What films do i like
What films do i like
Other urls found in this thread:
gonna need a timestamp senpai
Probably capeshit since you're underage my dude
Exit Through the Gift Shop
La Haine
Un Prophete
Requiem for a Dream
Ghost in the Shell (anime)
random wes anderson movie
everything ever by Studio Ghibli
What films do I like?
what films do i like?
s-show butt
Lmao they all look like Payless shoes
Fast and Furious series
Training Day
Fight Club
Gay shit.
>No self harm scars
they're on my arms
The kind with those little words on the bottom and the bald midgets flipping over each other with swords yellin "Ching-a-chong-a-ching you eat my dog"
Bill Murray films
Jim Jarmusch
The Bee Movie
Twin Peaks
Terminator 2
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
Life Is Beautiful
the kind that post tits and timestamp
Dustin Checks In.
>those sandals
>that bug catcher outfit
are /fa/ggots literally retarded?
The fuck are those tins in the mid ground
blue is the warmest color
that movie about ian curtis
anything by wes anderson
what films do I like?
only 1 of these desu
ugly shoes
looks like none of them have ever even been worn lol
I bet you dont even walk as much as I do you nigger loving faggot
hood movies and spongebob.
only women care about their feet apparel you faggot
blacked to answer your question
>owning some obvious fake yeezy
London Listeni/ˈlʌndən/ is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom.[7][8] Standing on the River Thames in the south east of the island of Great Britain, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. It was founded by the Romans, who named it Londinium.[9] London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its 1.12-square-mile (2.9 km2) medieval boundaries. Since at least the 19th century, "London" has also referred to the metropolis around this core, historically split between Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, and Hertfordshire,[10][11][12] which today largely makes up Greater London,[13][14][note 1] governed by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly.[15][note 2][16]
London is a leading global city[17][18] in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism, and transportation.[19][20][21] It is crowned as the world's largest financial centre[22][23][24][25] and has the fifth- or sixth-largest metropolitan area GDP in the world.[note 3][26][27] London is a world cultural capital.[28][29][30] It is the world's most-visited city as measured by international arrivals[31] and has the world's largest city airport system measured by passenger traffic.[32] London is the world's leading investment destination,[33][34][35] hosting more international retailers[36][37] and ultra high-net-worth individuals[38][39] than any other city. London's universities form the largest concentration of higher education institutes in Europe.[40] In 2012, London became the first city to have hosted the modern Summer Olympic Games three times.[41]
show boibussy bls
>go to /fa/
>there are unironic mememd and adidas threads
what the FUCK happened
what's mememd? sorry, i'm old
Last time I was in /fa/ they made fun of people into streetwear.
>flame Ace lowtops
plain are the only non-shit ones so you have shit taste
Show your bare soles
Show your bare soles
Show your bare soles
Shoe your bare soles
how are they fake?
Nice try faggot
who is this nigger anyway?
reddit invasion
Mistress T flicks
/fa/ was always several steps behind "serious" dudes' fashion forums like sufu styleforum and sz. normies flooding Sup Forums the past few years didn't help, so many plebs taking meme posts seriously and here we are
Rëddit shit
Everything gay apparently. Your shoes are straight up for faggots.
Another faggot with fag tastes.
how does anyone think this shit looks good. low quality mesh sitting on a styrofoam sole
What films do I like?
What films do I like?
mann flicks
keep wearing your "running shoes" new balance/sketchers dumbcuck
>real yeezys have the stitching curve towards the middle, this one has a straight stitch towards the middle
>the Y on 'SPLY" looks too more like a V
>heel tab on the black Yeezy is too far down
>no bend at the heels
>outsole on white 350 is too consistent in size
What kino do I like? :3
Enter the Void
Dior and I
Haul videos on youtube
I just checked his instagram and he claims they are samples. guy. seems rich doubt he'd buy and show off fakes
Yeezy Busta has been exposing rich celebrities for showing off fakes on IG for a while now. I wouldn't put it past this guy to not know he actually bought fakes.
David Lynch
Wes Anderson
What films do I like?
lost in translation
old 90s kids films on deteriorated vhs
wot filims?
flicks that feature grime on the soundtrack
>flicks that feature grime on the soundtrack
Any recs?
They're retardedly comfortable.
anything domestically violent
scat porn, mostly.