Post pictures that symbolize the death of western civilization

Post pictures that symbolize the death of western civilization

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I wonder if any of the U.S. soldiers that volunteered throughout history would if they could have somehow seen into the future: That a socialist nigger is sitting in a rainbow-colored gay pride White House.





Our forefathers would be fucking ashamed that we haven't taken to arms yet!

They would call us dumbies since we still have our guns too

It's our generation that will use them too...


>White children in Sweden praying in a mosque.

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologizing to the abos

>Racial Discrimination note

that letter better be a joke

Ah, daily life in Sweden, can't wait for Islam to rule us all and teach the sacred ways of pedophelia, rape and murder.

The whitehouse is white for our cowardice. Never forget, and do your best to make up for the true black mark on the whitehouse, family.

the comic sans really piles on the passive-aggressive

no, it actually happened. the school backpedalled after massive complaints



This faggot right here

Hot off the DNC press!
>race war now plz

You can't kill something what was never alive.



This one has always depressed the hell out of me

Faggots would rather have the Ottoman Empire around kek.

oh fuck yeah remember canada burning that shit down?
fuck yeah




Turn of the century Saratoga Springs looks like heaven desu

fucking burgers start off with a give us a sick, your need, your poor and then literally call the place their leader resides the white house making it the most non-inclusive name you could have give it. until it's renamed to something more inclusive you should be ashamed of yourselves as a nation.


>start off with a give us a sick, your need, your poor

That nonsense was added by a Jewish socialist some years after the Statue was built, but your shitepost is noted.


>da joos
Nice meme



Typical Aussie who knows nothing about America.

It's meant for hope and upward social mobility. If you work hard and don't fuck shit up and believe in the principles of America, you're welcome here. Not "gibsmedats" you fucking Ausstistic.

Then again...Emma Lazarus was a Jew and the original manuscript is held by the American Jewish Historical

>Man holding gun to his face.jpg

Leaf it to us.

The meme did work for decades.
Give it some credit.




Kids with only 6 years old already own phones, tablet, etc. They are raised by Internet, they are insolent and ignorant. Each generations is even dumber.

Technology is great but human were not ready for it.

>Gays are the death of western civilization
Howabout corrupt globalist politicians and Islam encroaching on our countries you stupid fuck. Then again you're probably an American pr*testant who thinks Harry Potter is satanic literature and that Israel will bring about the end of days.

I assume you enjoy sucking dicks?

The white color is produced in Germany IIRC

No but tell me how gays getting married is the end of western civilization.


>"The New Colossus" is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level.


>"The New Colossus" [...] played no role at the opening of the statue in 1886. In 1901, Lazarus's friend Georgina Schuyler began an effort to memorialize Lazarus and her poem, which succeeded in 1903 when a plaque bearing the text of the poem was put on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.


>The original manuscript is held by the American Jewish Historical Society.[7]


>"Give me your tired, your poor,
>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
>I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


>[Emma Lazarus] is best known for "The New Colossus", a sonnet written in 1883; its lines appear inscribed on a bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty[1] installed in 1903, a decade and a half after Lazarus's death.[2]

>Lazarus was born into a large Sephardic-Ashkenazi Jewish family, the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus and Esther Nathan,[3] The Lazarus family was from Germany[.][4]


>She is an important forerunner of the Zionist movement. She argued for the creation of a Jewish homeland thirteen years before Theodor Herzl began to use the term Zionism.[15]

Europe was heading for war anyway, Princip or not




Ok, homosexuality is a mental problem wich is now accepted and people are 'proud' of having that problem, is degenerated and stadistic show that they have more probabilities of having a pedo in a gay community than in an heterosexual one. Homosexuality goes against nature, and almost all faggots are liberals who also spread the ideology that protect them, the same one who is pro-immigrants, etc.

The evil Harambe deserved to die, thank god is good brother Halalbe is still alive.





>That disgusting look of satisfaction on the teacher's face

this picture is fucking frightening actually

all those men strapped into vr with (((zuckerberg))) smiling away

foreshadowing of a future without president trump, maybe



Fags don't have children. You need children to keep a civilization going. Queers are selfish assholes who refuse to keep their bloodline going. Your fucking parents put all this effort into raising you and all you have to thank them with is, "I like dick."

Not a picture but this video still triggers me. It is proof that Europe is doomed


Oh God... I'm not European but is so sad to see the greatest countries in the world with such a rich history in this states.

>Racial Discrimination note
>Racial Discrimination

It's racial discrimination for not wanting to go on a fucking field trip? I swear, words have lost all meaning.


this guy has a legendary legacy, this small time irrelevant man fucked the world over and changed the course of history.

Fuck technically he fucked the world over 2 time, World war 2 being the result of WW1.


Bretty cool fighting scene though.


I love this picture.



This isn't real, right? This is too retarded for reality, so it's some Onion shit, right?


How about webms?

>Heritage is bad to Democrats
>But corruption and propaganda is okay and encouraged
I already knew it was the case, but still fucking triggered

>I walked into the dealership and bought the 1.5ton lump of steel
>dealer didn't even ask my intentions for the """"car""""
>I promptly drove out, pedestrians everywhere, I could kill at will if I wanted

How the fuck do millennials survive lives of constant fear?

Yellow is the color of cowardice, birdbrain. White symbolizes purity.


Princip was the instrumentality of larger forces. He as a person is no more relevant than the gun he used.

Only very few will get the joke





Nice one....

>Can't read the bible in school though ._.


Why does the modern world feel so soulless?



>see this post
>look him up
>find pic related
What fucking badluck

Is that one faggot taking a selfie?

William Pierce called it the "Jewish trash culture".

yes.ts from a satire site. Not the onion, but similar.

indeed the 9gag watermark sends chills down my spine

insert picture of white women