Hey Sup Forums should creationism be part of school curriculums? If yes, should evolution be excluded?

Hey Sup Forums should creationism be part of school curriculums? If yes, should evolution be excluded?

who dat

Why are you asking such stupid questions?

yes. why not.

A russian """""""man"""""" called Charlie Somik

some fag

i love iggy azealia. I wish she would post here again.

theres a point where u gotta drop the ">her" meme and just call it a chick

I'd smash that in a fuckin instant no lie

nice dubs user. I like Iggy too. She is so pretty.

You should see "her" tumblr. Plenty of even hotter pics.

wow. you got dubs too.

I am also a fan of Iggy Azalea. She has raw feminine beauty.

Don't teach creationism at all
Teach evolution at 12th grade just before college

we can see your ID, m8.

I don't believe in state funded education, parents can teach either or both if they so choose

how many layers of ironic shitposting are you on right now

why teach lies
top kek op, how are you so stupid
[spoiler] nice b8 m8 [/spoiler]

Pretty sure he's trolling by pretending to be retarded.

Though you could be baiting for responses by acting oblivious.

check the IDs again

I think there should be the option, seeing as most parents have no time to teach kids to do mathematics and such.

Most parents can make time, those that can't fucked up by having kids and the consequences are theirs alone

no, and of course not.

creationism can't be taught without putting one religion in favor of others, since each religion has a different creationism story (outside of the 3 Abrahamic religions which share a story). That doesn't belong in public schools of a country that professes freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

Secondly evolution is supported by physical evidence and genetics and is tied to our understanding of genetics. The exact specifics of what our current understanding of evolutionary processes may change (all science changes as we acquire new evidence), but the basic concept of descent with modification remains. You can't teach genetics without teaching evolution. Teaching biology without teaching genetics just doesn't work either.

What is there to 'teach' with creationism? Outside of what I presume is day 1 Bible Study 'God made everything and took Sunday off.'

If a parent wants to impart those values on their children it really wouldn't take much time.

>mfw one google search later
>This dickgirl is hotter than any women I've ever fucked by a wide margin
Fugg, man. Why is everything so fucked?

>tfw guys are better at everything, including being "women"

the sheeple aren't ready for this man, quick take it down someone, how to sage

Hey Sup Forums should Pi=4 be part of school curriculums? If yes, should the teaching that Pi is a irrational number at around 3.14 be excluded?

Of course it should be, under literature, along with Greek and Hindu myths of creation.