Are human sacrifices real? do they still exist?

are human sacrifices real? do they still exist?

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Yeah, satanists do it all the time.

>tribalist establishment climber

They've happened recently. There was even one somewhere in South America a few years ago, after a flood, some tribe sacrificed a boy to the sea to appease the gods or something. Today the practice continues via the sacrifice of twins to Kek, while shouting "Praise Kek for blessing my womb with dubs!"

He's right. They do still happen. We are not just trying to sound edgy. There are organized groups of psychos who are satan worshipers and do this. They are not like the edgy counterculture teens who say they are satanists as a joke. They are creeps. Some of them are in Utah near the Mormons. Over there they have enough cults that there are specially trained psychologists who work with women who have somehow escaped cult abuse and psychological brainwashing and torture.

Why are 45 year old Facebook mums posting on my Sup Forums?

Where do you think blood libel comes from?

Our globalist (((elites))) do it all the time. Satanists arent some creepy psychos at the frindge of society but the most powerfull and influencial people.

>There are organized groups of psychos who are satan worshipers and do this

I thought Satanism was just a plain old regular church with the usual boring sunday mass but with the roles of God/Satan reversed

Video gamers playing demonic games and satanist listening to devil music.

It's actually gaining popularity in sweden.


It's kinda what runs the world right now.

As long as kikes and other subhumans exist but especially kikes

Read about Adolfo Costanzo. Satanic cartel/cult leader. Regularly practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism.

what do you think abortion is, OP? Why do you think most abortion doctors are jews? Why do you think jews donate millions to keep abortion legal?

They're sacrificing kids to moloch, like they always have.

Nothing new under the sun.

In modern society the victims sacrifice themselves, though they do so unknowingly

thats Levayan satanism. started by burnout hippies in the 80's.

theres still theistic Satanism. it's not widespread, but thats the occult bullshit that gets people killed.

If you believe in magic. Theres no good use of time in this temporary hell we inhabit. Killing yourself would leave an untasteful legacy and potentially change where your family ends up next time though. If someone offers to sacrifice you, take it




Yes. Your prosperity is sacrificed for the prosperity of whoever the government favors, be it niggers, kikes, wops, greasers, cripples, women, or whatever.

Fight back.

I know some muggers in some African shithole kill albino muggers for their body parts for magic.

Some South American people still do it. Rarely and it causes scandal when it happens.

Yes. There is a city in Brazil called Codó which is considered the capital of black magic. In that region and in deep Northeast they often find dead boyes who were sacrified and cut their dick off.
But we cannot talk too much about it because "muh prejudice with African religions"

ye lets blame Satan... who else.
Fucking kikes took the nice pagan God(represents truth btw) and said he is evil.
Then some fanatic christians took the image of the evil Satan and do some crazy shit.

Human sacrafice was cool back then, when sadist kikes wanted to see someone dead.

not quite
people are sacraficed mainly by christian psychopats who think that the devil controlls them.
Occultism is compareable to theistic Satanism.


We used to do that, but it was really rare. If the harvest was really bad, it went out on the king, who was bloted like an animal. Blood drained, painted on god figures on the altar, painting the walls red and splashing it on people


Another one is more common, hanging people to send them as servants in valhall. Rather common




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