This guy just said your waifu is hideous, what do you do?
This guy just said your waifu is hideous, what do you do?
Reconsider my taste.
I mean he's physically incapable of lying, isn't he?
I'd be rather upset
she's beautiful on the inside
I have a blue belt in Aikido. Good luck with those knifes kid
>being swayed easily over someone's opinion
Holy shit I didn't know Seagal was a shitposter on here
>This guy just said your waifu is hideous, what do you do?
"At least mine is alive"
I'd give him a pass because he's a high functioning retard and could also murder me.
Yep, everyone of his race is an aspie
What if Drax said your waifu a whore? He might know from experience and he might be committed to bros before hos and genuinely want you to do better.
Just because he can't lie doesn't mean he can't be wrong, it just means that he'll always accurately tell you his own thoughts and opinions
I beg to suck his dick. I argue that I want to be nice to him and that it would be fun to practice getting good at.
>This person says something I don't like
>punch him
Why are liberals so violent?
>the same Drax that called Mantis fugly
No dude. He is a warmongering moron and should not be taken seriously.
>wonder woman complaining about mansplaining
Is this an edit?
Those look like Skyrim ebony daggers.
No, comic writers are all retarded cucks these days
Take away his fidget spinner
I'm sad that MCU don't explore better the potential of monster girls in the movies, most of the alien chicks are just normal girls bodypainted
How could anyone say she is hideous?
she is pretty hideous but someone's gotta fuck them uglies.
You know you can take comics seriously anymore when they turned a fucking nazi super villain in the most redpilled character of all time
Wonder Woman #30 (June 2011)
Please no
This then drop one of his famously huge turds on her face
Those are the best villains, user. Take something that is a legitimate complaint and fear among people, and completely exploit it for personal gain (act as their savior). It becomes that much harder to touch you.
I imagine it takes a bit more work to set up for comic writers, though.
I usually don't like redpilled villains because they always fight against a moralfag hero with a short sense of morality
>legitimate complaint and fear
Except it isn't.
Right wingers are fucking up entire countries because a million refugees might include one or two murderers, when if you picked a million of their countrymen at random you'd find 10 or 20 murderers.
>implying that the heroes don't also fight for important social issues
>le fast weapon switcharoo move from fatso forgetso.webm
I misplaced the fucking webm. But let's laugh at him like we are watching it right now user. Good times.
He can lie. He just doesn't get figurative speech.
This is bait, right? I can't believe someone can be this retarded
>Spider-Man talking down adoptive parents
Peter Parker is my problematic fav
>implying they can't be hermphrodites that self reproduce
spiderperson should check (pronoun) privilege
It's actually the other way around. The right wing asks for very little. They just want to be left alone while they live their life.
While the left wing has grand plans of turning your home into a multicultural shithole, while banning light bulbs, cars and plastic bags, and taxing the shit out of you to feed poor stranger over there.
he is partly right, it is (((our))) fault Syria is a mess right now
Number of people who died in the worst terror attack in French history: 130
Number of people in France who get randomly murdered by other Frenchmen every year: 700
Number of people who died in France from lack of air conditioning in 2003: 14,820
he clearly wasn't wrong
>People who are anti immigration are only so because of possible deaths that might occur and not because of the economic strain it puts on their country and the dilution of the existing culture and way of life.
>Number of people who died in France from lack of air conditioning in 2003: 14,820
What, really?
lmao what the fuck
"hurr durr look at me making up numbers"
fuck off and go suck Achmeds dick
turn off the movie
really re-booted my system
>complaining about violence in a comic book
>hurr these people are actually slightly less violent than the people already living here so we should keep them out for safety reasons
wtf I HATE safety now!
>less violent than the people living here
You are clinically retarded
Bros come before hoes ... but 2d comes before 3d
>VOL 1: borderline psychopath who doesn't really have a sense of humor because he doesn't understand jokes
>VOL 2: Comic relief character
Give him acting lessons kek.
It's explained because he has a new family is very sincere and humble.
>ugly calling ugly ugly
Eh, ignore him and tell him to look in a mirror?
I'm glad this shit doesn't make it in the movies.
Let him fuck her then see how he feels.