Serbia is the greatest country in Europe, Belgrade is the most developed city in all of Eastern Europe. Prove me wrong: You can't. (Pro Tip)
Serbia is the greatest country in Europe, Belgrade is the most developed city in all of Eastern Europe...
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Fuck you losers, you can't accept that your land was taken over by the shqiptars so you whine and complain about it. Native American tier.
Ayy lmao
Belgrade is a funny way to say "Nándorfehérvár"
Just leave Serbia alone. It's summer and they are hibernating.
Funny how 90% of Serbians are looking for a way to leave the country. Apparently they disagree.
Well i like patriotism and stuff, but i also live in Belgrade and im alergic to bullshit, if Belgrade is most developed city of all Easter Europe i feel sorry for it... This town is a shit hole, job oportuniest are salesman in mall/boutique shops/bakery small stores, or a waiter
Impyling Croats are not, i know 2 people from Zagreb who left to Germany because they can work same job there for better sallary... We all have that problem, lets not talk shit about that please... Balkan is a shit hole, it was 100 years ago it will be in 100 years i can bet...
>That Byzantine symbols
Just why? Byzantine Empire was not Serbian
just remove the eagle from the flag and we are fine , put a parrot or something
neither are Tunisian niggers Franks yet still you wave this flag on the internet
>thinks muslims can be heirs of the byzantine empire
noice memer toniblair kaladont
Go back pls.
This. Shqiptars are our ally after all. Serbia is just one big triggered shit.
I don't think that a great country would go through this.
lol serbs BTFO
Disgusting, siding with roaches instead of Slavs. Your country is more anti white than China.
Same jewfag agitator.
Our entire culture in middle ages since rolay mariage with Byzantium was infulenced by them, even Orthodox church etc.
serby can't take the bantz
Apart from their fucked up myths, land stealing and doing genocide on the weekends, Serbian people are quite cool
pisam po zapadnim smradovima dok uzivam na Zlatiboru dok njima muslimani i camuge zauzimaju zemlju i siluju zene hahahah topkek baje moje
most developed country in eastern europe is moscow...
split coast best coast
>greatest country in europe
>was a roach colony for centuries
I'm not so sure about that.
You know in todays time when muslim cause havoc around the world, people dont think Genocide on them is such a bad idea, im just saying, they dont really like your types.
Jedva cekam sledeci teroristicki napad, kokice i pivo i gledam morone, pa nek ih podrzavaju opet, ko im jebe mater!
> they dont really like your types.
> got bombed by NATO
this . serbs + greeks catapulted europe into the dark ages . they tried again during the "communism" period . why would any one with clear mind side with you.. kek
If we decided to remove you after 9/11 nobody would care, prove me im wrong :^)
Kosovo jest Serbskie.
For all the rest, fuck off.
to ti kazem covece
ovaj mrtvi sajt i Sup Forums nikad nisu bili zanimljiviji od kako je krenulo sranje sa migrantima i teroristima
samo ih gledam kako kukaju i seru gace od muslimana i crnaca hahahha
doslovno svaki drugi tred je kako kukaju na mudzose i crnce haah kakve picketine mrtve
Konacno su im dosli tamo a da mi ne moramo da im branimo granice protiv najezde hahah
When did Islam came to Europe?
when the false Byzantine empire fell to the ottomans
Ignore the 3rd world agitator. His countrymen breed like rats and have gangs all over europe. Albanians just might be a bigger scum than gypsies.
Yeah, we saw how hardcore you've been when Kosovo got independent.
Isn't it hard to pretend all the time like you're relevant to anything?
Znam, mudzosi ih samo rokaju po Evropi, jaca im desnica u svakoj drzavi, svi se okrecu nacionalizmu, ima da im prodje ta Evropska Unija na kraju kao Jugoslavija, Britanci vec zapalili da ne moraju da primaju mudzose! :)
That's not a smart mentallity. You laugh now but when tanned Germans come to Serbia as tourists for ficki ficki and to blow up you won't be laughing.
