this is happening
This is happening
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah they are out in full force.
Only effect it will have is that people from their ranks will get redpilled.
Sup Forums is constantly under shill attack, this is just a bigger attack.
shills are always visible until they post actual redpills and then they are not shills anymore.
makes you think
Kek will personally deal with them
shills gonna shill, nothing to worry about
I doubt it will actually do anything at all. Tumblrinas have tried for years now, and it hasn't been succesful at all.
>pic related, me right now
Checked, my ashkenazi friend
Probably another Sup Forums false flag. All of these reddit posts always have the user name blacked out. Why? Because they're bullshit started by Sup Forums to stir the pot.
it's hilarious because they think they are actually fooling anybody
it's ridiculous easy to tell genuine Sup Forumslacks from the Shillaries and SJW
even when they try to be racist, it's just off.
So can we blast lgbt with pol shit? Kek demands it
literally this kek
everyone who comes and stays for a while ends up getting a wider vision of the worlds state
well that would explain all the homo threads on /r9k/ atm
People come into Sup Forums and end up assimilating to the culture, not the other way around.
I came here two years ago a bleeding heart love everyone liberal so I could laugh at "nazi's" and ended up making Sup Forums the only board I browse because nothing else is faster for news or legitimate (mostly) information.
>even when they try to be racist, it's just off.
It's like when Sup Forumsacks try to speak ebonics on the twittermachine, something is just off
What exactly do they have to gain from this? We already look at liberal propaganda every day and discuss it on here. And nobody is becoming liberal.
>Pissing in an ocean of piss
Nobody cares. Thats why "raids" on Sup Forums never work. It's already a shithole here.
That can't be real. There is no way an actual human being sat down, typed that, and sent it 100% unirronically
Too bad this image is fucking MONTHS old.
LOL as though Sup Forums goers have never been introduced to mainstream culture. No; we've already seen that and rejected it.
This is our competition? They're literal retards.
>In canada we only plan for the current day
frigg off
This isn't shilling. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality and having more partners can be a good thing. You mock cuckolding and never even try it. It's just an alternate lifestyle. Having the wife leave the house for a few hours a day can be very relaxing too.
So these are the assholes posting all the interracial bullshit???
By the way, those posts are what led to the word cuck becoming so popular.
>year old troll bait
Hello newfag
>"If you stare into Sup Forums, Sup Forums stares back into you"
Nietzsche, bretty sure
That's Interpals, not leddit.
The shills will swallow the red pill. It happens after you browse Sup Forums for a while.
Haha nice try. Whoever posted this left a username in there.
they've been doing this for nearly a whole year now? (at least since I've seen it)
breddy fugging dedigaded
Didn't they already try some shit like this a while back that failed miserably? When will they learn...
I do find it funny that there's name calling in the first sentence of the paragraph, though. An old Marxist trick, and a very low energy defense mechanism on top of that.
>Pissing into a sea of piss
Sup Forums is raid proof. They will act like retards for a week, we will act even stupider and then they will give up.
That is IF it's real.
>Implying anything will happen
>Implying that even if it does, their shitty propaganda will even work
>Implying they are not the one's about to be redpilled
laughable desu
This. We're always under attack from shills and we know it.
I really have a hard time respecting someone's opinion if they haven't even mastered their own language.
yeah I know. And many of them have become Sup Forumsacks, so say it with me:
only this is not sweden and shillposters will assimilate or leave
You cannot kill ideas, they only expose more and more people
>we know we're under attack
>I see a lot of those lately
Have we actually managed to redpill some Jews?
Lmao that's interpals m8
Oh no, not the librul indoctrination! I might actually fall for it this time!
what is interpals?
Israel is an ethno state. They are basically a nation of Hitlers.
>implying they can politically correct Sup Forums
Trying to subvert the masters of persuasive and meme magic highly unlikely.
None persuades us because we know thats for normies
Sweden, when did you get a proxy?
Israeli's are just Jewish Hitler's.
Definitely. I'm not JIDF at all or anything, but Jews are totally bro-tier and Americas greatest ally, and not just in the region either.
all this makes me go "Hmmmmmm"
Israel is also Sweden's best ally
yeah, but its a lifestyle you cant return from.
