Trump is planning to weaken NATO

>Trump is planning to weaken NATO
>Russian hackers hack the DNC
>Putin is a huge supporter
>RT and the other Russian state-owned media is going way out of their fucking way to promote him

that's it, I'm jumping off the Trump train. Trump is a Russian wolf is sheep's clothing. Voting Trump is treason.

Than vote for hilary you disabled cunt.

>t. hillshill

why are you cunts' bait permanently weak?

Because what's good for Russia is necessarily bad for the US, right? Right...?

What do you have against Russia? They want to be our ally but King Nigger, Merkel and co have fucked them over at every turn.
If you are really anti Russia anyways, shouldn't you be more worried about all the uranium Hillary sold them while she was in office?

>tribalist establishment climber

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Putin puppet.

Don't bother, they will defend him to the death, even if it means submitting to Russia, or any other oil-rich country.

Supporting NATO means you're a traitor to the White race you cuck

Rick Wilsonstein pls go

>RT and the other Russian state-owned media is going way out of their fucking way to promote him
And all the American state-run media are going out of their way to promote Hillary. WTF I love big sister now.

Of course. We want nothing more from life than see this planet's greatest country brought low and it's people forced into gulags where they'll only be fed burgers 3 times per day.

What's wrong with Russia?

They're bros. We need to support them instead of supporting the Saudi barbarians.

Distractions aren't working Hillary, time to face the music!

Russia and Iran are natural allies of USA.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are natural enemies.

eh, the Clintons gave Russia uranium mines in the Southwest for a measley sum. It may be that our only option now is to be friendly.

>Putin supports Trump
This is supposed to make me dislike him?

Fuck off, the age of the superpower is over, we need to go back to regional powers, that's what Trump wants, you can't be the best country in the world if you are wasting money half a world away dying for the jew.

So Trump weakens/destroys the NWO agenda they tried to build for 100 years. GOOD.

Fucking retards like OP have no idea what is actually happening.

desu i want Putin to invade all of Europe and remove kebab

O-only three...? Y-you animals!

A fair few leaps of logic without evidence there mate.

Trump is an 80 year old russian agent who has had money and influence his entire life but that they have only now activated?

>NATO created to stop the spread of the communist Soviet Union into Western Europe
>Soviet Union falls
>NATO still exists

Anyone that doesn't see a problem with this is a retard. The dissolution of NATO is long overdue.

Except there is... Sure you get some nice protection now, but what happens once Putin decides to marry that gook milf, open a bear riding ranch in Siberia and never come back into politics?
It's not like there's a competent alternative to him (well apart from that Lavrov guy, but he seems to be more content with his diplomatic duties than with running a country).

>implying Putin will stay in Russia after leaving poilitics
Top kek. Him and our entire political elite owns huge mansions, some even castles in Europe and USA. Their children and relatives live in the western countries, Putin's own daughter lives in Switzerland. Even if a nuclear war was about to start they wouldn't bomb the west, since their children live there.


Nato's greatest achievement post cold-war was defending Kebab in Europe.

Nato must go.

wtf!i'm for her now.

Trump just wants the other countries to spend the 2% of GDP they are supposed to for defence. Currently only 5 NATO members do.

Have you ever read an RT article these last few months? They are regularly mocking Trump and some editors say hostile things about him. They're not pro-Trump


The sanctions against them are fucking retarded. Russia has every right to protect ethnic Russians, fuck the puppet Kievans.
Huge potential for investment and trade with Russia too. If China fucks back with the new trade negotiations, we should turn to Russia and say fuck the Chicoms.
If Trump comes out and supports Assad in Syria I'll never be happier. If we end up putting boots on the ground there I intend to join, and I'd much rather fight along side Ivan and the SAA than the fucking scum of jihadistic "moderates" this bullshit administration has propped up.

New USA/RUS broship for the 20th century, please. Fuck China.

>that's it, I'm jumping off the Trump train. Trump is a Russian wolf is sheep's clothing. Voting Trump is treason.

