What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
They're never going to win, so why don't they just focus on something else in life?
Boggles my mind, do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do? I just don't understand.
What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
They're never going to win, so why don't they just focus on something else in life?
Boggles my mind, do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do? I just don't understand.
the redpill
religious faith/brainwashing
>Boggles my mind, do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do?
They don't.
Explain in detail.
The only answer I've really had is that these people that join these groups do it because they want to die and get rewarded in the afterlife.
So basically, these groups don't exist to actually win anything in this plain of existence...right?
>they're never going to win
Then how comes Isis controls land in 3 different countries already and has a population of 800,000 possibly more under their control?
They're wining nigga.
Do you think they do terrorist attacks to bring down the west? You must be retarded son. They do terrorist attacks to prove they're capable of striking the west and get more supporters they merely do it to present themselves as a capable organisation, that's their real objetive reclute more ppl to control the Middle East and stablished the caliphate. The rest it's just rethoric
They are winning hard, the west just creates the illusion that we are winning. Just like we ""won"" the Iraqi war. We are losing on literally all sides whether it's the middle-east, chechnya and africa.
Ahmed please go
We did win the Iraq war shut up nigga.
Our only real objetive was to bring down Saddam do you think anyone gives a duck about Iraq ? We just wanted to keep these sweet pro western oil producers selling us oil.
We'll go back to the Middle East as soon as they threaten strategic oil supplies again.
They genuinely believed that these are their equivalent of the end of days and an apocalyptic battle between good and evil is about to unfold. How can anyone just give up amd walk away from that?
We are losing hard, if you actually read what OBL's plan was to defeat the the united states: (a) bleed America to bankruptcy; (b) spread out U.S. forces to the greatest extent possible; and (c) promote Vietnam-era-like domestic disunity.
If you can see this unfolding in front of your eyes you have to be retarted, add political correctness and the look away culture to it and we are finished.
Now now, it's not THAT bad my vriend.
Islamic militants are alot like pringles. Once you pop you can't stop.
This they are winning. Islamic Terrorism and extemism has spread all over the world and has more power compared to 20 years ago.
They have now managed to develop large enough sleeper cells in Western countries because of incompetent politicians. They have now turned themselves into a group that half the population will not criticize because of political correctness. They have now gotten numerous regime changes for them to take control and land and resources and make more money in numerous countries throughout the Middle East. They are now recruiting at high rates and inspiring random Muslims in the West to turn against the West and become martyrs and do random terror attacks. They have developed a blueprint for fighting an insurgency against an occupation that has weakened the West to the point where the majority of our countries no longer want to waste time or effort to even use our military to combat them anymore. Which will provide them with the ability to hold and control land and resources and to turn themselves into a legit state.
In what ways have we beaten radical Islam? Because we killed some leaders who get replaced quickly?
Are you drunk?
They are losing on all fronts, the only reason there still are islamists is because they breed so fast and indoctrinate the children directly after birth.
They are a bit like the french, the only wars they win are civil wars.
>What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
Stupidity. They are too stupid to be mature enough to acknowledge defeat. The Islamic world already has an inbreeding problem and cousin marriages don't exactly produce MENSA members. Combine this inbreeding problem with a tribal culture where a nail that sticks out gets hammered down and where individual thinking is strongly discouraged and you have a disaster at your hand. A dumb and angry person can always be convinced that final victory is near, he just needs to fight on.
Besides, what does a dumb jihadist fuck have apart from his jihad, comradeship with his fellow dumb jihadist fucks, Allah, a permanent urge to fuck and violence? Nothing. All he has is his impotent rage.
>What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
if they die for islam, allah will forgive all their sins and they will brought to the highest tier of heaven, where they will enjoy complete perfection for the rest of eternity.
if they give up and desert, they have betrayed their sacred committment to allah and will suffer in the flames of hell forever.
>do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do?
most don't.
The US and their foreign policy is the whole reason there is terrorism to this degree.
In Iraq you dropped white phosphorus on people and nothing came of it. These freedom fighters continue to fight because they know the US will never answer for it's crimes.
They are you. Losers who have given up on life. the only difference is that they actually do something.
Because the US allows them to, and on occasion bombs them to make it look like we're doing stuff. Honestly, they're just a cash cow for cheap crude oil.
Why can't they just be like our country's Born-Again Christians and Evangelicals? They are basically ISIS without the fully automatic weapons and suicide bombs.
