What does Sup Forums think of The Room?
What does Sup Forums think of The Room?
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One guy described it as a "filmic holocaust".
It was that awesome.
The best so bad it's good movie of all time
Oh hi Mark.
We don't deserve Tommy Wiseau
lads is this even worth watching just for the banter?
I'm not sure I want to sit thorough it's entirety.
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheeeeeeep
with friends/inebriated, yes. while sober/alone, no.
get it on board ill kino it in
Cheeep cheep just a little chicken.
This. It just ignores all rules of cinematography and plot.
It's pretty fucking great.
yes, just fast forward through the sex scenes.
They are awful and unappealing
look up the definition of "kino" you'll get the screenplay
Everybody betray me, I'm fed up with this wOrld.
God, forgive me
It's fascinating because of how clueless it is. Tommy wanted to make a good movie, so he threw in a bunch of cliches from good movies (affairs, betrayal, cancer) without any awareness about how to make them work. He also tried to make a movie about relationships without understanding how real human relationships work (and possibly to vent frustrations about his life). So what he came up with is a weird artifact of how Tommy Wiseau views the world. It's incoherent and doesn't make sense, but it's so detached from reality that it manages to be genuinely entertaining.
It's a masterpiece and not for any ironic reason.
A real shame the twist where Johnny is a vampire was dropped
Reading The Disaster Artist makes it even better.
you guys read for more tommy kino?
Knowing how much it meant to Wisseau and what a sad life he had before makes it more interesting. Dude is genuinely weird and completely lacks talent but the part of his brain that is self-critical is apparently completely missing.