>go to movie because first 2 were okay and gf wanted me to spend time with her
>starts off bretty slow and tropey
>crew lands at space city, gets off and greets loved ones. no big deal until sulu walks over to some guy and his daughter
>camera zooms in on sulu's hand on the man's back, camera pans down to daughter, camera pans back to hand on man's back, camera zooms on daughter's smiling face, camera pans to sulu smiling, camera pans to husband smiling, camera zooms out to kirk
>"sulu has a lot to lose..."
>mfw i realize i'm giving the jews more money for their obvious propaganda
>look over at """red-pilled""" girlfriend. she is smiling. she doesn't notice...
>everyone in movie theater is getting a little horny
>ohwell.jpg spent $6 trillion on poopcorn, will try to enjoy myself
>every time i start to feel myself letting go of the reality that the movie is trope jew moneygrab cancer, they shove more sjw propaganda down my throat
>cool hacker punk chick alien who listens to "fight the power"
>white men getting put in their place
>bad guy is literally a natsoc Sup Forumslack. literally looks like a troll
>every other scene he's talking to niggress (who is in interracial relationship with vulcan btw) about how "mankind is weak. we need race war to weed out the weak elements"
>her response is always a zoom in on her confident face with sun shining behind her "diversity is our strength"
>that exact 5 minute conversation literally happens 3 times
>every 5 minutes they're reminding us that "sulu has a lot to lose"
>when all hope seems lost and the troll swarm is engulfing the space city, the team comes up with brilliant technically savvy plan. each of them uses their diverse strength to come up with this plan
>they're going to play music to disrupt the swarm's communications
>flying shitty, broken, archaic space ship into swarm of troll space ships......
>"what song did you pick hacker punk alien babe?"
Go to movie because first 2 were okay and gf wanted me to spend time with her
>mfw the enterprise starts riding the troll swarm tsunami like a fucking half-pipe and they are all blowing up
>movie refuses to end at this point
>mega troll gets into space city and it is revealed he's a black guy ("See goyim? how can we be racist against whites when the main villain is a black?")
>soldier with super powers, blah blah blah
>kirk punches him into space
>celebration afterwards
>theme of celebration is "diversity is our strength"
>walk out of movie theater $100 poorer
>girlfriend looks at me
>"i liked that movie user"
>mfw i made a mental note to break up with her
I liked that movie.
Saw it yesterday.
I did cringe at the "unity is strength" and "diversity wins" bits, but otherwise it was a good movie.
I liked it how the enterprise was utterly and brutally massacred.
It was like ISIS execution, but with spaceships.
bullshit propaganda, almost left the theater
>watching movies
>surprised that a star trek film is progressive
>enterprise gets rekt 5 minutes into the movie
Does this ship ever survive longer than few minutes?
George Takei was pissed that they made Sulu gay
Sci fi goes from Poe/Lovecraft/ Robert e howard to Isaac Asimov/Huxley/clarke/orwell/farenheit times. Anything beyond is dead.
not when JJ abrams is involved
he has to destroy something sacred every time
Diversity being our strength has been one of the major themes of star trek since the 60s. You should've known what you were getting into when you went to go see the movie.
when was Star Trek truly white? its always been diverse. its not enough the main character captain is a white guy? the world will never be truly white again might as well get used to it and enjoy the little time the white race has left
I don't know if the film was just censored here or what (probably), but the gay Sulu thing was barely there when I watched it. He meets a guy and his daughter (I assume) when he arrives at the base. If I hadn't been informed previously that Sulu is now gay, I'd have just assumed he was meeting his brother or something. Did I miss something, or is the internet just blowing things out of proportion?
As for the plot, the "fuck the Feds" angle has already been done much better with the Marquis in DS9. Just made me want to rewatch the Michael Eddington arc there.
"I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their "rightful place" on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it."
In general the writing just felt lazy, but the reboot series isn't any kind of thinking man's Trek, so not sure what you expect by this point really.
The alien with the tattooed face (Jaylah?) was cool at least.
isn't the main villain of this movie a genocidal black warlord
I think so
The Culture books from Ian Banks and basically everything from Neil Steaphenson (e.g. the Diamond Age or Snow Crash) is fucking great.
And you also forgot William Gibson.
The first Star Trek was the first to have interracial kissing in it. Why are you surprised it continues to have sjw cancer even now?
Literally not true.
Kirk kissing Uhura was uncommon, but interracial kissing happened before.
yes, OP is just triggered by the gay sulu
I saw the movie last night and I wasn't surprised by any of it. I was triggered when Kirk was drinking on the job before their ship went into the space station. White people were still allowed to save the day but only if diversity supported them.
7/10 progressive and no I didn't like it and felt like i wasted my money. Lines were shit. They destroyed the enterprise AGAIN. On top of all that they used the villain to shit on the military (ex-soldier turns villain and uses he PTSD to blame the federation for being weak)
That was kinda autistic but judging by your flag, it's not a surprise as you all are inbred gypsies down there.
I'm waiting for someone to tell me that them defeating the aliens by playing music isn't a bad Sup Forums joke.
Jesus they really went full Guardians of the Galaxy ripoff didn't they? Except that wasn't half as cringe as this.
Isn't that interspecies?
would you prefer guardians of the trek
fast and trekious
>sulu is a faggot
wow what a spoiler
Utterly heretical.
>tfw no Imperium