Whatever happened to Latza/TGWTG?
Whatever happened to Latza/TGWTG?
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Whatever happened to predictability?
the milkman, the paperboy, evening TV
Unlike anyone here, he followed his dream and he actually succeeded.
Isn't some guy on YouTube doing a series on the TGWTG crew? I remember someone posted the first video on Doug.
>Rich and Jack know about Latza wanting to be a part of RLM
I wonder how he feels knowing his idol(s) think hes a "schmuck"
He doesn't like RLM at all. In fact, he had never heard of them before the whole audition thing.
the milkman was a pedo, the paperboy had a pedo brother who molested his toned but every night, evening tv was runned and financed by pedos, you are a pedo also.
>tfw Latza has a gf and you don't
That's his friend from college, not his gf.
Even she's too good for poor Latza.
no thanks.
>That's his friend from college, not his gf.
you are scum of the earth
I am, but how did you get that from what i posted? Ruin your bait?
Latza is a virgin, he maybe sniffed her sis panties.
How much does being Latza's sister suck?
she used to pay latza for him to leave the house, just so she could invite her friends without shame and risk of aspie attacks
She's protected her Insta last year after she googled her own name
Their parents begged her to find Paul a date.
Didn't she once tweet about their parents trying to make her set Paul up with her friends?
holy shit
yeah mmmh, do you like ponies? my brother does...
Was his dream to edit facebook videos for Disney XD for a living? Or was it to became a fat balding twitch streamer?
Mister Metokur. Next episode will be on Spoony, can't wait.
Why do you keep making this thread?
Why do the mods keep babysitting and pandering to Sup Forums?
his dream is to meet joss whedon
Latza is 100% Sup Forums.
because celebrities became boring and predictable, real human beans like latza is where the drama is at.
What do you think the family's reaction was after Paul's Milwaukee adventure?
>tfw he was so excited before he left and told his entire family about how great it was going to be
Latza is in a sexual relationship with Rachel Tietz.
>when your parents try to set you up with your brother
He was grounded.
He wishes.
he voices characters in disney shorts now
Delet this
he did it
he broke into the industry
It's true, they met when he went to Douge's studio, and they became friends, later when he moved to LA, he met her there, she was going through a tough time with no place to go so she moved in with him and the rest is history.
False. She set everything private because I sent her pictures of my dick and to her Chad bf.
i wonder what would happen if those sand niggas tapes got out
don't do it user
let him live in peace
What did happen to Alog?
Source on that?
>i wonder what would happen
-the day of retribution is here, now everyone will acknowledge my five themes.
They got blacked
This. Anybody who picks on Paul is the biggest A-Log of all time. I don't even bring up Gamer's Atlas while he's streaming. I just want Paul to be happy.
He looks so young here. The failed indiegogo and Sup Forums trolling aged him
5 2 1
its a shame his music career never took off
what do his sock smell like?
He has such a beautiful voice.
>that pic
It's amazing how within the last 5 years Latza has aged so rapidly. Not too long ago he looked like a teenager but now he looks like he's nearly 40.
He deserves it for being a degenerate brony
Latza was always balding. The shaved head makes him look more mature and older instead of a young goofball/sperg/loser.
anglo-germans should not have a corn based diet
damn more chest hair than me
Sup Forums party when Latza next streams. Maybe we can make him reach his 15 followers goal.
I'm gonna make 200 accounts just for /ourguy/.
An autistic feminist brony will never be /ourguy/
is that really him? i can hear it a little bit
Yes. His imdb says he voiced the characters in that and we all know he added that info in himself
>known for Disney As Told by Tsum Tsum (2015)
well shit
this is it? his final destination?
captcha Mews
>actually succeeded
What's Latza's twitch?
work for the mouse,
no roof on your house.
Well he said porky boy in the outro, so I assume he was talking about Linkara not Spoony.
Do you think he'd fall for messages from a raging bull dyke who just wants to have some of his baby batter so she and her girlfriend could have a child that would have the potential for deep plots?
Almost certainly.
Might be time to put my roleplay on. Sides he does need a little bit of love.
he said Forky, as in a fork instead of a spoon
a certain channel on cytube is currently streaming, get in there faggots
>Due to continual breaking changes making it increasingly difficult to maintain Google Drive support, Google Drive now requires installing a userscript in order to play the video.
What the fuck is this shit. I'm not installing malware.
That's only for google drive vids you fucking mong
what u hoes watchin
>no hover hand
>drink in hand
>happy chick
Good for him.
not his gf
cinema snob interviewing uwe boll back in the day, then we can watch whatever
OMFG just fucking shave your fucking head REEEEEEEEE
Fucking douge does the same and it's disgusting.
>become bald
I'd rather have my hair thank you.
That's not hair, that's JUST straws.
I heard... he just might be interested.
Turtley Girl Ivey chillin' like a villain in the back next to Latza.
tfw the long awaited season is finally premiering
Been waiting too long t b h
Ivey is by far the most based person there.
Fun fact: She doesn't eat pizza that often. The tv show made her order it and lied about her pizza habits.
Yeah, she's great. She's pretty much gone now though, hasn't done a video in over a year.
four jellybeans in a bag?