anyone here ever did nofap?
Would the world be a better place if men didnt masturbate?
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Been doing it for a while. My last streak was 15 days, and now im on day 7. I want to fap right now and I'm starting to convince myself that its worth it even though I know its not.
no I jerk off 2 times daily since 15 years, life is good.
I been doing it for a few years now. I only break it every few months or so when I get laid.
So the way it works is the first couple weeks or so after you stop, you have these mood swings every now and then, shifting between sudden bouts of anger and depression mainly.
After those first 2 weeks or so, your hormones start to stabilise. You get horny a lot and your standards drop through the fucking floor. You start hitting on fat girls if it'll get you laid. Plus you start seeing some of your female friends, ones that you never wanted to fuck before, as potential targets, and you start flirting with them; this can lead to some very cringeworthy conversations.
Waking up every day is a bit easier but falling asleep is a lot more difficult as you have more energy. You also get tempted to edge a lot because you can't fap so you instead watch a LOT of porn and touch yourself without cumming. You can often do this for hours on end because you can't cum so you figure you make the most of it. This can lead to a lot of lost time every day that could have been better spent doing something productive.
Sex wise, you MIGHT cum by the simple brush of her elbow against your half-erect cock or you might cum after 5 seconds of being inside her. Regardless, it might be best to start off with a blowjob, then after your first orgasm you should be good to go again after maybe 5 minutes of foreplaying on her.
That's pretty much it. Your life doesn't change that much besides what I said above.
i dont know man
you gotta learn to enjoy yourself friend.
it can be incredibly relaxing when done right
nice info thanks
There's nothing better than fucking some slut who doesn't like you and pulling out right when your ready and blasting stinky dopey cum all over your resting bitch face and laughing.
This, been trying nofap for 4 years unsuccesfully with best streaks of 15,16,18 and 21 days.
Im on day 3 now and aiming for a month.
I went from twice a day to no fap for 6 months
It didnt do shit for me, just fap if you feel like it
Yes, we severely lack prostate cancer and "sexual emergencies" in the west.
did no fap a few times.. highest streak about 16 days... its quite nice to fap after this but every other effect (like girls will look more at you, more confidence and such things) is just a meme
its actual very shitty info besides the edge thing.
the dick is a muscle and it needs to be trained, my dick is so trained from all the edging and masturbating that I can last for hours, I can instantly abort any incoming orgasm by relaxing the muscles and only make them twitch when I want to come closer to orgasm, I have 100% control over my dick.
the more and longer you edge = the better is the orgasm (also expect more cum)
It's only an exercise in self-discipline.
Don't expect to get super powers like some will claim.
Y'all motherfuckers give too much power to masturbation.
It's literally a non-issue for anyone with some self-control.
How the fuck is it shitty info if everything I said was literally my own experience?
>would the world be a better place if men didnt masturbate?
>anyone here ever did nofap?
Yes. It did nothing for me then after two months I started getting wet dreams as if I was a kid again. One of the dumbest memes on this site.
The general idea is right but it's fucking pseudo science. It reveals itself if you read just a handful of firsthand cases. Some poor guy with deathgrip finds a new life while some other guy can get it up fine but can't finish, some other guy has some other horrible mental hinderance apparently healed by the endless power of positivity. It's crap.
>not quitting porn
In God's name why?
Oh I've tried, but it almost turns you asexual. You start losing interest in women altogether. It's good to look at porn to remind you to be attracted to the opposite sex.
>falling for the pornjew
Holy fuck, post more. I might start nofap.
>reading comprehension
good luck user
>Listening to an Aussie
Isn't getting laid every once in a while enough to remind you?
that face
What was wrong with what I said exactly? I was simply telling my own experiences.
If you can get laid that often then sure, why not. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury.
guys is this actually worth doing
i dont know what the fuck to do
she needs to wash her crotch more often
its shit advice
2 months in, sup ?
>What was wrong with what I said exactly?
Thanks for the (you) apparently my gif didn't collect any, but anyway the problem is that you're Australian perhaps the dirtiest race that can be
I did once it was hardest day of my life
Your test peaks at 7 days then returns to baseline over the next couple days.
fap on 7 day cycles.
t. /fit/
i kinda feel better when my mind isnt only on flirting and wating to fuck every whale in sight, i like a calm mind with no desire to fuck, means i can spend more time with my real thoughts.
