A lot of people hated it at the time but now look at it fondly.
Lets discuss this kino
>a lot of people hated it at the time
Who on this website would say that? You'd have to be old as fuck to have seen this at an age where you'd have known it wasn't very good.
It's because Raul Julia died. He took the role because he wanted to star in a movie his kids could see
*screams inaudible gibbirish*
*rips off clothing and starts burning body hair*
*throws glass bottles at the windows*
*grabs onto ceiling fan and tears it down from the ceiling*
a lot of people, not just gamers hated the film when it came out 22 years ago (fuck, 22 yrs ago) and it killed van dammes career. since then other videogame movies have been so bad people now like this one.
yeah that was sweet
u wot m8?
Only good part in this movie.
Speaking as someone who really loves the street fighter games this movie was fucking awesome.
me too, bison and vega best charcters in game.
This film was worth making just to see Kylie Minogue in costume as Cammy, and also for based Raul Julia.
I wouldn't say it killed Van Damme's career. He was apparently in the midst of a huge coke addiction while filming Street Fighter.
it was pretty fucking comfy desu.
hmm ok, people said the film killed his career, i guess they didnt know about that.
>since then other videogame movies have been so bad people now like this one.
No, it's a genuinely entertaining movie. Everything is corny and hammy as fuck, and it's a fun watch.
One of the stupidest things I ever saw at the theater growing up.
I rolled my eyes so hard at "QUICK! SOMEONE CHANGE THE CHANNEL"
I mean, it's funny. but it's so fucking dumb,
Bison's "Tuesday" line is one of the coldest put-downs ever committed to film. Straight-up trivialized Chun Li's whole existence without even blinking.
dude i dont deny that, personally i like the film, but a lot of people hated it when it came out (though it did make bank)
zangief was goat in this movie
It's a shitty, terrible Street Fighter movie. However, it is also a thoroughly entertaining GI Joe movie featuring Street Fighter characters.
the movie coined a few meme's which are still around to this day, thats the one its most remembered for
pretty much. better than the legend of chun-li movie tho.
>old as fuck
underage fag
I loved it, watched it at the cinemas as a kid.
Thought the stealth boat was the coolest shit ever.
Whenever Raul Julia appears on screen it turns into a fucking Shakespeare play.
>a lot of people hated it when it came out
Because they didn't want a cartoony comedy from a Street Fighter movie. That's understandable, but it's also a criticism that has nothing to do with the movie itself. It's okay to not care what some autistic gamer 20 years ago thought about this movie and enjoy it as an comedy. That's what the movie tries to be, and it succeeds at that; it's not like people started liking it to be ironic, or because it's better than other video fame movies.
I loved it when I had it on video. Watched it a bunch of times. It's only when I got older and learned on the internet people hated it.
I watched it not too long ago and it still holds up for me. It's great fun and Bison is great.
Yeah im not arguing that tho, im not one of those whos cares about what people think of my fav films, i admit a lot of my fav films are crappy, but i still like them. i was explaining to other anons at the time the film got a lot of hate but now people remember it fondly.
The worst opinion on Sup Forums is that the mortal kombat movies are better than street fighter.
Mortal Kombat was more faithful and had a better cast. It's definitely the better movie overall.
they only say that of the first one, almost everyone hates the second (but i like it) SF is better.
>ywn show her your thailand
fucking keked m8 (although apparently JCVD did show kylie minogue is thailand and south pacific)
and seeing it in theaters was a treat
>tfw you're too retarded to learn how to OS so you keep getting hit by ex psycho crusher on bipsons knockdown
christ the acting is worse than I remembered.
Play a less trash street fighter then
True. This thread is making me sad. I loved Raul and street fighter. It is painful to think how many great future performances were lost when he died.
3s = USF4 > sf4 >> super turbo >>>>>>>> sf5
i havent played alpha series because im not an old man
bison is pretty easy to block
this is how manly men act. these days its rarely seen
at least he went out with a bang...literally.
Raul Julia died for this
Raul Julia's magnum opus
did you read the making of piece that was on Polygon a few years back? his story is so tragic. he had beautiful soul.
>ST that low
Disgusting. Whatever, if you insist on playing then just cross bipson up on wakeup. It makes him lose charge. No OS needed
And it, in turn, immortalized him.
if "manly men" means delivering laughable clichés with a thick Brussels accent then sure lol
i mean it's fun but it's objectively shit, the balance is horrible and the frame data doesn't make sense
>alpha came out after street fighter 2
congrats on being an idiot
>ywn show her your thailand
it does user. something nu male cucks will never understand.
Sweet Jesus, I forgot how luscious Kylie Minogue was in the 90's.
It's all about not getting hit in the first place. Normals and fireballs are godlike for a reason, you have to keep them out
I can't deny the balance is garbage, though I have to wonder why you like 3s then.
I'm not sure you're selling "manly" very well, user...
>nu male cucks
sigh. this is how Sup Forums communicate now
i mean chun is pretty broken in 3s but not as much as o. sagat, not to mention akuma
besides you pretty regularly see people do good with mid/low tiers like Oro, hugo, alex etc
>he really thought i was being serious about van damme
>not having a sense of humour
goodness what a miserable git you are.
it's literally the death of modern discourse, joking or not.
I want to live under the Pax Bisonica
>he really thinks this isnt manly
oh how deluded you are little boy.
Well akuma is a boss character. I may as well complain about gill because he has 100% combos off everything. I see chun and o.sagat as similar in that they stomp the lower tiers and are both quite easy
And the bottom tiers in ST suffer way less than in 3S. Blanka/Gief are way more likely to win than Sean/Twelve. Mid is way better too with characters like honda and bipson.
Great line in Cinematic History.
dude dont get me wrong i aint a fedora lord, however i sense you have mild autism at the very least.
funniest ones too.
mite be true but st dont have no sweet ass parries
check mate
more like shitty ass fireball killers and chun enablers
>only mild
You have to love how chun acts all smug in a weak attempt to provoke bison
Then he effortlessly shuts her down with one sentence. And destroys her with another
im trying to be nice here.