Islam is an ideology not a religion and one that promoted dying for your ideology as a good thing. You literally can't defeat it whilst the ideology exists. It's why Islam has remained one of the most pervasive religions in world history. Wherever it gets root it will not leave, it took the Inquisition in Spain and you can still see the Islamic taint in the Western Balkans
Many live in complete isolation from modern and civilized worldviews. Imagine living in a destroyed desert with poverty, ignorance, suspicion, corruption, and tribalism. If you want a better life, you either leave to Europe (only to be hated by nationalists) or join the ranks of misery by staying to fight for one of the many factions.
It's not like people places like Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq can just move a few cities away where there's less crime. These are nations of warlords and bandits taking advantage of those who would rather just raise family and work.
Giving up??
Giving up what? Dying fighting infidels and bringing about the Dar al-Islam?
What is there to give up? This is what they're aspiring to. This is what they want. Don't you listen?
I often wonder about the long-term implications of the mass arabic migration to Europe.
If the slightly-more enlightened classes of the Middle East have all left the region by now, what's left? Doesn't this just purify and concentrate the religious fanaticism of the what population remains there and doom that area even more than before?
>So basically, these groups don't exist to actually win anything in this plain of existence
Sure they do. They want the same things as most people, notoriety, money, bitches, etc. Part of the reason these conflicts will never end is because you have hundreds of small, opportunistic groups constantly backstabbing one another and changing sides to whoever they think will be most successful so they can reap part of the spoils. You give weapons to a guy one week, next week your enemy takes over an oil refinery or a village with a lot of food stored in it and now he's taken their side.
Apart from raiding US military bases, how are there so many guns and military surplus in the Middle East anyway? When I check gunbroker.com I see select fire weapons regularly list for about as much as a nice late-model sedan. But over there I get the impression they are more easy to obtain than big screen TVs.
m8 the french conquered almost the whole of europe at one point
Money. This shit is a business like any other. The distinction between organized crime and terrorism is negligible.
So did the muslim 'at one point'
Doesn't make it less laughable
full auto guns are only hard to obtain and expensive in the west because our governments keep them under control. even in america, selling full auto weapons is illegal.
but in syria, there is no government. in iraq, there is no government. so everybody is free to buy and sell what they want.
without the heavy government crackdown, theres no reason why an AK would be expensive.
Some of them actually give up, but they end up getting killed by their own group
Reasons why they don't give up:
>they know they're getting killed by their own group
>they know they probably get arrested and put in jail for life.
>they don't care to die, as they believe they will go to jannah (heaven) and they truely believe that world is 100x better than this world.
>they have nothing to loose, as their life what probably shit already
This is why ISIS sometimes is much better than SAA or Kurds, even though they don't have an airforce.
>selling full auto weapons is illegal.
Point of fact, owning full autos in america is perfectly legal, just absurdly expensive to obtain the correct credentials.
Seems like oversupply to me.
Do not underestimate religious fanaticism.
These are not people who grew up like you in the western world. Even though the groups are basically just death cults they're still extremely effective I mean they're willing to die no? It's not about "winning" for them they have not shown anything like that.
Also forget to add;
>they believe allah is 100% on their side, and they will win even though entire world is against them
"No Europe" id
With that kind of motivation why haven't they made their own DIY Nukes and used them by now?
It takes dozens of years for a state to develop nuclear bombs
>using "you" in relation to Iraq as though we weren't there balls deep too
>he thinks ISIS are resistance fighters
>not openly admitted religious fanatics made up mainly of foreigners waging a holy war against anyone not one of them, using the instability of the civil war in Syria to establish their theocracy
>how are there so many guns and military surplus in the Middle East anyway?
Ask Hillary.
>What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
the same thing that is making them blow themselves up in the name of Allah
pure fucking stupidity and brainwashing religion
They're just signing up to die as martyrs. They realize they're probably going to be rekt.
>(a) bleed America to bankruptcy;
>(b) spread out U.S. forces to the greatest extent possible
USN alone could shit all over the entire worlds' ships.
> (c) promote Vietnam-era-like domestic disunity.
This is something that can be achieved.
kek is with us
Imagine your life was as shitty as theirs.
Now imagine you're illiterate, have 20 IQ points less and someone tells you that if you fight for them you can have 72 virgins and all the dates and hummus you can eat in heaven.
Them being poor illiterate go atherosclerosis is a meme. Most actually islamic terrorists are well educated, from middle class backgrounds.
>owning full autos in america is perfectly legal, just absurdly expensive to obtain the correct credentials.
really? some /k/ommando once told me that a few decades ago a law was passed that made the sale and posession of full auto weapons illegal, only exception are those who can prove that they already legally owned the weapon before that law was enacted.
