What the fuck Rio?

What the fuck Rio?

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Really makes you think, how can one even compete? Pol BTFO

Enjoy your relaxing cup of cafe con leche.

Ups, sorry enjoy ur zika.

What's wrong with it?

They don't even have a fucking balcony

>spending more of our money for this once-in-a-century event
>especially after the world cup
>actually supporting the kikery that is the Olympics

What's the matter? Bed too narrow for your fat ass?

Another tribalist establishment climber heard from.

Thanks fuckface

No mini fridge stacked with sugar?...no snacks?

Yanks will miss their chips n dips.

I laughed.

But seriously, what's the problem?

not that bad

If I were Brazilian I would be enraged that Brazil is hosting the Olympics

We are, but there are worse things to enrage about in this shithole. Plus, I don't live in Rio, which makes it slightly more bearable.

better than subhuman russia was, with exposed wiring and toilets that make you sit face to face with someone

wtf I hate brazil now

>No bullet holes in the walls
Fake pic

Looks like a Norwegian prison cell

It's not that bed, you get a view of the ocean so you don't have to look at the favelas and military.

Just put the beds closer if you wanna fuck and get Zika.

Because balconies and olympic villages go so well together...

At least its clean ;^)


Aren't you browsing Sup Forums for the happenings?

Looks like shit!
-No tvs
>Have to pay for AC
-Looks like a Motel 8 hostel

Pretty sure the community couches that half the population use are wider.

Are you retarded?

It's the average 3 star hotel room in europe, they go 70-100€ a night.

>toilets that make you sit face to face with someone
>being THAT antisocial
Get out of your basement and have some fun, silly westerner

>not carpet bombing favelas to oblivion


Was just gonna say.

This just looks like a basic hotel room.

Virgins spotted

Pretty sure the problem is the separate beds, you blind faggots

You can remove the night stand and push the beds together. Have you never been to a hotel? I wonder who the virgin kid is.

Nobody begged Brazil to host the Olympics. Rio competed for the privilege.

I bet that's $300 a night

>4 years later and people still fall for this anti russian shit

those toilets were from some army base somewhere stop promoting shill narratives

No, the government bribed the Olympics committee do host it because of bread and circuses politics.

Remember how thoroughly everyone tried to criticise the Russian accommodation because they were still ass-blasted about the anti-homo laws

>implying sleeping in your own bed is worse.

He's atleast getting half a bed. Otherwise, a normal bed would leave him with like a 1/4, while his woman takes the vast majority.

Who really cares?

Literally no one gives a damn about Rio. I'm not sure if it's just the change of people I hang out with, but there was definitely more excitement around Britain and Beijing, people actually talked about it.

In America all of our hotels have queen and king sized mattresses because we don't pussyfoot around.

There's no possible perception of a cucked family staying the night, where you have to overcome that philosophy.

Tl;dr: European hotels are seemingly cucked

fukin kek my dorm room in the shittiest dorm hall was nicer than this

Kek, only tribalist establishment climbers would do that.

athletes were posting pictures of themselves with them on twitter, stupid subhuman vatnik

Maybe you didn't know, but some people actually go with friends to sport events, and then it would be cool to share a room and have separate beds (to keep the cost down).

The only problem with the pic-related in OP is that it's not suitable for fat americans like yourself. You need a king size for yourself.

In america all hotels have king sized matresses because you're fat whales, lardass
Those are human-sized beds.

This olympic village will never be used again. Why go crazy on making it so fancy on the inside? I would think the athletes have better things to do than hang around a freaking hotel room.
IDC. King size beds rule.

I work in a freezer, so my bedroom ac runs all year.. cuts from really cold places will roast in 25c heat .

Sex on the bed is so last century.

Do you live in the Australian desert?

No, really, those beds are smol as shit.
But Italians are manlets anyway so a Twin would be comfy for you.

It's not like people who compete in the Olympics are actually rich they don't deserve 5* accommodation

Swedes aren't manlets. We're taller than you fat americans, and those are normal sized beds in Sweden.

It's like the italian said. You need king sized beds because you're so fat.

