Why was the system rigged against bernie and not trump?

why was the system rigged against bernie and not trump?

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It was but Trump slaughtered his opponents and bernie was a little cuck to hillary.

he never attacked her

It is rigged against both, just Trump played with them while Bernie took the money and ran away like a little old jew


Trump has spent a life time negotiating and has become good at public relations, as well as manipulating the media.

Bernie had no such experience.

Hillary's deal with Barack.


Bernie is weak.

The system was rigged for both of them. Trump out-foxed them, Bernie complained for months and took money from bums and drop-outs.

Is GOP less corrupt party?

>unsourced graph

....nigga.. you best be joking me

(((They))) didn't plan for trump

The system was rigged against trump, too.

But he won using the corruption against them. The media wanted easy views by using Trump as clickbait and ended up giving him the power he needed to secure the nomination. Now meme magic will secure his presidency.

It's rigged against both.

Trump was smart by choosing the GOP as it's platform as it doesn't have superdelegates and the candidates didn't have official government support like Hillary does. Plus Trump is much more energetic and can deal with pressure way better than Bernie. That BLM fiasco on Bernie's rally last year really destroyed his campaign.


Use google nigger...


Living in your parents basement and having no job until middle age just might be a bad plan if you want to be president.

Telling all the people with money who you're being for money, that you want to take all their money, and give it to other people living in their parents basements... probably another bad plan.

Who's Crown?

It's funny isn't it.

Not sure, but apparently he's really into "pope shit"

Can't Stump The Trump

They tried rigging in those two states, and it just didn't work. Trump was too strong and his supporters actually left their residences.

(((Bill Maher))) was whining about the "free $2 billion" in media coverage Trump got

Because trumps the last hope for this country and bernies a little jewish cuck now lapping and Hillary's snatch

It was rigged against Trump..But he came out on top.

Biggest shitshow election or biggest shitshow election ever?

Bernie sanders is a cuckold

God I wish I knew that answer. I just broke out of my college libtard phase and I can't tell if being a Republican is just another phase or not.

I honestly don't think anyone is corrupt anymore. I think maybe everyone is just incompetent. There's an old quote I can't entirely remember, but it says something along the lines of a talented man gets promoted again and again until he eventually is in over his head