I've just finished my first Tarkovsky, now what?
I've just finished my first Tarkovsky, now what?
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Probably should have started with Ivan's Childhood moron.
This board no longer values Tarkovsky. Discuss him elsewhere.
Watch some more of his films. I've only seen Stalker, but it's pretty great, and I'm planning on watching Solaris and The Mirror soon.
Yeah, I thought that while I was watching it.
I don't think I understood The Mirror at all.
It felt like what Villeneuve was trying and failed to do with Arrival.
Kill yourself cause it doesn't get any better than that.
Did you find Stalker confusing at all? I downloaded while I watched The Mirror.
That should be Cuckbrick, he's the real hack.
Stalker is a lot more straightforward in its narrative compared to The Mirror. There still are some abstract themes and storytelling.
What specifically confused you about Stalker?
Nothing, I didn't watch it yet.
Good to know.
no one has elevated cinema as an art form as much as tarkovsky did.
I hope you watched the new restored exceptionally good print that's available on youtube (yes on youtube, you still won't find a better one almost anywhere else, video quality is great and the 196kbps youtube audio is more than enough for this)
Watch some real cinema instead of this eastern european snoozefest-core
Why did you start with his most complex and personal film, you kurwa blyat atheist?
I watched a 1080p rip I got off of /r/megalinks.
What's "real cinema" then?
Someone said the movie was nostalgic and I didn't have a download link for Nostalghia.
Also, I forgot about Ivan's Childhood. I could've finished Solaris.
>download link
Classic Hollywood, French Poetic Realism, Golden Era Japanese cinema etc.
Go back to Ivan's Childhood and start from there. The Mirror is a very good movie but not a good starting point into Tarkovsky's work.
i really liked Stalker but Solaris did nothing for me and was difficult to get into. put me off watching more of his work, can someone rank his films in order of most to least accessible?
Yeah, I could watch some of that shit.
Does 400 Blows count as French Poetic Realism?
as for Golden Era Japan, I didn't really like Throne of Blood or Seven Samurai.
Haha no, french poetic realism is from the 30's.
400 blows is part of the french new-wave cinema of the early 60's.
They are very different stylistically as well.
okay gotcha.
I must admit that I viscerally hated Tarkovsky's "Nostalgia" and completely hated the use of Beethoven in it. I've seen it only once, but none of the Tarkovsky films that I have seen did I think are really good.
>Poetic Realism
Isn't that an oxymoron?
That's a shame, is there any specific reason why?
I don't think I understood The Mirror, but I thought it was good, I need to rewatch it a few times.
now try levitating
>The Mirror
that's the name of the movie
Because OP probably speaks English which has definite articles.
French New Wave: Start with Breathless and 400 Blows
Japan: Try Late Spring (Ozu), Ikiru (Kurosawa), Harakiri (Kobayashi), and Sansho the Bailiff (Mizoguchi). Then go from there. Tokyo Story, Rashomon, Ugetsu, etc
I'm American.
I really hope I don't find Ozu boring, it seems that his movies are very slow and atmospheric.
I'm Generation Z, I don't have the best attention span.
I asked because there was a Tarkovsky season on our film channel here recently. I recorded them all but missed Stalker, dammit.
Should I continue with Tarkovsky or go with the other user's advice, moving on to Japanese and French cinema?
Do whatever the fuck you want
Not a very helpful answer.
*farts in your mouth*
is the tartovsky meme perpetuated by the russian hackers from Sup Forums
Of course not, the only movies Russians watch that were made in their country is the porn