Do you realize that when shit hits the fan we are going to obliterate your primitive inbred tribe?
When USA cant protect you anymore.
It will be glorious slaughter. You are but mere beasts.
Belgrade by 2020
A world superpower would get involved. Without burgers defending shitskins Serbs would remove Albanians as would my country
hahaha you will do shit nothing . if you try that i will put enver hoxha's chemical bombs inside your anus .
we just lay low for a while, and watching how far-right movements and anti-islam is gaining strenght in Europe, when global removal starts, we will join the hypetrain. Just keep killing those infidels bros!
>be serb
>come to Balkans Byzantine
>stab them in the back
>be best friend with roaches
>ww1 stab roaches in the back
>blame the world
We are allahs army alllaaahs slaves how hardcore of you Bosnia. Spreading your anus for Turks is Extremely hardcore
I'm Albanian and not Bosnian but it was some nice dick how can whites even compete
I would join but there is cleaning to do in my country first.
> as would my country
Nice try Slovakia
> when global removal starts, we will join the hypetrain
Yeah. Serbia stronk
Fucking retarded cockroaches.
Maybe, if the yankess don't burn it to the ground again.
Cant really argue with that. Belgrade is pretty alright.
Albanians are bro tier
Yeah we saw how you share brotherly love, i have no idea how did they not bomb you for killing those poor people? :(
t. Albanian living in Macedonia which is 25% Albanian
Samo mi doslo da to napisem, inace sam ja op
>stab them in the back
>be best friend with roaches
wew mohammed
Serbs are cool as fuck. Sorry about the cucked NATO bombings though.
Their music is quite nice
Pic unrelated
Half Serb/Croatian migrated in Germany reporting in.
I live in Germany for about 17 years after I had to leave my home due to the upcoming crisis my parents were fearing. I migrated perfectly here, but I do miss my home. Going from time to time to both, serbia in croatia. The people there are less whiny bitches than here in germany. Also during my migration I observed, that muslims are very hard to migrate at all.
I foretell you, that both countrys will be better off, when muslims go nuts over here and the right wing gains finally some power. (Croatia ofc better off)
When the muslimcopolypse begins, I'll leave germany and go back where people with some balls (regardless how dumb they are for beating on eachother for centuries) don't forbid me to slay extremist muslim scum as I please.
Da nismo bilo glupi ko kurac i klali jedni druge, da nismo dopustili da korumpirana politicka djubrad nas jebe u zdrav mozak (ili, recimo mozak, vecini od nas ionako nije zdrav) mogli smo dogurati daleko. Na zalost, nacionalisticke serbofobe/hrvatofobe misli su toliko duboke u nasem identitetu, da se u sljedecih 100 godina (ako i toliko prezivimo) nista nece promjeniti.
Bosani cu okaj i dobri ljudi (ko svi mi), dok nisu radikalizirana govna.
P.s. hrvatske picke su najbolje, srpkinje najoblje puse, a drage bosanke vole da primaju u guzu.
The truth sucks mehmet?
This is an average Serb. Watch out Dr. Dre.
>Belgrade is the most developed city in all of Eastern Europe.
Belgrade GDP PPP per capita: $21,461
Prague GDP PPP per capita: €42,800 ~ $47,000
It's even $10,000 lower than GDP PPP of entire Slovenia.
Otherwise it's a great country.
Tbh you just sound like the diaspora turks.
>A total of 67 casualties
Did you fight with sticks and stones?
I think we have more chav-like people than retarded ones, but you know best i supose.
>there is an alternate universe where Austria Hungary conquered Serbia and the German city of Petrovaradin is larger than Belgrade
fuck why even live ?
Ko jos ceka rat sa smrdijom da ubija četnike uz ovo na mp-trici?
