TITS are a White Man's fetish

TITS are a White Man's fetish.

Ass is a fetish for the nigger, who observed monkeys with swollen asses during heat, attracting their mate for thousands of years.

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Boobs are just meant to emulate asses.

What about legs senpai?

ur a fag if u dont like both


I love both tits, ass, and hips.

A women with plump tits, a fat ass, and wide hips drives me crazy. And I'm literally part of an ethnic group that is the whitest in the world, from the standpoint of genetics.

Nice me, faggit.

wrong, asians also likes tits

Legs are the primary patrician fetish.


t. Mummy's boy

>White Man's fetish
White Man's fetish is love not nigger lust you subhuman american ape.


> British
> And I'm literally part of an ethnic group that is the whitest in the world, from the standpoint of genetics.

>I'm literally part of an ethnic group that is the whitest in the world

sure you are, mahmoud

R1b nigger

>women are fetishes

And before you know, you find yourself browsing stuff like "albino gay midget muslim amateur" since normal stuff doesn't get you off anymore

>that pic

emilyhelenbarry on instagram.
You are welcome.

A nice, tight ass is god tier, nothing like those huge cellutite asses "high-test" retards and niggers like.

You do realize people from other countries can travel to England?

They are supposed to represent big healthy bags of milk to feed your children (esp in winter). I don't know what nigger evolutionary psychologist you are reading from.
> It like da ass so thats why the thing and science

I don't even care at this point.
I just want a companion.

Nah, a big thick ass with thick thighs and wide hips, that's what it's all about. Nothing better than having that on your cock.

Asses are better

I would fuck a girl with no boobs but good ass, but I would never do the opposite.

Proper maintenance of her body is the true white man's fetish.
Not too fat, not too thin. In shape enough that she looks good and can keep up.

>inb4 hurr you like men
Nope, overly muscular chicks are outside the ideal since women are supposed to naturally have more fat.

>t. rami bin nasr al-islam

Tits are literally nigger tier.

The /real/ white mans fetish is flat chest.

Shut the FUCK UP, real men, wants the female figure, if you're an ass man, you're a fucking nigger, if you're a boob man, you're a fucking beta but if you like them both equally, then you're a high test alpha with a big dick and islam is the light

>Tfw roleplay with a girl who plays this big titted bitch
Feels good

I'm definitely more into tits. A man can have a nice ass but never great tits, you can't take that away from women.

Wide hips are god tier. Tits are good, but not a deal breaker.


I had a baby doll that said that.
It'd make baby noises and then say "Islam is the light!"
I miss it.

That Brazilian face gets me every time


You're more likely to be Muslim than someone from Britain.

I got it from youtu.be/w-qcpexq4VU?t=209


Nigger of Europe.

Székelyföld will gain independence.

sabe pa

check this szeklely getting driller :)

are you mad szekler boi?

>tfw last girl I slept with had 16G bra size or something like that
>biggest natural tits ive seen on a woman
>not fat at all
>curvy body
>wide hips and nice ass

>dull and boring personality


Wrong, I'm an ass man.

Only virgins and immature man-children like boobs.

>Ass is for real man. ((Fuck dat bitch))
>Tits is for child-mans. ((Make you feel protected and loved))

Both are cool but this ''again'' devide shit makes me angry

>not liking both
>comparing a man's ass to a woman's
You are a literal faggot.

>Leg man
The legs don't get the appreciation they deserve, fuck footfags though.


Only assbro has an ass equivalent of a woman's. Men's asses are more compact and centered on the pelvis unlike a woman's.

>muh dik

Got some news for you, pal.

must be all the nigger

Stop enabling these whores. They could care less about politics and a lot of them are race traitors

Im just posting bodies my friend :)

pic related goat


Your little peepee couldn't penetrate from behind, you nigger lover.


want to know how I know you never fucked a women?

What did nicolae guta tell you?

i into feetz tho
ow du xplane dat?