Or maybe it's because we understand the true meaning of vacation and like to fuck on a big, solid bed.

Kissless virgins BTFO never had a real vacation


You push the beds together and you get a king size, retard. You've never been to a hotel, or you would know this. You're a virgin. Stop talking about fucking. You need to be +18 in America to ficki ficki.

thread theme


was this song popular in brazil?

>work your entire life for this moment
>youll only get one shot most likely, one more... if you're lucky.
>represent your entire country
>will be celebrated on your triumph when you return
>50 buck motels offer a better nights sleep

In Rio you just go to carnival and fuck a 6"9' tranny with a 10" dong in a back alley

Boo fucking hoo.

The overwhelming majority of them haven't experienced better so I doubt they care

Then you have a big crack in the middle. I did it once in Hong Kong. It's shit.

>ikea furniture
>this much imblying
I'm not a fat fuck. You can literally feel the difference between a king, queen and twin immediately.

How much do you weigh

Enjoy the meter drop to the floor

> Be country.
> Only have aluminum shack housing for 40% of your population.
> Build olympic village, no matter how cheap.

It's going to be pretty funny user. Can't get rioting crowds off the streets to stop robbing tourists when they live in the gutter.

Combine that with zika orgies and every water event participant contracting poo-born illnesses and no world cup this time to opiate the masses.

You don't need fucking anything outside of a bed to sleep. Shut up.

Depends on the Bed, some make it impossible.
There shouldn't be a crack if the mattresses are connected properly, as most hotels allow.

Is that actually a thing in the U.S.?

184lb, so 83,5 kg or 13 stone for britbongs.

That's only a problem if you're a fatass.

Repurpose them for the economy. Isn't that the point of hosting the Olympics?

Don't bother arguing about travel with a murrican most of them live and die in the same state.

The guy is an autist. He probably moved the entire beds together without removing his sheets.

Vacations are for papists and socialists. Work. You lazy fucking lefty.

>What's zika

Lightweight. I'm 120kg and 196cm.

So you're a manlet, instead of a lardass.

Meh, many of our states are bigger than Britain. Which is to say you could do a lot of traveling without leaving the US.


That's fat, I weight 20 kg less and I'm 2 cm taller.

These are some long ass beds.
I guess nazi mutation experiments really did make south America into defects.

rio's people getting fucked

slums demolished, walls being put up to hide eye sore.
buss routs canceled to keep poor away

>not building hyperbaric capsule bedrooms
Is the whole thing just a popularity campaign for dilma?

186 cm.

reeeeeeeeee, stop being almost three inches taller than me.

What are you on about? Those are normal looking beds.

Not everyone hunch over like rats.

In the USA, hotel rooms that look like this charge only 25-35$ a night, IE, they're the cheapest shittiest things imaginable

Yea, hes a heavy guy. 6'4 and 265 pounds. Not fat but he shatters the "Europeans are thin" meme.

Looks cheap to be honest
Something like a place people on a budget would stay in.
It's not bad for a regular tourists but for Olympic athletes this is disappointing and that's coming from a third world regular Joe

They are literally staying there for a week or two, then the thing will be abandoned for decades.

Same. I've seen better accommodations for cheap almost everywhere I've traveled.
Its sad because, these aren't regular Joes, most of us will never compare to even half their athletic ability.

All these amerifats, sad!

Do you even lift. Like, at all?

>african nation

You aint much if you aint Dutch.

When abdul fucks your women in a generation you'll all be shorter than me. :^D

I've been in a farily expensive hotel in Manhattan which looked very similar.

>Amerilard replies to me

Shoo shoo, be fat degenerate somewhere else.

Nah these beds are huge a giant can sleep on them and still be smaller then the bed.

>has tricolour meme flag
>couldn't even come up with non vomit inducing colours
Cmon man, there are African nations, lots of them, with better designs.

What does a normal bed look to you or in Israel? Post pics.

at least they're real beds, not like the showers

pretty horrible plan. Buildings still cost a lot, a plan to make use of these buildings after Olympics should have been made cause you sure as hell aren't getting your money back solely from the Olympics.