Movies where the bad guy lost
Movies where the bad guy lost
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It's not really a loss when you think about how this Euro-supremist fringe faction came so close to taking control of the state. I am sure her party is very pleased with themselves.
>t-they didn't even expect to win!
The same very excuse Sup Forums would've used if Trump had lost.
>France is only 35% white
>FN only gets 35% votes
Makes you think
Chestlets BTFO
here's your participation trophy
>loves muslims
You're doing great!
Projecting pretty hard buddy
So you mean that the French Vote didn't matter and the Bogs were putting Macron into Power all along?
We did it, Reddit!
You mean the working class. Fascists don't exist as any significant voting block.
>tfw you aren't French
He's saying that working class people are fascists.
Le Pen lost?
Well, time to shitpost on Sup Forums for hours
There won't be a France by the next time they get a chance though.
She only got 35% of the vote. Basically a landslide for Macron.
Cut the crappy beard, lose the turban & buy a nice suit and he'll be gold. But no, of course he goes with the creepy jihad guy look instead. Fucking middle east
We clearly need more magnets to stop these racist brains like the French did.
Don't. The more you shitpost now, the more Sup Forums will gloat and go "told you so, blood on your hands" when the next inevitable assault truck of peace comes along.
I don't understand. I thought France was fucked. Why did Le Pen lose?
No! It was HER TURN
>shutting down threat processing makes you a liberal retard
top kek
RIP in peace
>its not really a loss when you consider they lost
Haha Nazi's BTFO hahaha.
They had a good run. They will rebuilt after the great Euro Civil War.
press S to spit on grave
6th republic when?
Thing is, every country/city with high nigger or muslim population ends up like that.
People need to realise how detrimental they are to society.
Fucking sexist assholes.
can someone give me a quick rundown on why she is the good guy and macron the bad guy?
The rest of her extreme platform is an albatross around her neck. If she and her party were more conventional outside of immigration they would have more success.
Because she wants to keep those shitskins out of her white country
Imagine living in an apartment right alongside that, having to park your car near them. This is why white people go on shooting sprees.
Enjoy your next visit by the truck of tolerance
>implying a literal Nazi can be a good guy
>Sup Forums voting for the woman over the guy
what bizarro universe is this?
France is over a quarter Muslim.
so why didnt the 75% of the rest of the white people vote for le ben?
But that's only because every white person other than me is intentionally making the lives of minorities worse and actively doing everything they can to keep them down. Africans would be on the moon right now if literally a handful of dutch priests didn't demolish their entire culture with their hatred and technology.
What do you mean I don't have proof and never will? My feelings are proof enough.
Macron outright says he won't do anything about terrorism because it won't hurt the financial industry.
Because she's a socialist who would ruin the economy in record time
This is the face of France, and it is BEAUTIFUL
oh......macron want to keep them? damn RIP in piece france. I guess the Eiffel tower will become a mosque soon.
then why did Sup Forums want le pen to win?
How is that a surprise? Did you actually fall for the media bullshit about how Hillary only lost because of sexism?
>americans calling other people non-white
Did you see the Sup Forums HWNDU meetup?
It's been said that the greatest weakness of the white man is his altruism. White people are great and not only expect other people to be great, but will harm themselves in order to put others there. No other race on the planet is as suicidally altruistic as white people are. Asians, blacks, indians, whatever would never ever do what white people are doing in their nations. It's the greatest strength and flaw of white people.
Are French niggers worse than American niggers at this point?
Do French people have a bonding with their national team?
Because she says lot of things about islam so potential voters instantly forget about her disastrous economical policies
It's not a bad trick but still
>white people
The majority now are Maghrebs from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco that hate black people as much as Sup Forums but still sand niggers themselves.
America has Detroit, whats the French equivalent?
I don't understand european politics. How is Macon a centrist candidate? You guys are weird
how is he not?
A.) She triggers leftists
B.) They think her policies will stop terror attacks
C.) She wanted to pull France out of the EU
It's so beautiful, all that culture. I feel enriched
so wait, was Sup Forums wrong?
propaganda, reds under the bed narratives and imaginary fascists
Macron's a "centrist."
The fact that a country like fucking France ended up having to choose between a "centrist" and a fringe-right candidate shows how far things have come. France is historically and culturally socialist as FUCK. They're one of the most inclusive countries in the history of the world diversity-wise. People are so afraid of muslims and the "refugees welcome" frenzy from the EU that France's political climate actually shifted right.
Not saying Macron is by any means conservative, or even not a liberal in everything but name, but you have to be astounded by France coming this close to voting someone like Le Pen into power.
wtf do you actually believe this?
>the economical powerhouse of Europe is comparable to Detroit because YouTube told me so
>mfw Japanese are so based they get into shock when they see how far gone France is
>B.) They think her policies will stop terror attacks
Well, stopping unchecked mass immigration sure as hell would be the first step to at least reduce terrorist attacks, don't you think? Why did you phrase it as if this very idea is totally stupid and there is NOTHING you can possibly do to reduce the threat?
nazis btfo
drumpf was a one time thing and he won't even make the full term
Sup Forums is always wrong
Yea, I was there. Meet Jesus too. Cool guy.
Weeb detected
potentially dumb questio but would France need to leave the EU to stop the mass immigration they're dealing with?
Macron is centrist because he's what the people who create the classifications want. You're an idiot if you still think right and left are anything objective.
>being this retarded
Not at all, they're just one of the few with a good idea on how to tackle immigration
>Why did you phrase it as if this very idea is totally stupid and there is NOTHING you can possibly do to reduce the threat?
That fucking strawman, kek. It's like you're not even interested in their response, you're already arguing with yourself.
You're not gonna sit there and tell me those guys weren't fun as hell on that boring ass stream,
There'd probably still be terror attacks from radicalized citizens. If she did get in she'd probably have as tough a time getting her policies through as Trump is.
Macron is a pretty centrist, Blairite candidate and most French people I know weren't especially elated it was between him and Le Pen.
But Le Pen getting beaten fuels my keks knowing how much it is triggering alt-right morons in places like Sup Forums who think every political battle is about Muslims, the EU and globalisation. Fucking ELATED, my boys.
>tfw american
so who's next in the election memes? is Germany voting anyone new yet?
Wow magic voodoo frog isn't real who would have thought
You can the muslim-obsessed SJW
Le Pen is center-left except on immigration. "Far right" is such a joke.
literally every movi
and why would you post a pic of le pen?
It would certainly help. Part of the problem with the immigration and being in the EU is the freedom of movement between countries. While this was initially a good thing, it's very quickly turned terrible now that jewish masters are letting in tons of >90 iq immigrants from barbaric cultures who will never assimilate. If even one country in the EU allows unchecked immigration it spells tragedy for all other countries in the EU.
I'm depressed. It's not fair.
Not in theory, but in practice the EU mandates countries to take in their "fair share" of refugees and a country like France can't just refuse the same way say Hungary or Poland do.
>every political battle is about Muslims, the EU and globalisation
Name something more important that isn't one of these (for a european nation)
if you say climate change I will lmao
Sup Forums was right several times in 2016 but it seems that meme magic is faltering in 2017. Wilders lost, Le Pen lost, Trump isn't living up to his campaign promises, Bill O'Reilly is fired, and Richard Spencer lost his tax exemption status.