Finland: Probably Timo Soini in 2011, but in the endgame, he turned out to be a total cuck.
Who is the Donald Trump of your country?
Other urls found in this thread:
So he was really the Bernie Sanders of your country then
Yes. A fatass nationalist pro-life anti-EU Bernie Sanders.
Finns are so ugly.
What did he meme by this?
>hurr durr, one old fat man is ugly
>all finns must be ugly
Without a doubt
Are Nige
timo soini is not my foreign minister. he is a catholic ZOG puppet and probably a cuck too
The Swedish stereotype about Finns is that they are ugly. Stereotype exist because they are true.
I think the closest we have is Pauline Hanson.
no one
wish me luck when i become pm
Well you said he was a cuck
Thats pretty Bernie to me
Nordics are ugly in general.
Fat, square jaws, pig-blond hair, women that one can barely distinguish from men. I don't understand the fascination some people have with them.
What I find confusing again is the racist narrative that was painted for Soini. He is a Catholic, and attends church. The church and Catholics in general are immigrants in Finland. I know because I attend church and have attended church with Soini a few times.
None of them
>t. Neo-Cucks
i second this
Erdogan, the only reason you hate him is because he belongs to the wrong sandnigger religion, besides that, he is a conservative jingoist opportunist who acts like a businessmen.
If Turks had converted to Orthodoxy back in 1000-1100s, you would fell in love with the guy. And I remember very well the days he was called based either due to his quotes or actions, before his beef with usa started
He is.
Start the Canadian 4th Reich. No one will expect it
The finnish stereotype about swedes is that they are all faggots.
>slavs calling other people ugly
Wew lad
>Swedish stereotype
Finns hate Swedes and Swedes hate Finns. Their stereotypes are irrelevant.
Our saviour for Australia finally got re-electes after 15 years. We have begun making our country great again
This based man
Then again we don't actually hate each other despite what people on Sup Forums might tell you
No we don't you dip. It's just bantz between us and Sweden
Lol this.
>strong jaw development
>high cheekbones
>Blonde hair/ lighter eyes
Yeah, so ugly....
Fuck off nigger, Slavs are masculine and Germanics look naive, soft and foolish
Still better looking than your average Norshit
>tfw no Donald Trump to save your country from immigrants
Kill me nao pls
he's a better version of Trump
>implying it isn't based paavo
Here is an average as fuck looking middle aged Finn. How do you think he compares?
>how can one man be this based?
Blonde hair and light eyes mean nothing if they are on an ugly shaped Slavic face senpai
Here's her husband. You aren't fooling anyone
>implying Finland doesn't have the best genes
fug off :DDD
Selänne is based AF. Dog bless!
This is the average masculine Slavic phenotype, the strongest Race you can find on planet earth
Well Selänne is the best looking man in Finland, so this shows the best case scenario.
Prove me wrong, pro tip you can't.
>a slav calling others ugly
You know, I was travelling around Europe some time ago and you could always spot the slav from even from a crowd. There's something about the hairstyle, of which there's only one, the protruding ears and the potato noses that's really distinguishable and not in a good way.
How is your vacation in Spain my fellow Finnmongol ?
>buff as fuck
>also ugly as fuck face
>you could always spot the slav from even from a crowd
that's because they don't look like white Europeans when you look at their facial features and hairstyle
Pretty good so far.
Slavs are really ugly
The average Slav IS buff as hell
Stop pretending you goddamn Finn, your people are unattractive
You are on vacation in Spain, every European Mediterraean looks better than your mongol Race
>posts hideous looking ugly as fuck Slavs
>S-slavs are very good looking, d-don't question it!
>y-your supermodel tier pictures are actually very ugly!
I have ammo for years
Fins tend to either look trash tier or really hot imo
And good looking fingol women might be the best in the world
At this rate of cuckery we're having, it's the Natives who will start some type of uprising before the redpilled.
Slavic womean are unironically the heaven on earth, the best looking females come from Russia,Ukraine,Poland etc.
Slavic men are masculine and strong, every muslim or Western European fears them
The biggest Finnish shithead ever. God I hate that man!
Look, I'm not saying being masculine and strong are bad things. And I do think Slavic women can look great. Men tend to look unfortunate, though.
I've never heard anyone in here say that they fear a Russian man. Are you a rape-baby by any chance?
tbqh they get their impression from finns who travel to Sweden and no sane finn would go to Sweden on their own will. Pretty much every finn that travels to Sweden is subhuman trash.
>Men tend to look unfortunate, though
>I've never heard anyone in here say that they fear a Russian man
> totally insane after getting to goverment
> pro-immigrant
> basically illiterate
> blue pilled as heck (really pro-immigrant)
> paavo is shillary tier with his opinions
> loves russians and muslims long as they worship him
> based
> but not a leader and would end up with cuckconservatives because sheeple mind
Only red pilled guy is Jussi Halla-aho. He has 5 children, Phd, criminal convictions about slandering somalis and insulting allah.
Same goes for Swedes the worst of the worst meet on the booze cruises
how is he trump?
he literally loves migrants because hes earning mad money on them.
Not an argument
Illiterate multi-millionaire?
I have a feeling that you are the same shithead who was shilling the olympics thread
proper gay that lad
Not an argument
You guys know Finns and Germans fought on the same side, right?
Yes. He inherited his money and barely made it from school because dyslexia unlike Trump who has quite good academic merits. You can clearly see dyslexia in his blue pill opinionas when he gets his all facts from mainstream media and has never read actual article from anything.
this guy
Vojislav Seselj for Serbia, its probably the opposite though Trump is America's Seselj
Ohhhh sooooo strong, how do you explain these casualty rates then? You lost because you were so strong ? Top lul. You shills aren't even trying
these are the equivalent of chavs in the UK
>m-muh Winter war
Very good, the only decent fight the Finnmongol fought in history of civilization
Now compare this to the glorious Slavic history in fighting
That's winter war. We fought alone in Winter war, continuation war we fought with Germans
I'm surprised you didn't know
Dude, nevermind the facts. He posted communist propaganda pictures. He clearly won.
>Lost ~30% clay
>w-we won!!!1
Everyone knows that the Baltid people are the best looking people in the world.
Jokes on you, we invented Donald Trump
HC Strache.
Norbert Hofer as well, actually.
No, no, no. This isn't the point my friend. Explain to me how your strong unbeatable army suffered humiliating defeats like these. Please, I look forward to your answer. Remember, you don't get paid for your posts if you don't follow guidelines :)
>Posts Finngolian mongoloid Russians
>W-we won
Post a proper Aryan Slav you chink.eyed gook
Doesn't mean anything, he's a cuck and she's getting blacked.
What history? You mean being torn to pieces since the 19th century by anyone who bothered to wander there?
>Soviet Union (1920-1945)
>strong unbeatable army
Are you really that stupid?
Jep. Tekee mieli väitellä tuon kanssa ja kuulla mitä paskaa sieltä vielä tulee