Wait, but what about the french and german media going out of its way to bash trump??

Hillary is a german operative. Or... is it that different countries have different political interests?

>Russia being the USA's friend for once
literally nothing wrong with that
we're Allies afterall

Shillary hard at work on Sup Forums I see.

>wouldn't nuke the west
>their children live there
>what is international travel

it was Hillary who sold us 20% of your uranium reserves

NATO is still there to keep Russia's expansionistic aims in check.

>weaken NATO
>by getting member countries to increase their defense spending substantially


>Bill Clinton can't even have kids so they let jews impregnate Hillary to create ugly offspring

hahahaha you can't make this shit up, Clinton's are cucks

dictatorship with nuclear weapons pointed at us and a nasty habit of invading other countries any time it feels like it

turns out they're the only people propping up trump's real estate empire




>thinking a future where Russia and America team up to send people to Mars, mine the asteroids and build a geocentric space station with centrifugally-induced artificial gravity is a bad thing
>all while China withers away and asks if they can play too

what a faggot

>Soviet Union falls
>KGB Agent is now the King of Russia
>All high officials were people of power during the Soviet Union
>implying the Soviet Union actually fell and not just took a time off

Voting for Hillary is essentially voting for WWIII.

Fuck that shit.

Also this:

Dumb fuck , nato has secret army in europe , go read about GLADIO .
dont TRUST nato bitches.

>tfw you will see Laika and Albert II colonizing Mars, together

Say what you want about the French now, but the French Revolution? Best thing they've ever done.

Fuck the bourgeoise

commies are still in power in Russia ignorant amerikek

The west should ally with Russia. We should be working together on space programs and other scientific research. It's a huge waste to have russia doing nothing because they're starved for money due to political disagreements.

>Russia has every right to protect ethnic Russians

Shill harder, Ivan


You're a naive idiot if you believe otherwise.

Hillary literally signed off on Russia owning 20%+ of our uranium ore after a Russian government shell company donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.


I don't know your flag but I can just tell from the colors you're a shitskin

>Three burgers a day
I believe this means war.

as a "leaf" in the wind of russian and american whims, there's nothing I'd like more than a stronk russo-american alliance.

>i support Trump
>that means that Trump works for me
Besides, what's wrong about Putin?
He's my favourite president in the world right now.

>Putin is a huge supporter

>there's nothing I'd like more than a stronk russo-american alliance

That's not going to happen anytime soon because both the US and EU do not trust Russia.

Don't fight reality, Ivan. It will create internal dissonances, thereby making peace unobtainable

M8 im as American as they come
I just want to tag team with Russia and exterminate the shit out of Islam
Last time they beat us to Berlin but this time I bet we can beat them to Mecca

who was foreign secretary for the past 4 years ? that's right, shillary.
who ran psyops in ukrain in order to destabilize the regime, instead of letting things go their own, organic way ? prolly shillary.

If ANYONE knows how to spot a proxy war, it's Putin, just cause he's been involved in so many. You can't expect tensions and paranoia not to escalate when the US is making proxy moves globally.
Russia, however, is bretty upfront about it - "we want ukraine, we want to btfo dese terrierists and keep assad in check".

Also, don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-russian in the current political climate, i know they'd fuck my shit up no problem, but an alliance (a truthful one) would provide stability and accountability on both sides, whereas this mexican standoff will surely end with a russo-american bang, and a romanian whimper.

I'm torn lads. I want Trump to win and I agree that we should have better relations with Russia.

But I don't want Putin to get his grimy hands on the Baltic states. Lithuania and Latvia are NOT Russia and never will be.

nice try you marxist fuck

What makes you think he's angling for the Baltics, other than butthurt belt whining?

Russia is not our enemy. Trump opposes China, that makes him the best option.

Honestly, I'd prefer Russia to Muslim dick sucking Merklecucks at this point.

.h265 only

I would rather Putin run the US than Hillary anyways

Thats it, I'm now #mentallyHill

They only support Trump because they want America to descend into chaos and fail. You've gotta be bluepilled as fuck if you think Putin will ever be a true ally to the US.

