So Sup Forums what do you think about tattoos?
10 years ago you only found this in subculture, nowadays every average human being want one.
>tfw your waifu wants one...
So Sup Forums what do you think about tattoos?
10 years ago you only found this in subculture, nowadays every average human being want one.
>tfw your waifu wants one...
As long as it looks good and isn't something autistic like something from a video game, I'm completely fine with it. I've been obsessed lately with sleeves of things like smoke or storms on them. Shit like that is dope imo.
If she gets like a Zelda tatt or some dumb shit like that, fucking drop her.
enjoy your allergies and cancer. Go black only or go down.
It's attention whoring.
I always tell myself that tattoos are acceptable if they have a meaning or are a part of a deep cultural practice. Which means 99.999% of tattoos don't apply.
Pic related is the only kind of tattoo that I don't consider inherently trashy or tacky.
Leviticus 19:28
Tattoos are a huge red flag.
Unfortunately, my fiancé has a shit ton of tattoos. The only reason I'm marrying her is because she wants to be a housewife.
Her mother promised me she'd find her a dress that covers everything, so I won't be embarrassed.
>tfw your future mother-in-law likes you more than her own daughter
I agree, but
>i got this broken watch tattooed because it represents that, uh, time is limited and shit, ain't that some deep shit dude?
>look at muh symbol of eternity. it is because muh eternal lyfe and muh spirituality, ain't i original XDD
doesn't constitute meaning. I think you know that aswell, but that is what most westerners think a 'tattoo with meaning' is.
they can look nice in moderation, on already beautiful women
as a man, personally i am just to narcisistic for tattoos
It will piss me off to no end that normal faggots decided that being tattooed was fashionable. The icing on the cake is when they post some bullshit on facespace about some coffee slinging cunt that got fired because she forgot her bandaid cover. "end tattoo descrimintation"
Learn to sell physical labor the next time you decide to mark yourself as a degenarate, in my opinion. Fucking kids
absolutely degenerate and anybody who has them has something wrong with them.
The few and far between exceptions would be military tattoos, and even still most of those are either really bad or the person who has them still has some sort of problem worth avoiding them for.
>why would you put a bumper sticker on a lamborghini?
I got a tattoo of John Lennon with the quote "living is easy with eyes closed" on my arm when I was 18.
Pic related. What my tattoo is, fucking marxist scum.
>mother-in-law likes you more
Well, I don't think your bride to be will make a model wife, but I am sure you'll have plenty chance to "confide" in her mommy
Why would you attempt to separate the miltiary from degenarcy? Unless you're talking about conscription era, you should consider your opinion more heavily than you are.
Tattoos are ugly as hell.
I really look down on people having tattoos as less intelligent.
Women with tattoos is a no-go-zone and a big sign of leftists and liberals!
>nowadays every average human being want one.
You're dumb.
sign a prenup with that one. This sounds like a horrible mistake but whatever man.
I absolutely despise them to the point where I won't even date a girl that has them. It's not even just that they're ugly, it's what they tell me about the person that has them. People that get tattoos are either vain, narcissistic, unoriginal trend followers, or a combination of them all and I want nothing to do with them.
Check this kek shit out, you faggots better praise him and just wait till the 1st till i deliver
if that's true, your delivering post should contain the word "mayonnaise" so we know it's you.
Have fun being a degenerate and having to explain to normies what the "77" means. :^)
How do we convince liberals that tattoos are cultural appropriation?