>let wife cuck you
>she likes it
>you don't
>you tell her you don't want her to do it again
>she doesn't care. she already fucked someone with your permission, she'll fuck who she wants from now on
now you're officialy cucked. your options are
-Cry and take it for years
-Divorce her
-Kill yourself because you cant stand being constantly cheated on by the person you love
You don't have to try a lifestyle to know you hate it.
You don't have to suck a dick to know you hate it.
You don't have to hit yourself in the head with a baseball bat to know you hate it
So he basically explains the definition of summerfag?
All that happens is they get called shills or shitposters.
>few agents with names
Yes goy! You're right!
Are they really this retarded? Spamming left-wing bullshit on Sup Forums has the opposite effect, as it only causes people to rage.
And some will get redpilled in the process. Sup Forums is a notoriously hard nut to crack as SRS and JIDF learned
>the super best friends master plan to slightly annoy Sup Forumstards by spamming cuck threads
how will we tell which ones are theirs?
It's either fake or kids role playing at bring secret agents. We are little better if we have a thread taking it seriously.
Much respect to everyone saying "who cares"
They do subversion tactics.
they lowkey post racemixing, defeatism and so on. it's easy to spot once you know the pattern though.
Let them come, we will infect them with little redpills. It's like when you go to a public restroom and you can smell someone else's shit, you're taking their shit molecules inside you're body.
fucking disgusting normie scum
does this work?
I don't know why these people try this stuff, it never achieves anything
yes, just tried it myself
Actually, I have wondered about this, but neglected to form an opinion.
>Are the Risk-Threads also sliding, or an actual pol pasttime?
Why can't reddit just leave us alone?
Great, more people will take the redpill
satan confirms his deception
kek wills it!
yes, I use it everyday, since I get banned for easterposting in Sup Forums
So much this.
Like for real, what the fuck is their problem?
>Sup Forums is for losers
>constantly schemes about ways to fuck with us
This should be Sup Forums motto or something
Also, hi Satan
>raiding Sup Forums
>raiding Sup Forums and /r9k/ of all places
thats like pissing in an ocean made entirely of piss
>we have been spamming interracial couples, woman power, open relationships and more
lmao do they really thing posting 1000 BLACKED threads will change anybody's mind? what the fuck is wrong with those people?
>telling /r9k/ that misoginy is bad
wew lad, good luck with that
they might as well tell a rabbi that the holocaust never happened
Satan blesses this post.
Sup Forums doesn't even have impressive numbers. Why even target it
was getting shilled part of your plan?
>blanked out names
fake and gay
top kek
>not a single source given
wow OP, I can send messages to my friends and then post them on Sup Forums as proof too
>I'm not JIDF
>Jews are totally bro-tier
Pick one.
It's actually a good thing that shills come here, they end up getting redpilled instead. Keep up the good work anons.
Write to others with respect and decency and we will grow even stronger
Lol good luck I say
wtf i hate propaganda now
cotemporaneous false cause. the simple reason is that they're aging and some % are destined to simply grow out of their ignorance and avarice. it would have happened anyway, you just get to see it when they do it here. and most who do come here understand, even if subconsciously, that Sup Forums is the best technical format for discussion that currently exists; no voting, limited modding, optional image per post. thus you see a high conversion rate, as the best available libtards are self-selected.
If anything the cuck threads have gone down in July.
wow amazing i can watch videos i couldnt normally from holland :D
>yfw you realize that REFUGEES WELCOME is already Sup Forums policy for other forums
Based German Bro. There may be hope.
>this is happening
It's already happened and they've infected Sup Forums.
>inb4 >Sup Forums
I stop by every few or so days to see what's happening there, and more often then not there's a thread where SJWs and Sup Forums users arguing until 404 or prune
Usually ends up like this
>SJW rabbling about misogynerds gamergate is mentioned with whatever new variation of the name they've came up with
>Sup Forums user calls them a SJW and to go back to tumblr
>SJW then starts going >using sjw unironically
>then they argue back and forth ad nauseam