Yeah and I felt like shit the whole time after the first 3 days
I did nofap for a month and noticed no differences aside from having more wet dreams.
I'd recommend doing nofap with very low expectations and understanding that everyone reacts to it differently.
You mean because you don't like it? Well too bad because it's true. I know because it fucking happened to me. Doesn't matter if it's shit or not.
Then I guess no-fap and porn is not for you. Nothing wrong with that.
Yeah because of the mood swings.
Also this but the wet dreams stop if you continue no-fap for more time.
Pornography is the thing you need to quit. It's quite damaging
The main benefits are that your hormones/emotions are more stable than when you fap. That, and it encourages you to lower your standards, meaning you have a shot at a potentially fulfilling relationship with that 6/10 because you're not chasing model-tier women like you normally do when you fap all the time.
The downsides are the fact that you can't fap. The horniness might drive you insane if you don't know how to handle it.
mongols m8, what do you expect
>not fapping everyday
>not experiencing orgasm as often as possible in the only life you have
Yeah, I went on a family holiday for a month.
Not worth it unless you have a partner, just made me get awkward boners like I was 16 again
i managed to nofap for a full weekend once it took all of my willpower to do so
He's a Jewish shill aimed to make the white man an autistic virgin.
>Casual sex
Stick to non whites please nigger
Yeah I never did more then a month so the constant wet dreams just got annoying.
I definitely don't regret doing it though. It made me aware of how much time I spend jacking off and now I moderate how much I do it. As with most things, too much of it is potentially harmful, and nofap made me realise this.
If anyone is reading this not knowing whether or not to do it, at least give it a shot. Just even aim for a week, you'll be suprised how difficult it is to get a good streak going.
I used to fap and watch porn a lot, really a lot. I found it gibberish that Sup Forums was talking about how bad it was, but then I found myself in a situation where I couldn't go a day without fapping, a single alone moment without fapping, on the bus, in the shower, home alone, after workout, whenever I had a chance. This fucked me up. I began to see women as sex objects rather than human beings, whenever I saw a women I instantly imagined them without clothes/me fucking them.
This lead to a problem where sexual arousal became a problem for me in my relationship. I wanted to fuck all the time, but it wasn't as sensual. I didn't get turned on at all, my dick was just hard because I wanted to cum, although the erection didn't last for long. I went a full month with no orgasmic sex just because I couldn't keep up.
I am NoFap now, and everything is better. I don't have an urge to fap all the time, I see women as friends and human beings, and sex with my girlfriend is much more enjoyable.
Trust me.
what if i don't want to lower my standards
Then no-fap isn't for you. Like I said, if you're already getting sex on a regular basis with model-tier women, there's no point in doing no-fap.
user i've never had a gf in my life
>being too retarded to figure out the own body
Its overrated. Now I try to get in and get out without getting caught up with feelings and relationships. Leave that for the schmucks.
Nofap turned you into a cuck
Get off this board you jew
also l2speak english
Sure thing Estonia, I'm gonna take your 3rd world avice on sexual matters.
could this be true?
i'll never have one
Don't listen to these kissless virgins saying it doesnt do anything.
It actually balanced out my hormones and lessened out my gay tendencies and I got to interact with girls for freely enough. It boosts your moral confidence
That's because you didn't edge. Edging is everything. You have more control, makes you better in bed, and you can have many awesome pseudo-orgasms before your actual orgasm, so the sex is better for you too. Tantric is another angle on this.
I gave up on porn over 3 weeks ago. During the first week I had no desire to fap whatsoever. Lately it's been 2 faps a day while imagining scenes with my favorite pornstars. I should probably stop doing that too.
I really miss pornography but I know it has a bad effect on my psyche and social skills.
Says who?
Stop memeing cuck so much, you retard. Having erotic sex with my gf means im a cuck?
i dont know what the fuck is going on you guys
ive been fapping 4-6 times a day since i was 13 yester day i didnt fap and today i literally exploded with cum
i jack it up to 5 times a day if im really bored, i have no problems
but its true, people shouldn't listen to a retard like you.
