
So you get two ass shapes for the price of one? As a jew I declare this to be a good deal.
>dat flag
>tribalist establishment climber detected
*puked all over my 2 inch dick*
>As a jew
You're putting out a lot of signals mate
Actual high testers are getting women who are fit.
Bitches with chicken wings are for betas who can't do better and convinced themselves the Toyata they could afford is really a Ferrari.
Fashion business here : Plus size doesn't make money at all!
Because the average woman is a fat lazy fuck.
DP is fucking disgusting
Molly Cavalli
Because feminists are too lazy to diet
Ask her your self
My ideal woman
Looks like something Tyler Durden pulled out of a dumpster.
high test.
You want a fit girl if you want a truly nice ass. But it all mostly depends good waist to hip ratios, genetics, ect. This of course triggers people because it's an "unfair" reality. OP's pic is a woman who got blessed well but, can you blame her for taking advantage of the fact? She probably overweight but, since we are visual creatures, we don't give a fuck. It's as simple as seeing ugly from pretty.
Its just a visual thing. Doesnt mean I want to be part of a DP but its visually arousing.
Why is Sup Forums so prude?
I love her ass
Protip from an oldfag: when looking for a girlfriend or wife, focus on chicks that are a bit too skinny.
As soon as a broad gets into a relationship where she feels comfortable, she'll start to pack on the pounds.
Tell her she's starting to resemble the type of girl niggers fuck when she gains 10lbs, so that she stops at 15.
>why is there increase in plus size models these recent years?
because american women have become ultra fat. "plus size" fashion is becoming a huge part of the fashion industry, so they need "plus size" models to showcase their products.
It's a forced meme to make fat women feel better about themselves without all the effort of eating slightly less and walking.
mountain kraut is right
in the old times this took care of itself. Women would lose weight or fin the rare chubby chaser
But now if you don't find fat women attractive you are le mysygynyst or whatever, and it fucks over everyone
>As soon as a broad gets into a relationship where she feels comfortable, she'll start to pack on the pounds
True fax!!! My x did that but she gained and gained and gained and just be came a a nasty miserable bitch. That's why she's my x
(((Why indeed)))
She clearly has a body type that has problems retaining body fat otherwise she'd be thinner to allow for better modeling.
She'll blow up like a balloon the second she enters her thirties and will be fucked as no one will hire a 30+ fashion model who's "plus sized" outside of Layne Bryant ads.
Because there was never really a demand for spooky skeleton women in the first place. That was a kosher/homo plot against women.
If you like the twigs, congrats you've been brainwashed by Euro fashion homos.