>We need to stay for the post credit scenes.
What are some films where capeshit has ruined modern cinema?.
>We need to stay for the post credit scenes.
What are some films where capeshit has ruined modern cinema?.
It's made sure that you stay for the credits, I'd say that's a good thing, and I disdain capeshit.
>watching movie
>Credits roll
>Get up to leave
>Some neckbeard tells me theres a scene after the credits
>Fart on him as I walk out
What? Credits shouldn't be included at all. It mars the film and detracts from the artistic value of the work. Imagine if you went into the Louvre and looked at the Mona Lisa and it was a digital billboard where you saw the painting for a few seconds then a list of all people involved in making the paints and frames and the construction of the building. It's ridiculous and forced by unions.
"Best boy". I shouldn't fucking know what that is or who that is. I only wanted to watch Ghostbusters 2016.
>stay during credits
>lights are up
>see a wagie standing ready to clean the auditorium
>she has to wait till i'm done
>mfw I continue sitting
Oh right, you're a child. Paintings do have credits next to them - there's usually only one name because the artist usually did it on their own.
Same, I always get my money's worth. I paid for every frame. Besides, it's just the right thing to do, and I am interested to read them.
I preemptively addressed this concern in my original post which you did not parse carefully enough to make note of.
I took great care in making that post and it pains me to have to respond to a dummy who can't read or think, but, 2017 Sup Forums.
>Credits roll
>Try to leave
>Nobody else will move, gotta wait through 10 minutes of credits to hear somebody ominously murmur
>a few years back waiting in line to see a marvel movie with my family
>dad makes conversation with the worker who's waiting for people to exit the theater
>says how with these movies he always has to wait to clean the theater because people stay till after the credits
>dad laughs and agrees it's a thing that happens
>we watch the movie and end up being the only people waiting till after the credits
>same worker is there waiting and says he knew it would be us that stayed
Fun little experience
>It's ridiculous and forced by unions.
Yes, but furthermore is not like Marvel cares about the fucking random crew and people reading the credit(nobody does).
Is about building hype for their next bullshit film. Sort of like having a commercial inside your product.
No you didn't. How much of a fucking aspie would you have to be to object to credits?
>needing others to move in order to leave
Why would nobody else leaving prevent you from leaving on your own? You too much of a pussy to say "excuse me" while walking to the aisles? Too socially awkward to stand outside or use the restroom while waiting for whoever it is you were with?
It's been going on during television credits for decades now. Only, on television, they're honest about it and just straightforwardly advertise instead of being precious about it.
Yes, in fact, I did.
Jesus christ i hate this shit.
And everybody is doing it for all films, not just for marlel.
Oh boy, some wide legs you got there, not surprised if you're seeing capeshit desu. Neckbeards retain water.
So not only are you a retard, your father is a retard as well, and you dont even understand that you are embarassing yourself telling that "fun little reddit story"
No you didn't, and besides, you'd never go to an art gallery, you're a peasant.
What makes it a reddit story?
thinking we give a fuck
>detracts from the artistic value
>what if the Mona Lisa had credits!
Congratulations, you are officially my first retarded post of the day.
Yes, I actually did. No insults in return out of charity.
Who made the paints and where are their names listed on the display? Yes, go on and change the subject or don't reply at all.
I win.
I didn't insult you, you get spergy at credits, there's nothing anyone can say to lower your condition.
>Make superhero movie.
>do not include post credit scene.
>watch as everybody stays for the credit scenes for nothing like a cuck.
In the future i hope this become more widespread, maybe include a big fuck you at the end for people doing this.
What does being a peasant have to do with Asperger's syndrome? I know you called me an aspie in a previous post, and I also didn't insult you in return there, but that isn't (explicitly) relevant to this exchange.
Can a marvel director even do a film without a post credit scenes?.
Or you guys think is included in the contract or something?.
People who leave during the credits tend to have strong BO.
Nothing, you're just afflicted by Asperger's and a massive pleb, it's a coincidence, maybe your dad's sperm was damaged.
dumb corpseposter
And here I was thinking your first post couldn't be beaten, guess I was wrong...
Well that's just mean.
No one likes credits and unions force them to exist and studios use them to advertise out of spite btw.
*solves captcha*
Several anons said they like 'em.
The "I disdain capeshit" guy did, but did anyone else? I don't want to reread this thread
>get up as soon as the credits roll
>look up "[movie] post-credits scene" as soon as I get home
>laugh at all the idiots sitting there looking at a thousand little jimmys gets to have his name on the big screen
>a thousand little jimmys
all bigger deals than u
OK, I'll take your word for it.
Not him, but you're a retard
>Don't even go to the cinema
>look up "watch [movie] and post credit scenes online".
>Laugh at the idiots paying for DIsney's cock down their throat
your trust is well-invested
>Who made the paints
He made his own, like most renaissance artists, you stupid fuck.
Alienating your audience is a pretty smart move financially. You should work for Sony.
Wait, why are insults necessary at this point?
For the Mona Lisa, it's fact that he didn't, but going with your premiss, why aren't the farmers and gardeners listed in the Louvre?
At this point I only expect ranting and raving in response.
>Not enjoying a comfy sit-in at the kinoplex whilst waiting to discover the identity of the best boy
>Alienating your audience.
More like educating them in not being a fucking sheeple and to believe all relevant scenes will be included during the duration of the movie.
That way nobody has to sit through 5 minutes of irrelevant shit to catch the final scene. Everybody wins.
You're talking about the dream weavers, bitch.
This post made by Anonymous
I always stay until the end of the credits, out of respect for the people who made the film.