>this man triggers serbs
Ma naravno zašto bi se mrzili Srbi su samo stoljećima stali na strani Turaka protiv nas dok smo mi doslovno jebeno spasili Europu. Naravno sve je bilo za kurac jer ponovno muslimani zauzimaju Europu. Ajde brate ne seri. Ili će Hrvati pobit sve Srbe ili Srbi sve Hrvate trećeg nema.
Actualy no, I dont know if you care, but during the war Yugoslav regular army was multi-ethnic, when shit got real they made bonds with other ethnicity because nationalism was forbiden so they didnt wanted to fight among eachother and moral was low, thats why there were so many paramilitary formations, because army was fucked up and useless, they didnt want to fight.
serbia is a shit country but doesnt deserve to be
NATO intervening in bosnia and kosovo was a fucking mistake
This man triggers Serbs, gypsies and Jews all at once.
So what? They stood there until they got captured?
To je tacno, ceo zivot smo bili na suprotnim stranama, vi ste bili u Austro-Ugarskoj, dok smo mi bili turski feudalci, tu smo se prvi put medjusobno poklali, onda ste vi bili sa Pavelicem sa Nacistima, a mi bili bili komunjare i tu smo se klali, pa su nas nasilno ugurali u Jugoslaviju, to kad se zavrsilo i kad smo potrosili pare opet smo se klali, realno vec 500 godina se karamo medjusobno kad saberes.
Can you maybe recommend some books about your wars/history?
(Would be awesome if they are in german or english)
>serbia is a shit country but doesnt deserve to be
no it's not, it's the best country in europe.
Trece je, da ce nas muslimani pokopati, pa ti biraj, izmedju samo te dvije opcije koje "vidis".
Ma si lud muslimana ovde nema ni 2 miliona, ako i toliko...
Kakav je osjećaj pobjeći iz države tokom rata a onda šitpostati o istom iz dijaspore?
>Belgrade is the most developed city in all of Eastern Europe
if that's the case, then post pics of Belgrade subway
What period? Civil war or since the migration of the Slavs?
I am Serbian you idiot
Neće nama muslimani ništa.
Ne mislim muslimane u srbiji ili hrvatskoj. Vise u susjednim zemljama. Osim toga postoji potencijalni protok muslimana koji dolaze i dalje u evropu.
No they surrenered, thats why there were so manny weapons, army didnt wanted to fight they deserted massively, until local mob-bosses started forming their own paramilitary, they saw oportunity for personal gain since people fled and left empty houses. Basicaly every Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian rich guy now got his wealth in the war.
Hm both would be nice.
My friends family had to leave during war time
(I think it was the Yugoslav wars, but I am not sure, we never really talked about that in history class =( )
> The Clintons have made a mess in the Balkans and Kosovo. Look what we did to Serbia in an aerial bombardment from a safe height. Those same Serbs rescued American pilots in World War II.
>It is a mistake that we bombed a nation that has been our ally in two world wars. Clintons believe that was a success, and I find it shameful.
>I extend an apology to all the Serbs for the error of American policy, primarily Clinton’s. We need allies in fight against Islamic terrorism who have combat experience fighting this evil - and that in Europe are the Russians and the Serbs.
>If I become the head of America the foreign policy will change the course that has until now often been wrong.
-Donald J. Trump
JNA barely even wanted to fight Slovenians or Croats. Most of Serbia's soldiers were četniks basically nationalist paramilitary volounteers.
Hahahhaha e moj brate daleko je Makedonija, pusti te reklamne spotove, sve je to prekreceno da lepo izgleda "drzi vodu dok majstori odu" dodji ti u Beograd licno cu da te vodim da vidis sta znaci "spolja gladac unutra jadac"
Slušaj brate ja ne mrzim Srbe, problem je što oni mrze mene. Ja bih isto više volio da budemo u dobrim odnosima ali nakon 500 godina sukoba i ubijanja ne vjerujem da je to uopće moguće.