Sup Forums is full of russiaboos, that would reinforce their belief in Trump


Why is MF Doom at a Trump rally


I'd rather be ruled by Putin desu

Have you ever talked to a native russian or been to a small russian town? Watched their TV? They hate you. They hate you for "destroying" their "glorious soviet union, they hate you because their country is shit, they blame the west for all their problems. The fact is, that modern russians need a scapegoat to point a finger at for all their problems. Because surely, it is impossible that the corruption and kleptocracy in their country is their own fault.
All the smarter russians have either been purged in the fifties or have left the country.

Read The Gulag Archipelago to get an idea how russians treat their fellow countrymen. And then think if they will treat their """allies""" any better. Or just look at what Putin is doing now.

>I just want to tag team with Russia and exterminate the shit out of Islam
How old are you, Tyrone?

>still defending (((NATO)))

NATO had purpose when the USSR and Warsaw Pact was a thing but now it is pretty irrelevant.

Besides isn't the (((U.N.))) supposed to be the new world peace keeping force?

Why wouldn't they hate us? They have plenty of reasons to.
There's plenty of Americans who feel the same way towards them. Basically our whole establishment's biggest wet dream is a new Cold War with Russia.

I want us to end that bullshit and realize we would far more prosperous together. Playing posturing games between the two biggest nuclear powers is not only old it's fucking retarded.
Or would you like the world to end in nuclear fire for bullshit and arbitrary reasons?
What they do domestically isn't my concern. I'm talking geopolitics.
More importantly, Islam is the biggest threat to western civilization by a large fucking margin. Or have you kept your head in the sand this entire year?
We need to fucking purge that shit ideology from the face of the Earth and be done with it, or else terrorism and mass rape is going to plague us forever. This would be easier done if the USA and Russia cooperated. As for how they treat their allies, they've never had an ally as powerful as us. Unlike your shithole, we can't be steamrolled or pushed around.
Stay mad irrelevant shitskin.

Forced meme is shitty meme

>dooming pretty much all of Eastern Europe
>supporting an ex-kgb agent and practical dictator that is rapidly modernizing his army and threatened nuclear war multiple times
>helping russia transform into Soviet Union 2.0 and regain their status as superpower
The absolute madman


>vote Hillary
>USA collapses like USSR

>caring about Eastern Europe
>implying our equally corrupt and bullshit establishment hasn't been way more aggressive and provocative with them
>not wanting them to share the burden of maintaining world order and keeping Islam fucking submissive

wow now i am a #retard

fuck NATO.
Russia can invade, we need to harden up.

you're either with putin or with the globalist jews

these are the times we live in

OMFG this is genius. Use your sjw accounts to accuse DisavowFags of being racist, white privileged, transphobic, cisgender trash, polpotloving xenophobes . According to the sjw's, this radicalizes the weakminded, and what are commies if not weakminded amiright? They'll all turn to trump.

>inb4 personalarmy
>inb4 not OP can't inb4
>inb4 autist

EVERETHING IS Russian wolf is sheep's clothing.


Side note: I would protect Poland
They have always been a loyal ally and are genuinely a good people
They would be the one hard line that I would tell Russia not to fuck with

>Why are you cunts bait permanently weak

YEAH! dont act like you dont understand this man op answer the question!

What we have here is ideological subversion: stage 1 (Demoralization)

You do realize that russian military is a giant with clay feet? And their nominal GDP is behind South Korea. You bought into their propaganda, famalam.

>we can't be steamrolled or pushed around
>pushed around
Netanyahu seems to disagree

>burger calling a balt a shitskin
And that's how I know you are a shill

>Uranium hillary sold them

Source? And dont link me to someones fucking address.

Invade Estonia pls senpai

>Only three times a day


Our only problem with Poland is that they're natural invasion point to Russia. If they could just be neutral and fucking ignore us like finland we'd be cool.


>only three burgers a day