>Seems like oversupply to me.
AKs are a 70 year old design, theyve been around since shortly after ww2. its a reliable high caliber rifle that shoots things dead, and millions of them that got "lost" during the soviet collapse ended up on the black market one way or the other.
>With that kind of motivation why haven't they made their own DIY Nukes and used them by now?
developing a nuclear weapon requires
>large, well protected research and development facilities
>tons of very expensive research and manufacturing equipment and machines
>a lot of well trained and highly specialized physicists and engineers
>a gorillion dollars to fund all that shit
>access to fissile material (suitable uranium isotopes
even large muslim countries lack these requirements. for a shitty rebel militia it is straight up impossible.
Im 98% possitive that there was a south park episode on this very question which kind of answered it.
For soldiers and lower rank officials it's the pay, the captured women and some poor mixed with some Islamic bs and apocalyptic myths
For higher ranks it's power, money and dominance. For example ex government Sunnis in Iraq will never accept that they lost their power to Shias.
The whole point of any religion is that it's not based on rational thought...
>Most actually islamic terrorists are well educated, from middle class backgrounds.
yeah, the high leadership like al-zawahiri or bin laden.
the thousands of grunts who fight for them are just indoctrinated kids who are largely dumb as rocks.
>What keeps Islamic militant groups from giving up?
They get free money for conquering territory.
>They're never going to win, so why don't they just focus on something else in life? Boggles my mind, do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do? I just don't understand.
Well ISIS was making $1million/day when they ran oil operations and had tons of slaves. I imagine they enjoy raping women as it's what their religion teaches, so for conquering a desert they got laid and rich without much difficulty in the beginning.
You don't get it do you? Because of the extreme foreign policy of the US and Europe many muslims have turned against the west. There were some polls done and this showed that 80% of the muslims saw western foreign policy as an attack on there brothers (muslims) and on their faith. This does not mean 80% will take on arms. What it does show these people won't mind extremism if it fits the purpose.
Second thing is that Osama Bin Laden knew when he declared jihad on the in 1996 that he would not be able to defeat the west in terms of military. He put his plans in 3 simple steps: (a) bleed America to bankruptcy; (b) spread out U.S. forces to the greatest extent possible; and (c) promote Vietnam-era-like domestic disunity.
All the above things are happening right now, combine that with the look away culture and political correctness and you are heading for disaster.
And no we are losing everywhere, whether it's Syria, Iraq, Lybia, Mali, Sudan, Chechnya, Somalia, Afghanistan or Pakistan. We spend an average of 1000$ for every 1$ they spend, in the process bankrupting our nation (Iraq war costed the US 810 billion dollar, and afghanistan 650 billion). Then you have to include all the people who lost their lives and limbs in these wars.
And now look what is achieved:
The taliban conquered in afghanistan almost all the spots back but the country is now far more religious and the taliban has more support then before. Pakistan is now trying to dump most of their religious fanatics in Afghanistan so that they can focus on India. Iraq is total chaos with tribes fighting each other and ISIS conquered territories.
So exactly where have we won?
>The taliban conquered in afghanistan almost all the spots back but the country is now far more religious and the taliban has more support then before. Pakistan is now trying to dump most of their religious fanatics in Afghanistan so that they can focus on India. Iraq is total chaos with tribes fighting each other and ISIS conquered territories.
False information.
>still mad you lost Straßburg
I understand, it's such a beautiful city.
same as africa
a desert full of ghouls
>do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do?
They can only fuck a goat so many times in a day, so probably not
>Most actually islamic terrorists are well educated, from middle class backgrounds.
Wait... does that mean Terrorists are the Islamic equivalent of social justice warriors?
He was talking about about the firearm owners protection act of 1986. That law stipulated that any fully automatic firearm manufactured after 1986 was illegal to own. Fully automatic firearms made BEFORE 1986 are grandfathered in and therefor exempt. Due to the limited market of pre-1986 Grandfathered firearms, their prices are quite inflated, reaching as high as $5000 for an m16
Furthermore, in order to legally own said firearms, you must do so in accordance with the national firearms act of 1934. Doing so is also a very expensive and time consuming process and that's not even taking into account the money you'll need to spend on the gun itself
Our gun laws regarding fully Automatics are a bit intricate. I encourage you to read more about them on your own time
>They're never going to win, so why don't they just focus on something else in life?
>Boggles my mind, do they just not know any better/have anything else in life to do? I just don't understand.
It reminds you of people on a certain image board, doesn't it?
Tell me where it is wrong?