>public increasingly cyncial towards war economy >2016 election shows previously effective means of mass control are waning >CIA starts pushing out nostalgia-80's escapism to placate public
where were you when you realized netflix is the electronic bread and circus?
and the CIA has been proven in the past to finance and push hollywood productions
It's not just about trying to push that at people, nostalgia sells during financially or otherwise unstable times.
Grayson Perez
Sebastian Butler
Is the CIA behind the spinner fad?
Jayden Ward
Joseph Thompson
When will the CIA bring back pogs?
Joseph Taylor
Why'd it only work on white people then?
Isaiah Smith
Stop what you are doing. Put down all electronics. Go outside. Do not watch, read, or listen to media in any form. Live your life how you want to live it without the shackles of media.
Daniel Rodriguez
Jaxson Reyes
Are people fucking retared?
On a similar note this google easter egg is interesting at least for dice roll type of things:
Still not as good as "zerg rush" google easter egg
Chase Williams
Grayson Edwards
>encourage disorders
Cameron Sanders
>Are people fucking retared? To be honest, I see the appeal, I'm always trying to find something to do with my fingers, if I have pen and paper, I scribble shit, if I have just pen, I twirl it around my fingers etc. helps me concentrating, though I usually try to channel it to something productive instead.
Benjamin Rodriguez
Levi Davis
Trump is 1980s nostalgia personified.
Blake Diaz
Oliver Green
Ryan Thomas
Why is the CIA always getting up to shit?
Christopher Nguyen
Noah Turner
New York is such an ugly city.
Jace Robinson
>and the CIA has been proven in the past to finance and push straight to DVD shitty productions
Fixed that for you.
Oliver Rivera
nah man trump is the hero every red-blood american over 34 was trained to want to be >rich without trying >successful without talent >only values gold and tits, so he markets a lot of both >ascended without any meaningful trial to the head of a too-big-to-fail corporation where all he's responsible for is to maintain a lifestyle image it's a shame he believed his own grandeur and got elected by popular vote to a position that actually involves trying
Dylan Walker
Isaiah Davis
yeah like planes and whatnot
Zachary Fisher
>Zero Dark Thirty >stright to dvd
Carter Allen
especially those two ugly giant towers someone should do something about them