why does he wear that ring?
Think you need to watch yourself mate
What is this expression trying to convey?
He was the most aesthetic Batman in history. Now he's a national embarrassment. God damn it.
pls no bully benny
What's wrong with his face? Does he have vitiligo?
He's an alcoholic
this is what your brain looks like after Zack Snyder
That face coupled with "national embarrassment" makes me crack the fuck up. You're a treasure ese
>marvelets still mad people don't enjoy their colorful kid's movies
Maybe in another 20 convoluted tie-in movies you guys might have a plot or theme rivaling DC
yeah, nobody enjoys those colorful kid's movies
delete this
Why is Ben so memeworthy?
His name Robert Paulson
Al justashadin mal fukeidin upaja
He looks bloated because he's bulking for The Batman
Give it a few months and he will look great again
The accountant was a pretty solid thriller. Not sure why everyone hated it.
The JJonah stops the film to explain everything was a bit clumsy and his brother at the end was silly
But it's not enough to ruin the entire flick
You mean the suit, right? Cause bale was in way better shape than affleck. Especially in Begins.
The only problem with Bale's Batman that I remember was just every time he opened his mouth
>tfw when you juice for a role and then don't cycle off the testosterone correctly
No wonder he'a depressed. His testosterone has plumetted. Im sure he jumped on gear to get strong for Capeman and then crashed. Coupled with his alcoholism this is a tough spot to dig out of without help. We've gotta meme him to safety. We couldn't save Brendan in time. But we can save Ben. Godspeed, lads.
Now that his wife is gone he should team up with kevin smith again to make some stoner kino.
top kek
The twist with the brother was brother was really lame. Everything else was fine.
>I'm fucking Ben Affleck
Dawn of JUST
I legitimately liked him as Bruce. Now he's JUSTED everything up. He used to be such an alpha.