I wouldn't want to fuck too if I only had refugees to fuck.
No trust me, it just fucked my sexual psychology up.
What exactly is true?
but i'm white you leafnigger
its true that you are retarded because you don't understand the human body at all.
I'm trying to stop, but God, it's become like a second nature thing to me. I've been wacking since age 12. I don't wanna have this habit. I can stop weed at the snap of a finger, but jerking off is another story.
Did two ten-week ones.
It's good up to a point - it does make you more confident and assertive, you can push yourself harder, and the 'colour' kind of comes back into the world a bit, it's hard to explain.
But around week 9 or 10, I was so pent up I could barely concentrate, all I could think about was sex. To clarify, my approach had been to forego all porn, and even thinking about sex (only way to do it tbqh), so this was driving me nuts by that point. Think I cracked on day 72.
In general, not fapping is a good shout, but it's best if it's combined with an alternative outlet (i.e. Sex with 3dpd)
quality of frequent orgasms is close to 0
After 24 days of no fap I felt like transcended time and space.
Biggest streak was 24, and I experienced lots of above mentioned, anger, best mode bursts, total energy gain - hard to fall asleep (stayed awake 48 hours few times), better appreciation of life (finding more beauty in everything (I guess thats anti pol mindset), and better composure with girls and people in general.
You just feel like having full charge all the time.
But its not easy to endure when the ''call'' hits you.
What exactly don't I understand about it?
>quality of frequent orgasms is close to 0
because you're doing it wrong
I have mindblowing orgasms every day.
No, it wouldn't.
It would give women even more leverage over men, and quite frankly, they are bitchy enough.
No-Fap is a jewish conspiracy to better enable women and whiteknights to destroy our cultures with their leftist bullshit.
They've really been pushing no-porn and no-fap lately due to Brexit and Trump. They've realised people are starting to become red-pilled so they need to give women more power over men, to push men into leftist beliefs.
I don't think you could cram more Sup Forums buzzwords into your post if you tried.
Most of the worlds problems start from degeneracy like this.
You lack vitality.
You warp your perception of others and what is reasonable.
You become insecure or even sadistic from it.
Porn and masturbation needs to stop.
Kids need to be told "your wanking will hold you back"
I think that's the flatline, it goes away after a while and it's supposed to be a reset
I went no fap for 3 months, forced me to get a gf and now my sperm is all chunky, fuck no fap.
>You also get tempted to edge a lot because you can't fap so you instead watch a LOT of porn and touch yourself without cumming. You can often do this for hours on end because you can't cum so you figure you make the most of it. This can lead to a lot of lost time every day that could have been better spent doing something productive.
Oh and this causes erectile dysfunction.
Edging CAUSES dysfunction retard.
in the bus? wtf man
>Edging CAUSES dysfunction
can confirm
is it true that you get more motivation when you stop?
I stopped for 2 weeks one time
Ended up feeling asexual and sad.
It literally kills your test if you stop.
Not completely true, it gets lower after a week but it remains higher than in a baseline where you masturbate daily. Also, we are talking only about testosterone, there's other things that get fucked up if you ejaculate daily like your dopamine (your reward system gets completely messed up and thats why you always need more and don't get hard on things you used to), prolactine (kinda works in balance with dopamine but is also liberated after the ejaculation), oxytocin, etc. During ejaculation you also waste a lot of energy and nutrients your body needs; semen is rich in minerals like zinc, omega fatty acids and cholesterol, not only you lose that, you also need to take it again from the body to create more semen.
what if you have no libido and rarely masturbate
fix your diet
If that doesn't work and there are no other obvious issues with your lifestyle see a doctor
Yep, went over 500 days. Longest I've gone "hardmode" is about 6 months.
A majority of d00ds will always shit on it but if you suspect it might be for you, give it a shot. I for one have a lot more energy and mental clarity when I'm not bustin nuts.
Guys help I can't go back to nofap after relapse
Did an okay 2 week streak but now my mind is just saying "since you could do it once you could do it again...later."
I'm usually fucking bored as well so fapping is the only fun thing to do give advice plz
just lift weights ,upside down Poland
lift weights with the energy your Lust produces