Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures
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Now fuck off.
Comprehensive list.
Thanks user.
Is this a meme, or real?
So we got a term called whitewashing but no blackwashing or yellowwashing and that's all combined into Color-blind casting...? How is that "equality"?
any movie with idris elba
It's a meme
everyone knows that black people do 100% of the work at NASA
Because the white race is the only one in history to ever have slaves, so everything they do is evil
Was Roland in The Dark Tower given a specific race?
Whites invented chattel slavery, it was much worse than what happened to the Jews. I'm always amazed by the historical illiteracy of Sup Forums.
you're retarded
He's literally described as Clint Eastwood.
Wikipedia has a liberal bias yes. Same as BBC, it's obvious.
Red from Shawshank Redemption
Lancelot from Once Upon a Time
because in the US you are either white or not. If you're not you are pretty much lumped in the nigger category regardless of what you are. If a reverse term existed it'd be colorwashing.
From the cover of one of the books
Sir Bedivere is black in the new King Arthur movie
Not an argument
not white
>the white race is the only one in history to ever have slaves
He actually believes this! Mind blown
Nothing is stopping you from creating a blackwashing page on Wikipedia.
It's a meme.
Yes and then it gets deleted for some bullshit reason... i'm pretty sure
The Dark Tower
>having this much of a victim complex
Stay retarded, Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is becoming buzzfeed