and then tosses her and the dogs into the pool
Nigger bodyslams old white lady with two dogs on leash
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haha dumb bitch
what did the old lady do? she must have done something wrong
she was probably telling them to turn down their baboon music
Alt right BTFO
Imagine the outrage and media attention this would get if this had been a bunch of white kids doing this to a black woman
she offered him swimming lessons
Around blacks, never relax. Especially if there's more than one.
She voted Drumpf
God please kill all the niggers
>Imagine the outrage and media attention this would get if this had been a bunch of white kids doing this to a black woman
This x 1000
she was around the wrong tribe's territory
nothing justifies violence like that against an elderly woman, what the fuck are you a degenerate?
Sup Forums
Did they all panic at the end because a black man fell in the water?
Name 15 movies, 2 flicks, 6 joints and 40 cinemas where this happens.
>Nigger bodyslams old white lady
More like he picked her up and slipped on the surface and dropped her. Then picked her up again and told her old white ass to cool the fuck down.
No doubt she was sucking his dick within minutes. A bitch that white doesn't walk into a party that nigga without expecting to get some black dick out of it. And that shit was funny was fuck.
Nobody got hurt nigga they was just playing. White people bitch about nothing.
If people can post about youtube celebs because they are on youtube, i see mo problem with this. It is on liveleak.
But mods will delete it.
That was such a weak "body-slam". That ape could barely carry that tiny old lady.
>mfw i realise america as a nation is BLACKED
Getting tossed into a poll isn't as bad as being gangraped by a bunch of migrant "youths"
kill all niggers
I'd legit hunt down, drug, torture every cunt in this vid down if I knew this lady. I'd skin them, remove various body parts and douse them in gasoline then watch them burn one by one
Why did they ever give niggers rights in the first place?
Once slavery had run its course they should've shipped them all back to live in huts made of shit in their motherland.
the world has factually gone downhill since women and niggers got rights in first world countries
Truly fascinating creatures
Guess what I did, OP?
guys, whats going on in your country? we would never have that happening here, i mean, respect for the elderly is a common sense thing in most countries, specially those that respect the family.
Was that her house and a a tribe of babboons take camp at her pool or something?
she was a white devil
you mean like the "mass rape" in Germany that was actually made up by a right wing shopkeeper?
it was a prank that went horribly wrong
We've got more billionaires than ever, so no.
This. I mean, it's easy to see with the benefit of hindsight, but niggers should never have been given citizenship after being freed.
>being this much of a beta male orbiter
kek reevaluate yourself my son
the nigger probably did it for fun
He didnt intend to slam her, he slipped like a bitch
If he hadnt slipped, everyone would think its a funny video, old woman thrown into a pool!
Im going to be honest, its her own damn fault for walking into a mob and trying to confront them.
It was just a stupid idea, she was asking for trouble and got it.
>only 95 black people in the US
Not bad.
>a gigantic spike in rape because of third world immigration doesn't exist
that's a terrible argument for the betterment of the world
but that would never happen
Most likely. And why do savage niggers hate dogs?
>China highest IQ
Why is India so low? I thought poo in loos were smart.
lincoln would've sent them back but john wilkes boothe killed him
She didn't pay reparations she decided to politely ask them to turn the music down instead of calling the cops on them
why are they running?
i bet china is lying, they're a third world country with more slums than south america. The result are probably gathered from a uni in Beijing.
Probably because her head hit the pavement and blood came out.
>bitches about income disparity
>but muh rich people
liberals baka
I can save you a spot sunshine
Are you saying niggers are never to blame for anything? I know they are basically retarded but that doesn't mean they should get away with anything.
fuck you you fucking idiot i would like for someone to throw your mother face down onto the ground and drag your body and her two little dogs down into the water
fuck you
He was clearly trying to throw her in, but was a weak bitch and slipped. Why must pol come to race bait? If he had succeeded, it would've been a funny video
Shitting in the streets doesn't sound very smart to me.
pretty funny desu. but the nignog probably should get done for assault.
Most likely none of them live there. They just show up with a mob that is too big for anyone to tell them to leave. Like when groups of them rush a store and rob it.
>it's good that there are people with more wealth than millions combined
>this is what americans believe
I think so too, but the map is true for the most part
How is this even possible?
Spotted the nigger
To go look for more white people to terrorize.
she relaxed
lower than coco the gorilla
because the cops could kill them. they are niggers.
It's not even his actions I have a problem with, there's always a dumb violent person in every group, but the fact that the rest of the niggers were running aruond laughing about it, even after she got thrown into the concrete, shows how reprobate and subhuman this classification of "human" is.
>[citaation needed]
yeah no I'm not cucked by right wing propaganda like you idiots
lol pusi ass whyte bitch
We live in a world where anyone can become a billionaire. In the past, you had to have royal blood. Now all you need is some creativity. That's progress to me.
World is much better now.
106 and Park was about to start
>throwing a old lady into a pool is funny
This video doesnt deserve the attention its getting.
For all the videos of blacks ACTUALLY bodyslamming and beating up people, why would you even bother with this one?
Mr 56% got triggered
>chimp named Jojo
like you terrorized them for over 250 years of slavery?
t. Satan.
Seriously, tell me how the world is worse than it's ever been? Try living through a world war.
I think what happened was fucked up and all but what the fuck was that lady thinking walking into some nigger pool party with 50 apes standing around and asking them anything?? Just asking for a beating
>people still don't think that niggers are an invasive species that needs to be wiped out
i have many more examples
Damn, must be pretty fucking old.
>people from third world countries stop raping as soon as they enter first world countries
damn are you fucking retarded
You're fucking retarded. Your time is up nigger, get ready for the war
And one of those people could easily be you. There is literally nothing stopping that from happening and there are plenty of opportunities.
Try taking some.
No, a chimp falling into water leads to certain death.
You see it in nature documentaries or at zoos. when a chimp goes into even waist deep water the entire group start making "primate alarm noises' and freak the fuck out.
so you're saying that no one should walk into a pack of niggers because they're all animals. thanks for confirming it for us.
they have all the right to do so
Do you know how frail old people are? Friend of mine died yesterday because he tripped and hit the back of his head on concrete, dude was 58, niggers are subhuman fucking animals
Because it features an old white lady and Americans like to pretend they have respect for their elders
how is that relevant?
>Im going to be honest, its her own damn fault for walking into a mob and trying to confront them.
So you're saying nigger are dangerous and out of control?
poor doggos, hope they are ok
My mother wouldn't be dumb enough to walk in front of a bunch of people of any race and start talking shit.
And besides, it was just jokes. Old white bitch prolly laughing bout it now.