Is this the best Godzilla movie?
Shin Godzilla
2nd best my guy
1954 best goji flick
best design is g2k
The original is more historically important. Final Wars is often a fan favorite. Hedora is tied as my favorite with Shin Godzilla. I would say Shin Godzilla is probably one of the best though easily
So, the little guys at the end were a product of his cell division, right? Are we going to see flying Godzillas in the sequel? There should be tons of Godzillas running around in it.
I think the original one is better because of the flat ending of this one. But other than the ending, which was still a bit frightening because of that last frame, This movie was phenomenal. I wish more people talked about it. Like this user said, second best.
I honestly hope we never get a sequel and it just stays its own contained thing.
Look, it's the
>a sequel will ruin the original
Unless Anno comes back a sequel would be 100% full retard.
Next Jap Godzilla movie should just be the start of a new era and Shin Godzilla should just forever be its own thing.
First one is best, this is second, gmk is third
>Unless Anno comes back a sequel would be 100% full retard.
As expected of the master!
Is it really that good? Is it honestly better than the best of Heisei period Godzilla? if so, fuck man, I need to go on PTP and get myself a copy right now
It's the first Godzilla in which I liked the human characters. The cuts, the camera angles, everything is fucking great. I was honestly thinking that it's the best one until the very end. It was just lame.
>Is it honestly better than the best of Heisei period Godzilla?
Yes. I say this as a lifelong Godzilla fan.
Its going to be incredibly hard to ever top Shin.
Hideaki Anno does a pretty great job, but he can't top the original.
Second best next to 1954
It's a
>Sup Forums actually fucking agrees for once that it's one of the best there is
What the actual fuck.
Shitposters aren't here yet.
Anytime now.
The next one's going to be an animu. Reports also say it will be a trilogy.
By Urobutcher, right? It looks like shit, though.
We'll see, let's be positive, we haven't seen any actual footage of the animation
I'm sure most people will consider it non-canon.
Seems like shit. I'm talking about the next live action big release Jap film.
final wars is garbage. Its just a shitty action movie
This. The screentime of the shitty character doesn't help. Ghidorah was nice, though.
1954 is overrated. even king kong which came out decades before has better special effects and story telling.
Third best after 54 and GMK.
Visually it doesn't look too appealing but it's hard not to be hype for a movie where Godzilla actually conquered the whole planet.
Since it's an anime this will probably the strongest incarnation of Godzilla.
vs king ghidorah is still my fav but shin was amazing yes
>Final Wars is often a fan favorite
Most fans hate final wars for pushing shitty wannabe Matrix over actual monsters
Final Wars is easily one of the worst films in the entire fucking franchise. I simply can't understand how anyone would place it even in the Top 10.
I adore Godzilla, and all related things. Shin truly is my personal favorite.
Final Wars > vs. King Ghidorah > vs. Destoroyah > Ebirah > Mechagodzilla II > Shin Godzilla
6th best
>literal Mike Haggar with a katana piloting a flying submarine
> 30 minute montage of Godzilla kicking almost every monster's ass
Ya, I just don't see it
>Ebirah before anything
Disc release when?
>vs. Megalon was my first ever Godzilla
>irrational nostalgia keeps it in my top ten
>everyone else hates it
tfw shit taste
It was a good movie and one of the better Fukuda films. His best was Mechagodzilla though
dont feel bad
pretty sure most people have a movie or two like that in the series where its their favourite
Are my top three.
Did someone ever sub the extras MEGAnon uploaded? I'd love to see some Anno BTS content.